HOF Inductees


In transit, arriving late.
Glad Vlad got in....and Trevor. Knew Chipper would....Thome, hmmmm. Was he a lock? Or virtue of being clean?

I ask I don't know
Trevor thankfully...Vlad was a shoe in and Thome deserves it

DP brought up Larry Walker for next year, that's a great debate
Until Vizquel gets in I can only take it half seriously, like the half of the game he excelled at
Vlad was? I thought we debated it here once.....I was all in on him, but I know we discussed it. Glad for Trev too

Thome ?
thome def should be in. I'd like to see these guys in

buck o'neil for his general contribution to the game
Schilling is a yes for me too. I'm honestly not sure about Walker, I'll have to look into him a bit more. kind of there with mcgriff in my mind as a member of the hall of very good. maybe his defense is better than i recall. He certainly had a cannon for an arm.
Thome had so many late game shots that just looked so freaking epic. He was scary for sure.He was a beast. I loved his moments.

Reminds me of. . .

In little league, i dominated west norwalk, CT, I peaked at 12 against my peers hahah we played cranberry in the kinlock tournament at calf pasture beach, cranberry had Mo Vaugn and actually 2 other spot MLBers. I was pitching against Mo and I was like goddamn, no way to throw it buy him and how much could i really trick him, hahah. He jacked it to opposite field. Perfect swing. It cleared the fence by 175ft