Great spot for Seattle

Sort of confused myself as to what you ae looking for. I know I bet LAL cause simply at the time they meet they were the better team playing better and the added benefit of my belief the line was way off, I thought it should have been a PK. Thats why I took them.

Why they won? Well actually going into I loved how LAL was using there depth and getting contributions from everyone where PHO was really struggling with its 6 man rotation( plus Bell banged up) that had Diaw and Skinner floating around as the 7th man with inconsistent production.

The funny part is LAL didnt use there bench that game and went mainly with the starters all day. Why LAL won that day was to me simple. To many weapons and options for LAL. First Bynum started off killing Pho then they quieted him for awhile and Fisher started knocking jumpers , later in the game Ariza started taking into the hoop strong when LAL went a bit cold. Naturally mix in the Kobe factor since he is always a threat but when you have 3 other guys causing problems and we are not even speaking about Odom there is just NO way to reclaim momentum and go on a run.

So they didnt have a big to stop Bynum who kept Amare quiet for the most part and 11 of 13 for him was pretty nice.

The whole lAker run is mainly due to Brown going down and Bynum emerging into the force he was predicted to be.
And the point of the question would be? In 42 minutes will post the answer to the question and implications as I see it.