Frank Costanza
You are what your record says you are
I was in a local Mexican Food joint in Austin in 1978 that has been there 50 years. The 1977 season was over mind you.
In any case, Earl is in there eating dinner with two guys about age 50. He was at the next table from us. I had a date. I knew Earl because we were Texas Cowboys together and had said hello (my date was impressed).
They were wrapping up dinner and one of the guys looks at his watch and says:
"Damn Earl time has gotten away from me, we have to run I'm due at (fill in blank) at 8:00. I don't have time to wait on the bill, here you take care of it."
He threw down what looked like about $400.00 on the table and the two guys left and let Earl pay the bill, which had to be all of $30.00.
Great story.