--Friday NBA--


May 5Dimes MLB 2nd place
sides: 56-57 -5.65
totals: 27-16 +9.70
ml dogs: 14-21 +7.55
big plays: 29-17 +31.25
ytd: +42.85

***BIG PLAY - Bobcats +1.5***

Sixers +7

Suns -1.5

i will have a decent sized write-up on my opinion on the cavs trade later on in the morning if anyone's interested, which probably won't be too popular based on the way that the national media has portrayed the move.

this should be an early indication of how i feel:

Cavs to Win the East +805
Cavs to Win the NBA Title +1615

locked in.
Someones drinking the Kool-aid.....just playing man

Gl lean Phoenix, like the Philly line, and Im excited to see what your boys will do with there new look
SF, i already locked it, but thanks for the heads up. i'm almost always wrong at guessing the direction of the line, so i've pretty much given up on trying
ha yea. well a nice general rule of thumb- if you're plus a decent amount of money ytd. you're likely better off just playin the first line you see/like. You're what they call "sharp" :cheers:

also, can't wait til the Cavs writeup. be sure to put in the rotation as you see it
the more I think, Big Ben will be an upgrade from Gooden when guarding the Chris Bosh, Garnett, Dwights, Wallace, and any1 outta the west come playoffs
alright...i didn't read any of the threads before, so some of it is redundant but here we go...

to preface this, you won't find a bigger critic of ferry; in fact, this may be the first time i've refrained from spelling his name "fairy" since he's been here. he has kept me from feeling guilty about fucking around on forums and surfing the internet at work because he does his job so bad. "at least i'm not doing as badly as danny ferry" i say to myself. how he still has a job i have no clue, as i can't think of anyone including my girlfriend who knows as much about basketball as my computer desk who could have fucked up as bad as he has over the last couple of years. that being said he just bought the mini-bike and "totally redeemed himself"

there are actually fully functioning websites dedicated to how bad larry hughes sucks. rightfully so. the only thing i like about him at all is how he helped our community, and god do we need the help...it showed he is a good guy. all of the numbers prove he sucks, but unless you have watched him every game you can't comprehend how much he ruins things. his strength is perimeter defense? are you fucking joking? he's long and quick, yes, but he plays with zero defensive intensity and he makes stupid fouls all the time in key situations to kill momentum. he takes untimely shots all the time without anyone on the team touching the ball, he doesn't know when to stop shooting even when he's ice cold, he doesn't know how to fit in and be a role player with lebron, and he's notably jealous of lebron and has a bad attitude when HE is struggling, even if the team isn't. i saw lebron hit a 3 to send a game into overtime that cleared the benches with everyone jumping up and down and on top of lebron, and hughes just sat there in his suit with a smug fucking look on his stupid fucking face. losing him at ANY cost, is a good move.

i hear and see a lot of people saying that gooden is an above average scorer and rebounder. he can rebound. the only reason anyone knows his name is because lebron gives him cupcake scoring opportunities. why do you think he's on the bench in the 4th quarter of big games yielding to sideshow? because he fucking sucks. he's worthless. he's not a good scorer, he's not a good defender AT ALL...he's an adequate rebounder and not as good of a rebounder as joe smith and certainly not as good of a shooter or scorer. can't even come close to creating his own shot...it's unreal how much better lebron has made this guy. in 3 months we won't even know his name.

ira newble is the best player we got rid of, and that's sad. he contributed nothing to the championship run. donyel marshall....i don't think i've ever even seen him make a pass and that's twice as much as i've seen him put a hand in a face at the other end. shannon brown is worthless. he can dunk...that sums up his potential. when we drafted him i swear i was pissed that we didn't draft boobie then we ended up drafting him later....the first time and only time until now i was pleased with a ferry decision. cedric simmons. who?

our pressing need seems to have been a pg. i have ALWAYS thought that our pressing need was shooters. we got a top 5 shooter, a pg, yes, a pg that can knock it down, and smith that is 100x better shooter than ANY of the stiff we got rid of. we have so much depth and versatility because of these guys it's unreal. people are talking so much about lineups, and yes i think that it'll be west, wally, lebron, wallace, z. but you have so much offense/defense you can do in the 4th with this squad now. you can adapt to any team's style by going small with an array of shooters or rebound by going big. you can alter lineups and reward the hothand. they could do none of this before the trade. now when healthy this team is 10 deep of a great mixture of different kinds of talent. two offensive bigs and two rebounding defensive bigs, two decent pgs in boobs and west that can both knock down shots, our offensive spark from last year and a decent defender in sasha, an excellent do everything role player in devin brown and damon jones who hasn't even been that bad. quickness? on the offensive end all these guys have to do is run the pick and roll, screen, and stand and shoot wide open as fuck. the guys they got can do those things. i think west will excel. wally has been playing excellent and he shoots a significantly higher percentage from 3 than larry did from the field. we got a guy that MIGHT have a chip on his shoulder and want another ring badly and return to normal form. tough to tell how he responds, but i don't think it's that relevant...if he turns back towards his form that's an added bonus, but he's going to help us more than larry did regardless of what he does just by not taking and missing all of the shots that larry was taking. if he's a dud, he's a dud and we'll have another big stupid ass contract just like we did with larry, so what? but he has the chance to be good again. he won't be expected to be a veteran leader like he was in chitown. ben wallace a leader? look at him he's an animal not a leader. let him loose. at the very least out of ben, we now have a much better gameplan on how to guard garnett, wallace, shaq, yao, etc. i think the perimeter exposure is blown way out of proportion. i mentioned hughes' lack of effort before, and west won't have that problem. he's gritty and goes full go. lebron has shown he can guard nearly anyone in the league one on one when he needs/has to. his defense is why he's the mvp in my opinion. boobs and sasha aren't perfect, but they have come a long way and are very underrated defenders imo. everyone that i wanted gone left, and everyone that i thought could still be role players to play around lebron are still here. an almost perfect deal. people don't know how good lebron really is. they are about to find out. we needed shooters and a pg and we got em...did we get a marquee pg, no. but i'd much much much rather have this deal than to get bibby or complete the mike miller deal, and we had zero chance of getting kidd. period. fact is if you can have a guy that can handle the ball and get the ball into lebron's hands that's all you need out of your pg from a "pg" perspective...it's more important that he hits WIDE OPEN jumpers. lebron is going to handle the ball 70% of the time whether a pg is there or not. and if you think lebron didn't know and approve of this deal you're nuts. depth, versatility, attitude, and SHOOTERS. these moronic national media members should stick to ny and la...markets they know. to not think this is a great deal for the cavs shows they haven't watched many cavs games.
cavs got 4 contributors for a bunch of garbage. it cost some $, but it was worth it.

couldn't agree more with you about Gooden.
Unreal. I just read what you said in the other thread.

I can only think of one certain micro-managing mod that would pull some shit like that, it had to have been wallstreet.
He really feels threatned by CTG.

If it wasnt you spamming, then thats fucked up.
Dont sweat it, youre not the only one banned from there :tiphat: