Friday's NBA Plays...

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The Truth Is Out There
32-29-1 (+4.11)

1-0 on Thursday.

Getting on it early and waiting to catch fire.

Milwaukee Bucks at Cleveland Cavaliers

The play...

Bucks -10 (2 units)

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Brogdon and Middleton OUT for the Bucks, so they're down 3 starters now.

Line moved a cunt hair.

Should be all good.
Didn’t even attempt a 3... must be a run coming with that luck. Nice hit
Who's the salty dry face-less mod ? Have my ideas, come at me friend.

My PM is always open and we'll set shit straight like grown ups.

No need to keep things to PM, as you privately requested to BAR. I’ve got nothing to hide and you can call me the salty whatever you want.

Since there was a Mod forum post about a partner getting contacted by you to discuss, I have no shame in undeleting your post so we can address this publicly.

Mod forum has had posts for multiple occasions on you not keeping accurate records. Personally, I don’t give 2 shits what your record is, and you’re a long timer here.

But so recently as this morning, I received a PM from another longtime guy about how fucked up it was (paraphrasing) your records not being accurate.

Did I fuck with your undertitle, yes. Why? Because I’m a sarcastic jackass simply wanting transparency for our members.

I have zero personally against you and all i ask is you’re honest and don’t go back to screw with a half point here or there. Nobody cares...people like and respect you and have for years, I’m just trying to keep It that way.

I give a fuck about this place and when people who I respect make complaints to both me and to other Mods/Partners about you thinking to “alter” your record...My attempt at being a sarcastic prick is an attempt to reach out and simply say this.

This is a small and tight knit place. People like and respect you and have for a while, so you’re going to get scrutiny from members who tail you and have for a while. Fuck, I tailed you for years in the early days and don’t deny you know the Association.

Take this for what it is. An honest attempt to not have to post the screenshots both members and management have sent me and them and make you look stupid.

If you want, I will post the screenshots I was sent, but I’m not trying to do that unless you ask me to. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I simply want you to keep doing your thing and to just not worry what asswipes like Tip or anyone else scrutinizing records thinks. People here like you and respect you and when I get PMs about them feeling like you’re not being honest or fair...and you make a request that gets posted in the Mod forum about wanting someone to PM you, I say no need for secrecy.

Let’s both move on...I’ll stop being a sarcastic prick and change your undertitle to whatever you want and you keep picking games.

This isn’t personal, it’s always about being fair. I call out things I don’t think are right...That’s it. Not going to get into PM sessions either, so we can either agree to disagree, or discuss it in this thread.

Classy move Scarf but hey you're a Jets fan so I get it. I kinda figured it was you, the conspiracies bit gave it away.

There was no harm in you PM'ing me and addressing this alleged issue and alert me to whatever the fuck is bothering whoever and dropping these so called screenshots.

Benefit of the doubt would have been contacting me privately, this doesn't feel like that at all.

The past instances have been addressed in length and were unsubstantiated bullshit. One or two unposted plays and not anal with juice i.e sticking to a flat -110 or whatever.

My juice varies with wherever I make the play. Live with it.

Nothing that affected the overall outcomes. 99.9% of my success in gambling here is well documented.

I'm tired AF and not really in the mood to respond but I will before it turns into drama and the vultures start swarming.

Never privately requested anything to BAR or any mod, btw. Just posted in another thread discussing Avy 'quotes'.

Hey man, I'd prefer the guys that find an issue with my record to hit me up straight away and keep it real like that.

There's some here I know like that, respect to y'all.

This crying to 'management' shit feels a little weak, something a snakey hater would do.

If they let me know I can go back and do an audit myself and if I've fucked up, then correct it.

I'm getting old, I'm human and have a busy life outside these digital walls. I'm gonna try to not make a mistake but I can't promise I won't.

Feel I've been pretty vigilant with my NBA record this season given all the shit I seem to attract from 'Blanket' types the last 2 seasons.

Fuck my NFL record, that's all Aaron Rodgers baby and I really don't give two shits about that sport anymore.

This I don't fucking get 'I have zero personally against you and all i ask is you’re honest and don’t go back to screw with a half point here or there'

I've never ever altered the number I've played and if I ever have it would be totally above board and have never, ever, ever turned a L into a W, ever.

I know I've got a hater or two in the mod circle. Someone's been for a major dig.

You're doing well if peeps wanna shit in your scrambled eggs just for the sake of it or out of spite.

I'm flying blind here because I have no fucking idea what the exact discrepancy is.

I'm stinking it up in both codes so I doubt it equates to much if it even warrants anything or even exists.

I've been over this before, there is zero gain from intentionally misleading anyone here, zero and no fucking point. You're only cheating yourself if you do such bullshit.

Think I offer this place enough, I share trends info and the like and I know I've made dudes money here and there, even the guys that choose to throw shade.

Can't complain too much about free winners but it's not enough for some dudes I guess.

PM me the details or make it a public execution, Batman. Up to y'all. I know I haven't fucked up intentionally if at all.
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I've been following Em for a long time as have quite a few in here. For anyone to call him out over such a microscopic issue makes me wonder why? First I ask myself. Who would take the time to check a fellow member's record? And then announce that you did? Why introduce yourself as someone that small in life? Then I think. Who would take that time to spend for the sole purpose of discrediting a solid helpful member. It's a head scratcher to me. I personally never have ever checked a record. I glance at them and obviously good records are more enticing than poor ones but if someone is using a posted record as a reason to follow or not I suspect they are losing. Over time it is obvious who is solid and who isn't and it's up to all of us to discern that. I am not a good handicapper and before CTG I really struggled to win and now thanks to guys like Em and other solid cappers here I am much more proficient and knowledgeable. And I appreciate the heck out of that. Not to brag but I manage 250 people on a daily basis and do so successfully and over the last 30 years and one thing that is an absolute in people and teamwork is that you get far further with encouragement than you do chastising. Thank you Em for all you do for us and thank you CTG for all you have done for me. My two cents.
Yeah I got to agree with bjplayer. Maybe there’s something I don’t understand, like maybe emkee is next in line to receive the Nobel prize if he fools people into thinking he won an extra game or two, but otherwise I could care less if he won 87 picks last year or 88. I just pay attention to what he says and think about what he says, and it has helped me considerably, especially over the last three seasons.
I am going to close this up and we'll move on.

I will say, in general on this site we always want to see people who post a record keep it as accurate as possible.

When using ML's, I always think it is best to denote whether a play is 'to win' X amount of units or 'risking' X amount of units. This, in itself, helps lurkers/followers of any member see how they are assigning value as is.

Good luck to all on Saturday.
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