Hit it now..Wed NBA


I played a game at 3:30 this afternoon but didn't post it. I wanted to see if a game went the way I hoped tonight...and it did.I will keep it..and write it up later.

I understand what you are saying...I played the play befpre I left tonight...I remeber I never posted it..so I then posted it when I had a sec...between 3-5 today sometime it was 194.5...cris..and called local..he had 195..save 10 cents on a buy..

I played a game at 3:30 this afternoon but didn't post it. I wanted to see if a game went the way I hoped tonight...and it did.I will keep it..and write it up later.

I understand what you are saying...I played the play befpre I left tonight...I remeber I never posted it..so I then posted it when I had a sec...between 3-5 today sometime it was 194.5...cris..and called local..he had 195..save 10 cents on a buy..

I see...
I actually wished you would have answered my question before the game started "would you still play it at 193" but I guess you didn't see it in time.
I layed off because of the sour taste in my mouth on the Det/Wiz total last night as I had 204 and didn't want to get in the same boat again.

Glad you had a great night.

Good Luck in Feb.
I am going to win 50 Units this month I just know it!!!!!
I hope you do bro..

BTW...I should have played his total bigger..I felt it was 8 points off..I would have went as low as 193-194..maybe lower...I messed up my pricing on that...but a win is a win.

GL morrow