FriDay/SaturDay FootBall - On Ode to bloodhound


Pretty much a regular
Let me start by saying that I did not know bloodhound personally and we only briefly interacted here at CTG. Our interactions were very limited but I will say that he always treated me (and everyone else) with the utmost respect and I always appreciated him dropping into my threads to wish me good luck. His threads were one that I always checked and would usually blind tail his dime plays as well as some of the other larger wagers he would make because they were straight gold. That being said, while I can't call bloodhound a friend outside of CTG I know some of you do and I wanted to pass my condolences to you as well as to his family. . I've lost several family members to that dreaded disease and know first hand how ugly it is. To anyone fighting that fight today don't ever give up and I hope that one day our society will find a way to find a cure to beat horrific disease.

I don't really have the means to contribute to his go fund me account but I want to pay homage to what I can only assume is a gracious human being. He was always encouraging to me and I appreciated him coming by my thread every so often and to him I say thanks for welcoming a novice and helping make me feel welcome at CTG. So I mean this thread only as a tribute and no disrespect is intended at all. This is just my way of remembering one of the best cappers this site has seen and more importantly what I can only assume is one of the best human beings to walk the face of the Earth judging by the responses I've read. May bloodhound rest in peace but his memory live on at CTG. If you've visited mine and bloodhound's threads you'll get this right away. If someone sees this as inappropriate I have no problem with a Mod removing the thread.

Please don't judge the tribute with the result of my picks as I don't have nearly the knowledge as many of you or as bloodhound did. I'm not the capper bloodhound was and hope not to embarrass myself or him with the result. This is just my way of carrying on in memory of one of CTG's greats. I give you my only week of posting College Football plays this year as a tribute. In bloodhound's style........

316 Cincinnati* +7.5 -120 vs Memphis x1
318 Boise State* -27.5 -130 vs UNLV x1
322 Appalachian State* -25.5 -110 vs UL Monroe x1
323 UTEP* +2 -110 vs Rice x1
325 Miami Florida* -2.5 -125 vs NC State x1
328 Iowa State* +3.5 -115 vs Texas Tech x1
330 Illinois* +9.5 -110 vs Iowa x1
331 Minnesota* +110 vs Northwestern x1
335 Duke* +7.5 -120 vs Pittsburgh x1
338 Texas A&M* -27.5 -110 vs Texas San Antonio x3
342 West Virginia* +4 -125 vs Oklahoma x2
346 BYU* -28.5 -110 vs Massachusetts x1
352 Wyoming* +10 -110 vs San Diego State x1
358 Notre Dame* -117 vs Virginia Tech x2
360 Baylor* +1.5 -110 vs Kansas State x1
366 Vanderbilt* +9.5 -110 vs Mississippi x1
369 Arizona U*+5 -110 vs Oregon State x 1
373 Washington State* +4.5 -110 vs Colorado x1
385 Arkansas* +110 vs Mississippi State x1
399 Clemson* -22.5 -110 vs Wake Forest x3
403 Georgia Southern* -155 vs Georgia State x5
406 UCLA* +13.5 -110 vs USC x1
430 Alabama* -48 -120 vs Tennessee Chattanooga x10.......blood seemed to like Bama as his x10 play more than any other team that I can remember him going big on, so why not x10 now

:prayer May your memory live on. R.I.P bloodhound :prayer
Great post and BOL. Sweep it.

thanks rambler. GL today

Awesome post TreyDawg down to the format, wish you the BOL.

thanks Tim. Need some luck today and wishing you the best as well

Excellent post. Definitely was his style and very easy to read. He was one of a kind and the best.

thanks wise. GL today

Great Post RIP Blood

thanks 12pounder. GL today

Awesome post. GL this week. I echo rambler. Sweep it!

thanks jk. need a big day. GL to you today