Home Dogs of Less Than a TD System Theory

RJ Esq

Prick Since 1974
Taking a look at the 2005 season and who covered and seeing the beginnings of a possible system for the upcoming season. Would like some help or stats from someone who has access to data from a number of seasons.

From the first six weeks of 2005, home dogs getting a TD or Less went 26-19 (57.77%).

Looking at the major conferences, they went (for the season):

SEC 3-2-1
Big Ten 7-3
Big XII 6-3
ACC 10-7
Pac-10 3-6-1
Big East 5-1
Total 34-22-2 (58.6%) +$980 (@ $100 and -110 lines)

Obviously this theory is based upon a competitive game (parity between teams) where the home team can feed off the crowd and keep it close. Not surprisingly, the Pac-10 with its' wide open offenses was the only BCS conference who did not beat .500.

Take out the Pac-10 last year and this system went 31-16-1 (64.6%) +$1340.

For non-BCS conferences (and Notre Dame), whose lines are not as sharp due to inconsistent play and not enough knowledge of the teams:

Mt. West 4-1
CUSA 9-5-1
WAC 3-7
Indys 2-2-1
MAC 2-5-1
Sun Belt 5-3
Total 25-23-3 (49%) -$30 (@ $100 and -110 lines)

Note that even with the non-BCS conferences, the theory still did OK last year EXCEPT in the Pac-10 lite conferences (WAC and MAC) with more of an air it out and play bad defense style.

Without the MAC and WAC, the theory went: 20-11-1 (62.5%) +$790.

I know I'm being selective by taking the Pac-10, MAC, and WAC out of the equation to come up with the improved numbers but maybe there is something to the theory especially outside these conference (with potent offenses and poor defenses). Will run the numbers for the 4 years prior to test.

2004 Season Stats

BCS Conferences:

SEC 1-3
Big Ten 5-4
Big XII 8-2
ACC 3-6
Pac-10 1-4
Big East 5-6
Total 23-25 (47.9%) -$450

Without the Pac-10, 22-21 (51.2%) -$110.

Non-BCS Conferences:

MWC 6-2
CUSA 7-1
WAC 7-2
Indys 0-2
MAC 5-0
Sun Belt 1-3
Total 26-10 (72.2%) +$1490

Without the WAC and MAC, 14-8 (63.6%) +$520.

Total for 2004 for all games, 49-35 +$1,040.
Total excluding Pac-10, MAC, & WAC, 36-29 +$410.
rjurewitz said:
Taking a look at the 2005 season and who covered and seeing the beginnings of a possible system for the upcoming season. Would like some help or stats from someone who has access to data from a number of seasons.

From the first six weeks of 2005, home dogs getting a TD or Less went 26-19 (57.77%).

Looking at the major conferences, they went (for the season):

SEC 3-2-1
Big Ten 7-3
Big XII 6-3
ACC 10-7
Pac-10 3-6-1
Big East 5-1
Total 34-22-2 (58.6%) +$980 (@ $100 and -110 lines)

Obviously this theory is based upon a competitive game (parity between teams) where the home team can feed off the crowd and keep it close. Not surprisingly, the Pac-10 with its' wide open offenses was the only BCS conference who did not beat .500.

Take out the Pac-10 last year and this system went 31-16-1 (64.6%) +$1340.

For non-BCS conferences (and Notre Dame), whose lines are not as sharp due to inconsistent play and not enough knowledge of the teams:

Mt. West 4-1
CUSA 9-5-1
WAC 3-7
Indys 2-2-1
MAC 2-5-1
Sun Belt 5-3
Total 25-23-3 (49%) -$30 (@ $100 and -110 lines)

Note that even with the non-BCS conferences, the theory still did OK last year EXCEPT in the Pac-10 lite conferences (WAC and MAC) with more of an air it out and play bad defense style.

Without the MAC and WAC, the theory went: 20-11-1 (62.5%) +$790.

I know I'm being selective by taking the Pac-10, MAC, and WAC out of the equation to come up with the improved numbers but maybe there is something to the theory especially outside these conference (with potent offenses and poor defenses). Will run the numbers for the 4 years prior to test.


2005 Total for All Games, 59-45-5 +$950
2005 Games Excluding Pac-10, WAC, and MAC, 51-27-2 +$2,130
2003 Season Stats

BCS Conferences

SEC 4-8-1
Big Ten 7-10
Big XII 3-7
ACC 7-4
Pac-10 7-0
Big East 7-5
Total 35-34-1 (50%) -$240

Without Pac-10, 28-34-1 -$940.

Non-BCS Conferences

MWC 7-4
CUSA 7-10-1
WAC 6-6
Indys 0-2
MAC 2-3
Sun Belt 2-5-1
Total 24-30-2 (42.9%) -$900

Without the MAC and WAC, 16-21-2 -$710

2003 All Games, 59-64-3 -$1140
2003 Except Pac-10, MAC & WAC, 44-55-3 -$1650

2002 Stats

BCS Conferences

SEC 2-10
Big Ten 6-3-1
Big XII 4-4
ACC 5-6
Pac-10 5-5
Big East 3-1
Total: 25-29-1 (45.6%) -$690

Without the Pac-10, 20-24-1 -$640

Non-BCS Conferences:

MWC 2-4-1
CUSA 7-7-1
WAC 8-1
Indys 2-3
MAC 6-7
Sun-Belt 5-3
Total 30-25-2 (52.6%) +$250

Without the WAC and MAC, 16-17-2 -$270.

All Games, 55-54-3 -$440
All Games except Pac-10, MAC, & WAC, 36-41-3 -$910
Last, But Not Least, 2001 Stats

BCS Conferences

SEC 4-4
Big Ten 7-5-1
Big XII 2-5
ACC 3-3-1
Pac-10 6-9
Big East 2-3
Total 24-29-2 (43.6%) -$790

Without Pac-10, 18-20-2 -$420

Non-BCS Conferences

MWC 2-5
CUSA 4-4
WAC 7-2
Indys 4-2
MAC 6-8
Sun Belt 2-0
Total 25-21 (54.3%) +$190

Without MAC and WAC, 12-11 -$10

All Games, 49-50-2 -$600
All Except Pac-10, MAC & WAC, 30-31-2 -$430
5 Year Results (Small Sample But Informative...)

Five Year Totals

"Market Indexes"

All Games
2005 59-45-5
2004 49-35
2003 59-64-3
2002 55-54-3
2001 49-50-2
Total 271-248-13 (50.9%) -$180

BCS Home Dog
2005 34-22-2
2004 23-25
2003 35-34-1
2002 25-29-1
2001 24-29-2
Total 141-139-6 (49.6%) -$1190

Non-BCS Home Dog
2005 25-23-3
2004 26-10
2003 24-30-2
2002 30-25-2
2001 25-21
Total 130-109-7 (52.8%) +$1010

Interesting, huh??? My premise was completely wrong in this small sample. The non-BCS home dogs did decidely better than the BCS Home Dogs when measured as an "index". But even more interesting is that one of the conferences I picked as not following the system--the WAC--actually did the best over the last five years. On the other hand, I believed that the Big Ten with its' parity year after year would also do very well. It beat the break even point but was 4th overrall. Last, another conference I thought would do well due to its' parity and good defenses--the SEC--finished last!

Conferences and Their Profit over L5Ys

WAC 31-18 (63.3%) +$1120
Big East 22-16 (57.9%) +$440
MWC 21-16-1 (55.3%) +$340
Big Ten 32-25-2 (54.2%) +$450
CUSA 34-27-3 (53%) +$430
Big XII 23-21 (52.%) -$10
ACC 28-26-1 (50.9%) -$60
Sun Belt 15-14-1 (50%) -$40
Pac-10 22-24-1 (46.8%) -$440
MAC 21-23-1 (46.7%) -$430
Indys 8-11-1 (40%) -$410
SEC 14-27-2 (32.6%) -$1570

Conference Historical Records Over L5Ys and Correlation to Conference Parity

Here are each conference's records under this system over the L5Ys. My unscientific observation is that each conference generally did its' best under the system when there was the greatest parity in the conference. For the non-BCS conferences, relative strength to their OOC opponents also appears to be key. See if I'm right:

2005 3-2-1
2004 1-3
2003 4-8-1
2002 2-10
2001 4-4
Total 14-27-2

Big Ten
2005 7-3
2004 5-4
2003 7-10
2002 6-3-1
2001 7-5-1
Total 32-25-2

2005 6-3
2004 8-2
2003 3-7
2002 4-4
2001 2-5
Total 23-21

2005 3-6-1
2004 1-4
2003 7-0
2002 5-5
2001 6-9
Total 22-24-1

Big East
2005 5-1
2004 5-6
2003 7-5
2002 3-1
2001 2-3
Total 22-16

2005 10-7
2004 3-6
2003 7-4
2002 5-6
2001 3-3-1
Total 28-26-1

2005 4-1
2004 6-2
2003 7-4
2002 2-4-1
2001 2-5
Total 21-16-1

2005 9-5-1
2004 7-1
2003 7-10-1
2002 7-7-1
2001 4-4
Total 34-27-3

2005 3-7
2004 7-2
2003 6-6
2002 8-1
2001 7-2
Total 31-18

2005 2-2-1
2004 0-2
2003 0-2
2002 2-3
2001 4-2
Total 8-11-1

2005 2-5-1
2004 5-0
2003 2-3
2002 6-7
2001 6-8
Total 21-23-1

Sun Belt
2005 5-3
2004 1-3
2003 2-5-1
2002 5-3
2001 2-0
Total 15-14-1

I think the system needs some more tweaking but I think that it will work well this year in CUSA, MWC, Big Ten, and maybe the WAC.

Comments are definitely welcome!
Long night and my back is killin' me...here's something to get your mind off numbers...

Further Tweaking and Testing...

Just wanted to see what the year by year results would be if we went with CUSA, MWC, Big Ten, and WAC (top 5 excluding Big East):

2005 23-16-1 (57.5) +$540
2004 25-9 (73.5%) +$1,510
2003 27-30-1 (46.6%) -$600
2002 23-15-3 (56.1%) +$650
2001 20-16-1 (54.1%) +$240
Total 118-86-6 (56.2%) +$2340

Now for top 4 (WAC, MWC, Big Ten, and Big East):

2005 19-10 (65.5%) +$790
2004 23-14 (62.2%) +$760
2003 27-25 (51.9%) -$50
2002 19-9-2 (63.3%) +$910
2001 18-15-1 (52.9%) +$150
Total 106-73-3 (58.2%) +$2560

Top 5 (WAC, MWC, Big Ten, Big East, and CUSA):

2005 28-17-1 (60.9%) +$930
2004 30-15 (66.6%) +$1450
2003 34-35-1 (48.6%) -$450
2002 26-16-3 (57.8%) +$840
2001 22-19-1 (52.4%) +$110
Total 140-102-6 (56.5%) +$2780

I wish I had more data than just the last 5 years but any 3 of these combos looks profitable, winning 4 out of 5 years and up at least 23 units over 5 years.

Does anyone have another source of records other than Phil Steele? I know there are CD-roms with scores, covers, conferences, and team info going back 25 years. Anyone have anything like that?