Friday oh my god the CHW bullpen Discussion

I'm on the O's and D-Backs and D-Backs o3. I did a little research last night/this morning and posted it this morn. In a nutshell I like the O's versus the AL East and the D-Backs at ATT versus Timmy.
I didn't realize it had steadily declined like that.. Just saw ALL RED across the board on sbr live odds. What I thought was a 20c drop was not as extreme as I had thought. :p

Pretty big move over the last hour or so though.

Posey out
Gonzalez has two pitches he can throw for strikes right now. I figured him out lying on my couch. This isn't good. We need some runs. Good god if Gonzalez can get through six more outs without another run.
Pretty impressed by this Richards for the Angels...Has escaped some jams in multiple innings now. He's a hard thrower who is a K machine.