Here You Guys Are.....


CTG Media Pirate
Havent seen alot of you in a while, but I guess this is the new spot. Its good to see some familiar faces. Theres too many newbies at the old spot who flame and whine all the time. Stop by and say whats up since I dont know how many of you guys are actually here. By the way, Im also known as courtjester. I guess I should post a play:

Nevada +6.5 (2nd leg of a teaser)

What's up, Jester, good to see you around!
what up jester? glad to see you here bro, I aways enjoyed your stuff at covers. GL.
jester, Glad you saw my shot-out to you at covers. Was hoping you'd pop over here and join us. Definitley my favorite Cali-Ag lol.
Hey Jester...glad to see you. We will get that Violin for you as it was the trademark signature to your posts at Covers.

Welcome bro! Took me a while to find these guys too.

Let's have a great year bro!
