Great ESPN Piece On SWC Football

I was in a local Mexican Food joint in Austin in 1978 that has been there 50 years. The 1977 season was over mind you.

In any case, Earl is in there eating dinner with two guys about age 50. He was at the next table from us. I had a date. I knew Earl because we were Texas Cowboys together and had said hello (my date was impressed).

They were wrapping up dinner and one of the guys looks at his watch and says:

"Damn Earl time has gotten away from me, we have to run I'm due at (fill in blank) at 8:00. I don't have time to wait on the bill, here you take care of it."

He threw down what looked like about $400.00 on the table and the two guys left and let Earl pay the bill, which had to be all of $30.00.

Great story.

I was a DKE at LSU. I’ve drank plenty in the stands. But that was expected from us lol.
I don’t know much about the protectors of the cannon....those are Silver Spurs or am I thinking of something else?

Wait wait wait. Kērothen Philoi Aei bro. I have a feeling we know some of the same guys.
When I moved to Dallas, I worked under one of those guys. He told us about the brand, but I don't remember seeing it when we went swimming at his house. I do remember he was serving Coors since it was like three days after Coors had been declared kosher, and he was immersing his beer in the 85-degree pool water on the theory that it would stay colder longer than if he held it out in the 98-degree air. I wasn't going to tell him he was wrong.
They did away with the brand sometime in the '60s, so your guy may not have had it. They then went with the paddle and the cattle prods. Those days are gone now too.

But by 1976, frat antics were back.....Members of the Texas Cowboys, an honor organization composed mostly of fraternity men, were caught using cattle prods on initiates.
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It was not allowed Twink, but we all did it anyway & nobody cared. The cannon looked kinda like this in the 70s. There was a door on the other side where we kept the shells and our flasks. Always had a scotch working

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Looks like a bunch of Sammies, like the Cowboy I mentioned earlier.