2nd straight day I have talked myself off of a winner and into a loser. Navy yesterday, Arizona today. Done with that.

Finally got home from work and got to watch the 2nd qtr.....I don't see Va Tech scoring much more

UCLA -3 2nd half
2nd straight day I have talked myself off of a winner and into a loser. Navy yesterday, Arizona today. Done with that.

Finally got home from work and got to watch the 2nd qtr.....I don't see Va Tech scoring much more

UCLA -3 2nd half

With you on all of your UCLA/VT plays!!!

Good luck to us!!!
Wow I totally crapped the bed. I thought the Rice game didn't start until 5 central, not 3 central.

I loved the under in this game. Gonna have to find some in play action on it
I hate doing it.....but it is either this or the under 24. I think Miss St should start wearing down Rice....& Rice is about to be out of their element having to pass the ball.

Miss St (-5.5) 2nd half
Texas A&M (-13) ----- MASTERED

This is the first & only time I have every backed Johnny. I hate Manziel actually...& believe he will fail at the next level.

You have to really respect & appreciate what Duke has done this year. Cutliff has done marvelous. I actually leaned Duke here for a while. But after doing more looking into, I have to go the other way. I think A&M will come out motivated & play well after looking at it more, instead of my first instinct that they wouldn't be interested at all.

I had a small bet on Duke against Florida St....& I gladly watched my money go away. Duke played their hearts out....completely. It was fun to watch. But in the end they were completely mismatched. & while A&M isn't Florida St, this game is still a huge mismatch. Duke just doesn't have the players A&M does.

1 of 2 things should happen.....1, Duke comes out & plays their hearts out & the Aggies don't have fun with it & let Duke hang around. Or 2, Duke plays their hearts out & then eventually are worn down & the Aggies run away in the 2nd half. The biggest concern is A&M's awful defense....but I think we should see a 52-31 type game here. Hopefully A&M's defense did some prep work this last month.
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2 of my worst bets of the year the last 2 nights in ASU and A&M. I was able to make up and gain 3 units off of ASU at half, but a&m I just laid back and took my beating. Both teams acted like they don't want to be there. Obviously I thought that A&M's D would play like they did in the 2nd half for the whole game. It is what it is.

Tomorrow ow is my favorite card of the bowls so hopefully it works well.

i have some on these 2 teams for now, and will add more tomorrow. Wiscy will be my biggest bet yet for the bowls and maybe for the year.

wiscy -2 HAMMERED
nebraska +9 MASTERED

I just got the misses to bed and it's late as hell, so I'll try to do write ups tomorrow
Games are officially locked in now.Wiscy will be my biggest bet yet for the bowls and maybe for the year.

Wiscy -1----- HAMMERED
Nebraska +10 ----- MASTERED
Nebraska ML (+310) ----- Small
North Texas -6 ----- reg
LSU -7.5 ----- Small
Stanford/Mich St O 41 ----- Reg
Stanford -6.5 ----- Reg

will have Baylor and possibly large
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Hats off to USC. I clearly didn't expect Conner Shaw to have that much success, and he just dominated....hell of a game from him. I was disappointed with Wiscy's defense, but their offense was good. I made the bet planning on sweating it out and it being a close game, but the bet was pretty much done once Stave got injured. Once he left the game USC literally had 10 players in the box. Still, after his injury they were only out scored by a TD and they had a few drives stall/Turnover inside USCs 30yd line, so if Stave was still playing it had a good chance.

Baylor (-16.5) ----- MASTERED

If you've read my threads this year then you know I hate laying big spreads, anything over 2 TD's really. Now this is the 3rd night in a row that I'll be laying a big number. Duke was a terrible call by me and I initially leaned Duke but then flipped. Baylor, however, is my most confident of any big chalk game this bowl season.

Only concern is that Baylor starts off slow when they have games on the big stage. They aren't used to all this attention, and in the big games this year it showed. However, I think they will get their rhythm and this game will end up a blow out ....but I do expect Baylor to start slow, as well as UCF.

Baylor is the healthiest they have been since probably the OU game, especially on offense. UCF is without their defensive coordinator who took another job.....so I think this is bad news bears for the knights
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Completely shocked by baylor's defense tonight. I've watched almost every game Baylor has played this year, and the defense they played tonight was by far their worst effort. Give credit to UCF....but baylor's D was bad on every level, and it hadn't played anywhere near that level all year. Baylor's D was a part I was confident in, so that tells where I'm at in capping games right now.

Unbelievably frustrating day today. And now I'm officially ready for a break....but less than a week left and only a few games left. So continue to grind through. I have certainly learned a lot this bowl season though, so that should help moving forward. Nonetheless.....Bryan (me) is FADE material right now
With that said, I will be on my Sooners tomorrow.

If Bama shows up to play then they beat them by 900 pts. OU is really not that good, and they just don't have good depth or enough good players right now. I do think they will be getting much better and a Natty Title contender soon....but right now they aren't good enough. And I still believe Bama is the best team in the country.

With that said, I know for 100% that OU will be completely fired up for this game and there is zero doubt they play their asses off. Bob Stoops will be pulling out all stops and I expect to see his gambling mentality that he used to have.
Hammers I don't know about your Sooners here. I'm thinking I'm gonna add Bama later. But you are right that Bama may not show up to play, and you know OU will. OU their bowl games recently are a major concern, Stoops has been getting worked in the bowls. Well anyway good luck the rest of the way, but not on this one, haha.
Oh no doubt my man.

Bama should beat OU by how many points they want tonight. I just don't know if they will. This is really a HUGE game for OU and they are treating it that way....I just don't know if it is for Bama.

With that said, I think the best bet tonight is the 1st Half U 27pts. So I will be on that one, and put a little down on OU too
Completely shocked by baylor's defense tonight. I've watched almost every game Baylor has played this year, and the defense they played tonight was by far their worst effort. Give credit to UCF....but baylor's D was bad on every level, and it hadn't played anywhere near that level all year. Baylor's D was a part I was confident in, so that tells where I'm at in capping games right now.

Unbelievably frustrating day today. And now I'm officially ready for a break....but less than a week left and only a few games left. So continue to grind through. I have certainly learned a lot this bowl season though, so that should help moving forward. Nonetheless.....Bryan (me) is FADE material right now

I'm with you on your thoughts about this game. I have watched both teams several times this season. UCF was a team who struggled to score 23 on USF and 17 against SMU (both non-bowl teams). Meanwhile, Baylor held teams like Oklahoma to 12 points and Texas to 10. In fact I thought the biggest difference between this season's Baylor team and last season's team was their improvement on the defensive side of the ball. There was absolutely nothing to indicate that UCF's offense would walk through Baylor's defense the way they did. I was confident that Baylor would get into the 40s (which they did), and that Baylor's defense would hold UCF around the 24-point mark. Congrats to UCF backers, but this game was uncappable IMO.
Ya UCF did some nice things that they hadn't done much most of the year....mainly running the ball with broyles which clearly took Baylor by surprise. But the bottom line is that Baylor did not tackle well at all....and that's something that hasn't been a problem with them all year. It's understandable that they started out tackling poorly to begin the game, but the tackling never really got any better throughout.

OU is really outmatched everywhere on the field tonight. Outmatched every position on the field.....except for the kicker, which I don't think that's going to do them any good today. And maybe in the return game just bc Jalen Saunders has single-handedly won OU probably 4 games this year. I do think OU is trending upwards, but they are no where near that right now....they just don't have the players, and that's why Stoops fired people bc they have failed on the recruiting trail.

Defensively OU is just too young and small. They have the speed, but they don't have the physicality. Only 2 seniors start, and they are in the back end of the field. They lost 2 of their top 3 players halfway through the season, and while the 2 players (a redshirt frosh and a true frosh) have gotten better, they are still no where near good enough. Dom Alexander is too small and misses assignments a lot just as you would expect from a true frosh LB. Now what I expect is for Mike Stoops to probably load the box and bring Gabe Lynn down from safety bc he's a good physical tackler. I won't be surprised for Mike to leave Colvin 1-on-1 and let him attempt to strut his stuff, and roll the other safety to help frosh CB Sanchez. I also expect to see players who have been limited roles play a lot more today....they have a few DE/LB hybrid guys that are bigger so I expect to see them.

Offensively OU is in a bad way. No QB play at all, pretty good run game, and 2 reliable WR's but the rest drop balls (and it doesn't matter anyway bc no QB to get them the ball). I expect to see OU try to do read option stuff with Trevor Knight, and then if and once it gets ugly you will see more Blake Bell. I do think OU will have some success running the football, but not near enough. Bottom line here is that you have sketchy QB play, and 2 starting o-linemen out (one being the LT) and I just don't see where OU will have success. OC Heupel has been inconsistent as a play caller, and it's obvious he's going to have to have his biggest day yet in order for OU to have a chance.

This his is a huge game for OU. I haven't seen players and personnel this fired up for a game in recent memory. They are treating this as a game to get back on the national level bc they know they have taken a step back. But the reality is that OU just doesn't have the players right now and they are too young. I do believe OU will be back there soon, bc with the new hires and Mike Stoops getting their players in here to the program, but right now is just tooooooo soon. I do think Stoops is going to pull out all stops for this game as well though.

From a gambling perspective I'd say OU's TT under is a great bet. I will be on the 1st half UNDER and maybe the full game under. I'm hoping OU will find a way to muster up 2 FG's in the 1st half and their defense hold Bama to no more than 3 TD's of course. I honestly expect a 34-6 type game, but from a fan perspective and from me knowing how fired up OU is.....I'll go ahead and throw a small piece on OU +17 as well

OU (+17) & ML ----- Small
OU/Bama U 27 1st half ----- Reg
OU/Bama U 52 ----- Reg
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I will take those losses GLADLY lol. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!

I actually came came out dead even tonight with the OU ML hitting. So zero complaints from me.

I said aid it after the Bedlam game and I'll say it now.....the best coaching job Stoops has done since he has been at OU has happened this year. Now the pressure mounts for next year with his team being so young.

Everywhere is young on OU. And this win will absolutely help with recruiting, which was Stoops main pitch playing this game against Bama.....no doubt.

I dont know if Knight is the real deal although he looked it this year. But I do know Eric Striker is the real deal.....if he adds 15lbs then he'll be a 1st rounder (only a true sophomore)
I will also say that I've seen 2 games so far where the team didn't seem like they cared to be there: Arizona St and A&M.

I dont think Bama was disinterested to be at this game. OU just played a better game than most expected.

OU is really outmatched everywhere on the field tonight. Outmatched every position on the field.....except for the kicker, which I don't think that's going to do them any good today. And maybe in the return game just bc Jalen Saunders has single-handedly won OU probably 4 games this year. I do think OU is trending upwards, but they are no where near that right now....they just don't have the players, and that's why Stoops fired people bc they have failed on the recruiting trail.

Defensively OU is just too young and small. They have the speed, but they don't have the physicality. Only 2 seniors start, and they are in the back end of the field. They lost 2 of their top 3 players halfway through the season, and while the 2 players (a redshirt frosh and a true frosh) have gotten better, they are still no where near good enough. Dom Alexander is too small and misses assignments a lot just as you would expect from a true frosh LB. Now what I expect is for Mike Stoops to probably load the box and bring Gabe Lynn down from safety bc he's a good physical tackler. I won't be surprised for Mike to leave Colvin 1-on-1 and let him attempt to strut his stuff, and roll the other safety to help frosh CB Sanchez. I also expect to see players who have been limited roles play a lot more today....they have a few DE/LB hybrid guys that are bigger so I expect to see them.

Offensively OU is in a bad way. No QB play at all, pretty good run game, and 2 reliable WR's but the rest drop balls (and it doesn't matter anyway bc no QB to get them the ball). I expect to see OU try to do read option stuff with Trevor Knight, and then if and once it gets ugly you will see more Blake Bell. I do think OU will have some success running the football, but not near enough. Bottom line here is that you have sketchy QB play, and 2 starting o-linemen out (one being the LT) and I just don't see where OU will have success. OC Heupel has been inconsistent as a play caller, and it's obvious he's going to have to have his biggest day yet in order for OU to have a chance.

This his is a huge game for OU. I haven't seen players and personnel this fired up for a game in recent memory. They are treating this as a game to get back on the national level bc they know they have taken a step back. But the reality is that OU just doesn't have the players right now and they are too young. I do believe OU will be back there soon, bc with the new hires and Mike Stoops getting their players in here to the program, but right now is just tooooooo soon. I do think Stoops is going to pull out all stops for this game as well though.

From a gambling perspective I'd say OU's TT under is a great bet. I will be on the 1st half UNDER and maybe the full game under. I'm hoping OU will find a way to muster up 2 FG's in the 1st half and their defense hold Bama to no more than 3 TD's of course. I honestly expect a 34-6 type game, but from a fan perspective and from me knowing how fired up OU is.....I'll go ahead and throw a small piece on OU +17 as well

OU (+17) & ML ----- Small
OU/Bama U 27 1st half ----- Reg
OU/Bama U 52 ----- Reg

Nice job Hammer!!!

Okie St. Pokies (-2.5) x2

Just think OSU will be very fired up tonight. I expect this to be an awesome game. Great match up between Gilbert & DGB, great match up between OSU's Oline vs Mizzou's Dline. Those are the 2 biggest match ups IMO, & I'm siding with the better coach who's team plays very well in the state of Texas (instead of siding w/ another SEC victory in the Cotton Bowl). Much like how I knew OU would be fired up last night, I know that OSU will be very fired up tonight.....its a senior heavy class that has fought & made OSU get to the heights they are at now
I guess that's why us Sooner fans call them "Chokie St".

Came out up slightly with the Clemson ML tonight.

I was rooting hard for Okla St mainly for the Big 12 conference.

Only a few games left
Ball St (-7)

I've faded every MAC team and it's worked great....but this is the only team I'll back. I love them Testicles and Wenning should go out on top.

Florida St (-9) ---- MASTERED

Ill try to get a little write up in tomorrow on this one

ML Parlay: 49ers, Ball St, Florida St (+183)

Florida St (-9) ----- MASTERED

some will bet Auburn and back Auburn and say that they are a team of destiny.....or that the SEC won't lose a Natty and the streak will continue.
Ill say that I think Auburn reminds me a lot of ND last year, when I made a lot of money by betting Bama in the Natty. I watched ND play last year and thought they had ZERO business being in the national title game....they could have lost a few games easily but got fortunate, much like Auburn this year.

I think There was as good of a chance Auburn would be 6-6 as there is that they are 12-1. Some call them "destiny" plays, I call them "lucky" plays....and when it comes to the end I think that will even out on the big stage.

As a defensive minded person, I REFUSE to believe a defense can be gashed by a 1-dimensional team. I refuse to believe one of the best teams in the nation, with a month to prepare, will get gashed by a 1-dimensional run game. And if that happens tonight, then it's a sad sad day in football IMO.

Ill prob throw some prop bets up later as well.
Florida St (-9) ----- MASTERED

Gotta get in a few props. Laying some juice on some bc I can't buy them up to get less juice....or I would.

Nick Marshall Pass Completions OVER 12.5 (-130)
Like i said earlier, I just can't see or want to believe (b/c I am such a defensive smart/minded person) that a team that runs this offense & is so 1-dimensional can win or have all that much success in the Natty Champ after a team has had a month to prepare for it. Auburn kind of reminds me of Oklahoma against Bama....OU was outmatched & ended up doing different things to control the game (anyone expect Trevor Knight to do what he did?). I gotta think that Auburn is going to have to do a few more passes to have success to win. & if not (& more or less my main reason to bet this) then I expect them to be down most of the game & then Marshall has to throw more.

J Winston rushing yards OVER 20.5 (-150)
Wouldn't be surprised to see a few run plays for Winston just to kinda mix it up & give Auburn something they don't expect. Regardless, Winston can run & is a hell of an athlete, & he could cash this prop off of 1 run.

Nick O'Leary receptions OVER 3.5 (-105) x2
I honestly see/expect this prop to cash by halftime. Probably my favorite prop out there

BOL today everyone. It has been one hell of a year & can't wait til August.