Heat vs Knicks Discussion Thread

It not like it 11am like the starts in ncaa hoops and fb I often like to play unders on. It 3:30 there correct? That plenty of time to sober up even if you did party half the night! I can’t believe this start time would factor into anyones thinking, even if it sloppy and low scoring w 100 missed 3s i wouldn’t say it was the start time, it just the fact there a bunch of dudes taking shots this series who wouldn’t be on a good team!
Well since 2012 start times earlyer than 4pm local in the playoffs have an o/u of 20-35 so its been a solid trend. Nowadays the total drops on every early start time as a result. This one dropped 3 points from open.

But throughout that time the avg total was 220.6 and the avg actual score was 216.2 Now we are seeing early game totals in the 209-215 range so I think its time to start looking at overs for a while.
Well since 2012 start times earlyer than 4pm local in the playoffs have an o/u of 20-35 so its been a solid trend. Nowadays the total drops on every early start time as a result. This one dropped 3 points from open.

But throughout that time the avg total was 220.6 and the avg actual score was 216.2 Now we are seeing early game totals in the 209-215 range so I think its time to start looking at overs for a while.

I don’t know this for sure but I assume unders hit more than overs in lot of playoff series, or they did in the past, prob not so much these days! Or playoffs used to generally be lower scoring, maybe the lines reflected that? I dunno cause I’ve never been much for betting nba totals. In a perfect world I’m just betting series to go certain ways a lot more than trying to cap anything! Lakers and c’s to a extent only teams that been working pretty well for me this year. I guess last night with sun’s was more like the nba playoffs I’m used to knowing what to expect! Lol. I like the predictability., if I ever played any totals in playoffs I’m sure it safe to say it was probably a under regardless of time.
i felt like after the first 2 games in MSG that the Knicks needed to make some adjustments before going to Miami. Game 3, not only did Thibs not seem to adjust, it actually seemed even worse. Thats bad sign if you ask me. Knicks are my team, so it's hard to bet against them. But def cant see a great reason to back them
i felt like after the first 2 games in MSG that the Knicks needed to make some adjustments before going to Miami. Game 3, not only did Thibs not seem to adjust, it actually seemed even worse. Thats bad sign if you ask me. Knicks are my team, so it's hard to bet against them. But def cant see a great reason to back them
Agree here
i felt like after the first 2 games in MSG that the Knicks needed to make some adjustments before going to Miami. Game 3, not only did Thibs not seem to adjust, it actually seemed even worse. Thats bad sign if you ask me. Knicks are my team, so it's hard to bet against them. But def cant see a great reason to back them

Tibs a clown. He still always have teams who might overachieve a bit in regular season but will get exposed in playoffs when everyone gives effort.
2 different games being called out there. Heat can play tough, playoff D. Knicks try to do that or a Heat player falls down, refs call it.
I don’t think the Heat even need the refs, I think they’d still beat the Knicks
Think I’m gonna just keep avoiding this series, not losing money on it been about the best outcome possible for me since I can’t stomach the idea of this heat team in the ECF (not that Knicks be any better)! Even gm2 where I played Knicks I never felt great about it, I kept telling friend of mine Miami would miss those 3s at the end and luckily they did. Knicks were lucky that happened and that was without Butler playing! I think miani prob just finishes these clowns tonight but no interest betting them.

Brunson over 25.5 tempting just cause I think he enough of a dog he won’t let his team get bounced without giving a pretty good effort. If I leaned knicks id probably think bout Barrett ov 20.5, think they have to have a good game from him and he has mostly been solid all series. The only game he hasn’t went 20+ was gm3 where he only played 25 min.
If the Knicks lose tonight, mind you at home, will the Heat FINALLY get the approval of some from this forum?

The series is now about the Heat losing it, instead of New York winning it.

I am ultra critical of my Florida teams, to not be referenced as a homer, and don't see them dropping three straight at this point. Could I be wrong? Absolutely but time will tell which team advances. Shortly I will be placing a call to put some on the Heat tonight.

Go Heat Go!
If the Knicks lose tonight, mind you at home, will the Heat FINALLY get the approval of some from this forum?

The series is now about the Heat losing it, instead of New York winning it.

I am ultra critical of my Florida teams, to not be referenced as a homer, and don't see them dropping three straight at this point. Could I be wrong? Absolutely but time will tell which team advances. Shortly I will be placing a call to put some on the Heat tonight.

Go Heat Go!

Brunson is a shell of himself but Spo is pulling all the right strings. The Heat lost a play in game to a .500 Hawks squad, they’re far from elite. If Lebron gets gifted another ring by playing the Heat the NBA should just fold. Heat are a great example of a very good team who tanked the regular season.
Brunson is a shell of himself but Spo is pulling all the right strings. The Heat lost a play in game to a .500 Hawks squad, they’re far from elite. If Lebron gets gifted another ring by playing the Heat the NBA should just fold. Heat are a great example of a very good team who tanked the regular season.
It wouldn't have mattered. He should be Coach of the Year each season, yes he's that damned good. No team wins 100% of their games and the Heat are one game away from playing for the conference championship. Do you really think and believe the Lakers, how many games are they under .500?, are going to make it to the NBA Finals. Heat are beating the Knicks at their own game. It's just a matter of when New York's season is done. Had they done as you claim, don't you think they would have been admonished for it? Heat advance, come to terms with it.
Brunson is a shell of himself but Spo is pulling all the right strings. The Heat lost a play in game to a .500 Hawks squad, they’re far from elite. If Lebron gets gifted another ring by playing the Heat the NBA should just fold. Heat are a great example of a very good team who tanked the regular season.

If heat get to the finals I’ll have way more free time cause I won’t be wasting it watching that trash. Any the teams still playing out west would take them apart. Them going to ECF just speaks to how garbage this league is, the league shoulda moved shit around after bucks flopped and made them and Knicks play bos and Philly so they could have had at least a somewhat respectable ECF. Dunno how you in the play in tourney and get the Knicks in 2nd round? I can’t imagine the ratings very good for those games outside those cities, only series I havnt watched 10 minutes of. The lack of talent in this series is hilarious.
If heat get to the finals I’ll have way more free time cause I won’t be wasting it watching that trash. Any the teams still playing out west would take them apart. Them going to ECF just speaks to how garbage this league is, the league shoulda moved shit around after bucks flopped and made them and Knicks play bos and Philly so they could have had at least a somewhat respectable ECF. Dunno how you in the play in tourney and get the Knicks in 2nd round? I can’t imagine the ratings very good for those games outside those cities, only series I havnt watched 10 minutes of. The lack of talent in this series is hilarious.

Heat in the finals would be unwatchable. I agree. I watched maybe 10 mins combined of the Lakers Heat bubble finals. I would try to beat that this year if they rematch.
If heat get to the finals I’ll have way more free time cause I won’t be wasting it watching that trash. Any the teams still playing out west would take them apart. Them going to ECF just speaks to how garbage this league is, the league shoulda moved shit around after bucks flopped and made them and Knicks play bos and Philly so they could have had at least a somewhat respectable ECF. Dunno how you in the play in tourney and get the Knicks in 2nd round? I can’t imagine the ratings very good for those games outside those cities, only series I havnt watched 10 minutes of. The lack of talent in this series is hilarious.
So what will you be doing since the Heat are destined to keep advancing?
Doing pretend chases on -250 baseball teams.
Seriously, can't remember a -250 chase but you just want to start sh.it, so go f.uck yourself. You know it all and are the greatest punter in the world! LMFAO! Up for the season and that's all that matters. Please keep hating, it helps inspire greater confidence in all of the tickets.
Seriously, can't remember a -250 chase but you just want to start sh.it, so go f.uck yourself. You know it all and are the greatest punter in the world! LMFAO! Up for the season and that's all that matters. Please keep hating, it helps inspire greater confidence in all of the tickets.

Nobody was talking to you, you wanna quote my post and wave pom Pom’s don’t get pissy if you don’t like the response tough guy. Didn’t say anything bout what you did or what you were up or not up, you asked what I be doing if some no talent team makes the finals I told you. Clearly you been assigned defender of all things Florida so surely you got lot more to worry bout than what I think of you or the hest. Gl w that, Florida is awesome!
Nobody was talking to you, you wanna quote my post and wave pom Pom’s don’t get pissy if you don’t like the response tough guy. Didn’t say anything bout what you did or what you were up or not up, you asked what I be doing if some no talent team makes the finals I told you. Clearly you been assigned defender of all things Florida so surely you got lot more to worry bout than what I think of you or the hest. Gl w that, Florida is awesome!
I've come to the conclusion you're a pile large pile of horsesh.it. Have a great night!
Meat have gotten away with a ton of illegal screens this series, like a huge fucking ton.

Bam been getting away with murder.

You know what to do Scotty.

What is it with this asshole? Cp3 finally won a game he was officiating these playoffs didn’t he?

I’m passing on this one again, I thought bout Brunson points but they lining him all way up at 27.5 now! That seems too damn high, he could get there but don’t feel like it a slam dunk. I was thinking more along the lines of 25 to cash! Didn’t even look at Barrett number when I was Illinios making bets but now I see 21.5 +105 to the over, I’d rather play that, he been consistently going over 20 but it don’t break my heart not having anything on this game. Watching the Nike movie bout signing Jordan, it good, far more interesting to me than watching these teams. Lol.
Heat 9 games from a ship and they may as well be +200000 vs a subpar field

I almost hope they get to final cause nuggets or whomever comes out of west would be free money! They be lucky to take one game off Denver! I really don’t want a final with huge spreads but whatever.
Heat won, as expected ... you're welcome, and now off until the 17th.

Haters continue to hate, let them. This series was easily the easiest to get to four. Cry babies will complain about calls or lack of, players adjust, bottom line score board is all that matters.

Two different perspectives from the game.

I didn't know how poor New York shot late in the game. I realized they weren't scoring but it didn't click at the time. Give credit to the Heat for shutting down the Bricks. I almost feel sorry for Bricks fans ... nah, their team just wasn't good enough. On a side note, that city's MLB team is dead last. LOL!

Great games and historical night for South Florida as the Panthers also advanced to the Conference Finals.

Boston or Philadelphia is up next.
Heat won, as expected ... you're welcome, and now off until the 17th.

Haters continue to hate, let them. This series was easily the easiest to get to four. Cry babies will complain about calls or lack of, players adjust, bottom line score board is all that matters.
Yep, I was on the Heat ml. They’ve been easy money. Always rooted for them. Bam was great last night. Wish they had Herro back. I’d pick them over Boston/Philly if so.