Game 6 of the Second Round - NBA discussion thread

He has been brutal all series except for Game 5

PPL sucking him off for the game winning three in game 4...he was 1 of 18 from three point land prior to hitting that shot

Here was LeBron's stats before Game 5


GAME FOUR: 10 OF 30 SHOOTING / 33 % ( and somehow will get sucked off for hitting the game winning shot that was gift wrapped by the refs )



40 OF 106 / 37 %

2 OF 19 FROM THREE / 10 %

Really doesn't mean much but the game 4 winning shot was a two I believe it was tied at 84 before that shot.
This was a coming back from the grave series so far, so not writing anyone off, but Bulls appear to be done.
It was the feeling since early in Game 5 for me.
Cleveland are not that far behind.
Both teams are very tired and playing on their last drops of fuel, but leading by DD in elimination game sure gives a bit more jump to their feet or at least it appears to be so.

It's sad the Bulls can't beat a team without love and Irving and LB shooting this poorly. Cleveland will be in the Final by Hook or Crook. They're not winning it but don't even pencil them in put it in pen.
LBJ's shitty series is making his teammates better, no doubt about it. They'll be a more fortified unit because of it.

They will be tough to beat going forward, imo.
After third quarter, reporter talked to Tibs about offense, he talked to her about defense and then Cleveland won the first three minutes of the final quarter 9 - 2...
The look on Pau and Rose faces - it's over. Noah doesn't even jump anymore, Bulls player stopped comlaining - this is over...
It's so dumb for LeBron to return to the game, just to get that 10th rebound... 5 minutes to go, 24 points difference - why risk it?
Thibs has been stale the past 3 years. Bulls deserve a change, let him go run another team into the ground with extended, unnecessary minutes.
Wow, Chicago are 0 - 11 before tonight's game, in Game 6, trailing 2 - 3. Never knew this stat before now.
It will be 0 - 12 after tonight.
Thibs has been stale the past 3 years. Bulls deserve a change, let him go run another team into the ground with extended, unnecessary minutes.
No doubt. It's time for him to go. He is a great coach on defense, but too old fashioned on offense, runs his players in to the ground and it's amazing he stayed so long in Chicago and didn't get fired earlier. The kind of coach who is great for young, rebuilding teams, but one that is hard to play for, year after year...
I don't know... am I the only one that watches after the game and both teams act as if they loss???
Cleveland appears upset or something. No smiles, nothing...
I don't know... am I the only one that watches after the game and both teams act as if they loss???
Cleveland appears upset or something. No smiles, nothing...

Banged-up and bruised and still have unfinished business. No reason to smile.
But you know... still... just finished a tough series. Don't celebrate like you won something, but still... crack a smile...
They all are so serious suddenly... They appeared happy only when Perk made that three pointer after 24 seconds clock expired...
Nawlins would be the place I'd go if I were Thibs.

Bonafide young star in AD and overall a pretty solid roster.

Could have this team in the WCF's within 2 years, 'ship within 4 or 5.
Why Rivers doesn't do hack a Dwight???
Rockets are on fire and instead of cooling them down, he doesn't do anything...
I will be on the Clips if it goes to Game 7, but I want Clips to finish them off tonight...

Clippers have absolute lost confidence...
Josh Smith will give you 2 of these games a season. Tonight's the night.

Blowing closeout games has consequences.
when u absolutely positively need a game 7....who do you call

Believe the Clips are the 1st team in NBA history to blow a double-digit lead after 3 quarters in a closeout game at home. Will have to check.
Outscored 40-15 in the 4th, that's insane. The real Clippers are back, team is cursed to never make the WCF's.
The 18.2 percent the Clippers shot in the fourth quarter is their lowest shooting quarter in the playoffs over the last 20 years.
You guys think rockets win series now?

At this point, I don't. It was really one in a million situation. Harden is out and Smith, Brewer and Ariza won the game on one end, while CP3, Blake and Rivers had a complete melt down.
Clippers have the better match ups, especially with Beverly injured and having Prigioni and Terry on CP3.
As long as the line is not more than a backet, I will probably be on the Clips.
Game 7 matches the horrible Rocket defense against the mentally brittle Clipper frauds. Whoever plays the Warriors will only be there to make up the numbers anyway.

As for tomorrow, Wash ml is my bet. Atlanta isn't winning 3 straight in this series, is what that bet is predicated upon.
Whose reffing tonight's games?

Where's the quickest link for this info so I can stop asking all the time?
The Hawks were so impressive in closing out Brooklyn on the road after playing below average games 1-5.

Hawks are capable of rolling if they hit the 3. Big IF
Head ref McCutchen win rate for home teams this postseason is 75%, Joey Crawford's is 87%.
NBA could use some back to back 7's on Sunday. Crawford is telling as I could see Bogut and Green getting in foul trouble early.
I didn't watch enough of Wall in GM 5 how'd he look overall?

Terrific. He really makes all the difference in the world for that team, in both scoring and distributing
He also played without any fear of contact, and according to Wiz he came out of it with no swelling on the hand.
You guys think rockets win series now?

I think the rockets have less of a chance now than if the would've won game 6 wire to wire. The 2 days off helps the clippers more IMO and they'll come out focus and angry. And I think the clippers had much more to do with losing that game yesterday than the rockets did winning it.

The clippers just started celebrating too early. It happens all the time. They lost focus and once you get off your edge it's a slippery slope. Doc should have kept Blake in until the game was sealed away but hindsight is 20/20. Huge game for Dwight on Sunday - that is for damn sure. I'm not sure of his "legacy" can take another lackluster performance in such a big spot.
Griz have such a hard time scoring. It was painful to watch last game.