Golf Discussion

And still laughing my fucking ass off at Sabbatini wearing Slovakian gear
No sponsors, limited prize money, priceless medal

That was probably a $20 million dollar victory for him in endorsements and I hope he wins a major soon so we don't deal with the bullshit, win and be a champ X!
7 dudes playing for a basically meaningless bronze medal is exactly why I didn't go to sleep
It's possible you need to reassess rock bottom when it's damn near 1am and you're watching a playoff for bronze
Exciting final round and got to see all I wanted before knocking out. Congrats to Xander, sabatini was playing lights out and congrats to CT Pan, someone you ever hardly see contending on Sundays

4-1-4 in plays and 2 lost futures. Deki and dam White Sox would’ve made it a wonderful Saturday. Onto the next