Home Favorite Chase System


Master of the San Diego home-under chase
In 2005 it went 44-1 using a 3 game chase and 45-0 in a 4 game chase.
In 2006 it went 40-0 using a 4 game chase.


44-1 32.59 units.

Day #1. 28 wins…….....…66.66%
Day #2… 9 wins (1+2). …88.09%
Day #3 .. 6 wins & 1 loss (1+2+3) 97.72%
Loss- Texas/TB -11.41 units.. (2.28%) Hit on day #4


Hit on:
Day 1... 28 (70.0%)
Day 2..... 6 (85.0%)
Day 3..... 4 (95.0 %)
Day 4..... 2 (100%)

Home Favorite Chase System
Play on a +.471 team that has lost their last 3 or more home games as a favorite of -110 or more, and is again favored at home by -110 or more. I chase for up to 4 games.
I don't have the Cajones to play chase systems anymore, but if it works for you, so be it...
You'll hit around 70% on day #1 only. Not bad. Problem is, you don't get too many games to play during the season.
this system is crazy good. during the season will you post when there is a play that fits the system?
Strictly home games.
Haven't thought about it. The instructions are here for you to follow.
I like your avatar

Anyways, I use to play the whole

-1.5 @ + money and the doggie @ +money

It seemed to always work when I played it

I would mainly play it in matchups when I felt either the dog would cover, or lose by 2+ though...

For instance, matchups such as..

Tampa Bay @ New York
You'll hit around 70% on day #1 only. Not bad. Problem is, you don't get too many games to play during the season.

I got turned off by the chase thing and I guess I didn't pay as much attention as I should have. If this thing was hitting 70% on day 1, I'll keep it in mind. Granted, 70% with only 28 winners isn't statistically significant...but its good enough for me to be interested.:cheers:
Can someone explain "chase", seriously...I'm not retarded, but clear it up for me please...
Nevermind..found it.

My bad. thanks though...I'll be watching..looks like this is not your first rodeo.

I feel you should note that you stopped tracking it last year when you hit 40 units. I'm not sure what record the guy who picked it up after you hit but there were more than 40 series last year.

My last game was 8/29 (Houston).

There was a loss after I closed up for the season. (Boston).

No system is perfect. I do what I have to do to win. At this time of the year I can't trust teams out of contention and calling up kids from the minors.
I know there would be more series without using the .471 filter. My 2006 numbers started after the All Star break and I didn’t use the filter. That would equate to around 90 series for the season.

The guy who picked up after me was using my 5 run system. It's also posted in this section.
Just to be sure, I wasn't meaning to put down the system at all, I love it, just making sure anyone who decided to track it for themselves or bet on it without following your posts knew the entire scope.