Game 3 Situation

Lakers are winning game 3, and not just winning it is war now-- They will try and win this game in convincing fashion, so the CElts know that this series is going to be 3-2 leaving LA--

I actually do think now that Stern is a mischievous bastard, the home teams cannot get more calls to make it obvious-- Lakers were playing the same D vs Deron WIlliams, Boozer, Manu, Duncan and were not getting called fouls against--

It seems that STERN is trying to make this series go 7, and be an epic battle, and he ensured a longer series by giving the Celts game 2, by telling the refs to call ticky tack fouls vs LAKERS.

I think Lakers get 2 gift wrapped wins in LAKERS and possibly a slight advantage in the 3rd game, making the series 3-2 for one of the teams.

Sammy you seriously never fail to amaze me, just to confirm, you're picking Lakers to win game 3 right??
Sammy you seriously never fail to amaze me, just to confirm, you're picking Lakers to win game 3 right??

Kramer why does it matter who I pick for game 3? If I tell you are you gonna tail me?? Do you want my baseball picks also?

Lakers will win game 3, but that is no big surprise as they are 9 point favorites
Kramer why does it matter who I pick for game 3? If I tell you are you gonna tail me?? Do you want my baseball picks also?

Lakers will win game 3, but that is no big surprise as they are 9 point favorites

We want you to pick the Lakers so that the Celtics win.

It's amazing how off you are on the Celtics. We are convinced that if you pick the Celtics they will lose.

Rajon Rondo's 16 assists say hello.
Lol I'm not that much of fade material am I?

Whatever works for you guys, but so far the C's have just held homecourt right, the series starts once a road team wins a game.

The C's winning the first 2 games has to do with them doing it on the floor and Stern controlling the refs--

Rondo has done well in Boston, the whole team has done well to win both games instead of the split-- However Lakers can take advantage by winning all 3 at home which is possible especially when we know the refs will be Pro LA, from wearing Lakers undershirts to lakers underwear- hell they may as well just all wear Phil's thick black framed glasses and grow a goatee also.
Lol I'm not that much of fade material am I?

Whatever works for you guys, but so far the C's have just held homecourt right, the series starts once a road team wins a game.

The C's winning the first 2 games has to do with them doing it on the floor and Stern controlling the refs--

Rondo has done well in Boston, the whole team has done well to win both games instead of the split-- However Lakers can take advantage by winning all 3 at home which is possible especially when we know the refs will be Pro LA, from wearing Lakers undershirts to lakers underwear- hell they may as well just all wear Phil's thick black framed glasses and grow a goatee also.

Since you finally gave the Celtics SOME credit, I will give a decent response.

I think the refereeing thing is overblown. Stop thinking like a gambler and start thinking like a businessman. If you were David Stern, would you really want the refereeing to be shady in the NBA finals, when all of America (ok, 4% of America) is watching? Would it make sense to do it to get the finals matchup you want? Well, maybe. But why now? He's already got the finals matchup he wants - no real reason to expose his league as a fraud by tipping the refs off. It just doesn't make any logical business sense.

Now what does make sense, potentially, is the idea that the refs might get caught up in the moment and give a few close calls to the home team because of the crowd support, and letting their emotions get the best of them. But I'm not sure that happens enough in LA to really swing it. LA probably can win the first, but I've got a hard time seeing them win both of the 4th and 5th games...
Lakers also will steal one game at home and get some real good home reffing for sure based on the X factor: It is the JACK NICHOLSON factor--

He works the refs before the game, yells at them, and the refs are in bed with the hollywood stars and hate to see them go home angry-- This helped Lakers vs Utah in that game 5, where the refs would just look at JACK NIcholson and say I cant make a call against LA if JACK is here-- Hoping WIll Smith is at this game, Adam Sandler, the more stars the better, maybe Pam ANderson in a Laker bikini?

This applies to politics, to organizations, to anything, old boys club-- Celtics had the refs in awe with Bird, the older black legend who spoke to garnett, and all the legends--

We will bring all our legends out in LA- I am sure Magic will have a little conversation with the refs before game 3-
I do agree with you Seabass- I dont think STERN knew DONAHUE was fixing games--

It is other reasons that home team gets calls as is happening in this series and will happen a lot more in LA than I believe it happened in Boston.
The Celtics shot 19FT's in the first half versus the lakers' 2. BUT...lakers had 24 points in the paint, versus Boston's 12. Maybe the celtics should have fouled the lakers 6 times instead of letting them take those layups.

Did you really just say "the older black legend who spoke to garnett"?


I hope you were kidding, but I feel like you aren't.
Yes Black Lavender I did, I cannot remember his name, he used to play for the C's, I saw an interview with him and KG and could not remember his name--

You guys have to chill and stop personally attacking me. If the Lakers lose anyway I will be done here. Everyone that knows me knows I dont start shit and also knows that I am not a NBA guy that gives out winners or a MLB guy. I am a football guy CFl, NFl and College and MMA.

I posted a simple thread with initially no picks, just a comment about a coach being better than another coach. In the post there was some humour and statements that everyone took to the bank and got upset. Bottom line is no one cares about that, no one knows anyone on here. THe only thing that matters is winning.

I win consistently over the weeks, have been for a long time. I post threads for discussion and to get more insight to pick winners. It has been working very well for me in this forum. However I will not post anymore if I am personally attacked.

If the Lakers lose I am done anyway as I am a man of my word. I will still PM all of my homies my CFl winners and MMA and during football season.

I appreciate everything that anyone posts, and if I dont agree with it who cares because it is their opinion, and all that really matters is winning--

If the Lakers can take the next 2 and tie it up and win a critical game 5 due to coaching and get the C's back to the wall, COACHING will come into effect in a crucial game 6. At this point it may well be the reason that Laker backers are still confident in their team, the coaching edge.

Also Slug, Kramer and all the other Celtic homers, I dont need people to tell me I am wrong and RONDO is doing this or that- Nothing matters except WINNING- IF Lakers win nothing matters that I posted--
Jeezez, take it easy fellas...I mean, this was originally a post by B_C about another situational play and all of a sudden it blows up into the afghan P-Box...

Sammy! You check PM's today?
As a side note, I parlayed LA -9.5 to hova 195.5 getting 2.6-to-1 on my money. The parlay is only for 1/10 of the amount I have on LA -9.5, but it looks too good to pass up.
You liar. You didn't bet that parlay. The minimum bet is a $1 anywhere you one is letting you play that for a $0.10...
Ugly way to close the NBA season. I missed the cover by three points in the same game the MVP shot 61% from FT line. Very disappointing!

Gasol for going 3 for 8 from FT line; Kobe an unimpressive 11 for 18 from the line. Nothing I can do about it now, I just expected the MVP to make FT's at a better rate than he did. After watching LA not be able to blow the Celtics out in game three, there is not a doubt in my mind that Boston will win this series. I may gradually establish a position on Boston to win the series.

Season's over! See you guys in MLB come October.
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this shit is actually geting comical already.

let me recap the current complaining/arguments of laker backers/fans:

GAME 1- violinlakers could not knock down open shots, they should have wonviolin

GAME 2- violinLAKERS WERE CHEATED BY THE REFS, even though they were down 20+ at one point, that was all the refs doing, they should have wonviolin

GAME 3- LAKERS were at home this time, and laying 9.5 and were bound to have their refs on their side.... this game has all the fixings to be a blowout fellas! pound the lakers!
violin"they missed their free throws, they should have covered"violin


do you give ANY CREDIT to the celtics here for their defense-- keeping the fakers out of the paint/limiting their penetration, and keeping the fakers off the glass?
ever thought that MAYBE the celtics gameplan was to GIVE the fakers those open mid-range and perimeter jumpers, as a tradeoff for limiting penetration and limiting off rebounds/second chance points?

this is not only towards you. a couple people have done it. sammy too.

i dont understand why sometimes we cant just swallow our pride and say for once, we were wrong.

I have not heard anyone come out and say that... the people that are playing the fakers chase money train and have played them in games 1 2 AND 3.... all to no avail

every game its something else. GIVE THE CELTS SOME CREDIT.
admit you were wrong for once, or twice, or 3x.

oh yeah and game 3 violin was also characterized by lakers backers/fans switching the focus off the lakers bad play with the " DOC IS AN IDIOT" comments.

its a good idea to basha coach whos up 2-1 in the series when the celts were +180 dogs to win it.... and was close to going up 3-0. when they win game 4 SU i cant wait to hear what the comments will be.
without them Cap, we wouldn't be able to get such a sweet sweet series line on the C's right now. You should thank them.
this shit is actually geting comical already.

let me recap the current complaining/arguments of laker backers/fans:

GAME 1- violinlakers could not knock down open shots, they should have wonviolin

GAME 2- violinLAKERS WERE CHEATED BY THE REFS, even though they were down 20+ at one point, that was all the refs doing, they should have wonviolin

GAME 3- LAKERS were at home this time, and laying 9.5 and were bound to have their refs on their side.... this game has all the fixings to be a blowout fellas! pound the lakers!
violin"they missed their free throws, they should have covered"violin


do you give ANY CREDIT to the celtics here for their defense-- keeping the fakers out of the paint/limiting their penetration, and keeping the fakers off the glass?
ever thought that MAYBE the celtics gameplan was to GIVE the fakers those open mid-range and perimeter jumpers, as a tradeoff for limiting penetration and limiting off rebounds/second chance points?

this is not only towards you. a couple people have done it. sammy too.

i dont understand why sometimes we cant just swallow our pride and say for once, we were wrong.

I have not heard anyone come out and say that... the people that are playing the fakers chase money train and have played them in games 1 2 AND 3.... all to no avail

every game its something else. GIVE THE CELTS SOME CREDIT.
admit you were wrong for once, or twice, or 3x.


I dont' think he is intentionally gloating. I think the point he is trying to make is that everyone continues to ignore what they see and support the lakers. When they lose, instead of learning from what they see and adjust, they decide to make excuses about why they should have been right.
I dont' think he is intentionally gloating. I think the point he is trying to make is that everyone continues to ignore what they see and support the lakers. When they lose, instead of learning from what they see and adjust, they decide to make excuses about why they should have been right.

He is but I appreciate the mediation, Slug. I did not bet on Gm2, so I was not chasing loses by betting LA -9.5 in Gm3. I bet the side because of an angle I have successfully used in the past. I have never bad mouthed Boston's defense. My comment on Gm3 was LA's poor FT shooting, which defense has no effect on. These are my observations not complaints. If they were complaints, I would be posting in the Bad Beats forum.
im not gloating at all, actually chip.

i had no wager on game 3.

so thats far from gloating.

every game, lakers fans/backers seem to have another excuse. is my point
I dont' think he is intentionally gloating. I think the point he is trying to make is that everyone continues to ignore what they see and support the lakers. When they lose, instead of learning from what they see and adjust, they decide to make excuses about why they should have been right.

ii dont want this to get out of hand.....

so we can just agree to disagree i guess

im just saying, give credit where credit is due
im not gloating at all, actually chip.

i had no wager on game 3.

so thats far from gloating.

every game, lakers fans/backers seem to have another excuse. is my point

check your signature, cap. you essentially have money on every game this series, and you were speaking after the fact; i take this to be gloating. but if you say you aren't i'll take your word.

no need to continue this argument. gl with your boston series bet.
you are essentially right with my series wager.... every game counts.

but im not saying anythign after the fact either though. ive been posting how boston will beat the lakers since boston took game 6 and won the east.

taht same night, i announced in my game 6 thread i would be on the celts for the series.... an HOUR after the celts won the east.

shortly after i went around in threads when we had celts/lakers discussions and stated my point how the celts would win. simply put, with defense/keeping gasol off the offensive glass, and keeping kobe out of the paint.

its in my game 1 series wager thread as its not after the fact.
ive been saying it

i really wasnt gloating. if i was gloating itd be some juvenile rant of mine something to the effect of "fuck kobe, fuck the fakers, etc.."

i was just saying give credit where its due. thats all. game on, and GL on whatever you play for the rest of the series. i wasnt trying to attack your wagers, that was not my intent at all. nor is it ever.
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I do not fundamentally analyze the NBA, that is better left to guys like B.A.R. and rod_steel. I am good at waiting for what I call "automatic" bets or system plays. For the NBA I use an angle to bet during the regular season, and I wait for a situation to arise during the playoffs. The situation I look for in the NBA playoffs is, I think, a relatively common thought among bettors.

Where in a best of seven series two games are played at one team's court and then the next two games are on the other team's court. If the home team has won their first two games, I bet against them when they become the visiting team. That is, I want to bet that the team behind will make the series two-to-one.

Again, the principle is that the team that is up two-to-nothing has a slight psychological letdown, and the other team, which has its back against the wall, is fired up in front of their home fans. Historically, this bet has done much better than 50 percent. This is true even if you are laying the points (and they usually will be the favorite). One warning, however: Books have become wise to this situation and now usually adjust the line a couple of points, so it is not as strong as it once was.

Regular Season: 16-6-1 (73%)

Post Season: 9-3 (75%)
Round 1: 4-2
Conference Semis: 4-0
Conference Finals: 1-0
NBA Finals: 0-1

Just bumping the original post of the thread for context and for next year.

Seems like the angle worked pretty well here. 4-0 in the semis .. cant do any better than that.

Just making sure we all remember why BC played this. Wasn't makeup officiating , or matchups or coaching ... he has an angle that worked for him all year and stuck with it for the final situation it could possibly arise in for this season.

Personally , i wish i had tailed this angle all postseason.

gl with it again next year BC. I will be checking it out assuming i have not died of a heartattack by then or assuming the government hasn't shut the league down for fraud by then.