Friday NBA Openers and My Plays/Discussion Thread as Well


CTG Partner
Staff member
Washington 7-200.5

Toronto 3-206

Cleveland 2.5-189.5

Chicago 2.5-185

Detroit 9-198

Denver 1-204

Dallas 7.5-194

Phoenix 9-217

Orlando 4.5-189

Seattle 3-197
First of all, great discussion thread BDK started yesterday/last night. Good stuff. Would like to see more and more of it.

Looking at the openers..

-Wizards and Bobcats total has jumped 3.5 points
-Bulls have raised a point ats
-Stons have dropped 1.5 points ats
-Denver is now a one point dog
-Pinny took Mavs/Kings total OTB
-Suns raised one point ats
-Sonics/Pacers total up 1.5 points
66-45-6 +30.63 units

Detroit vs New York

The Stons started off quite sluggish last night in Miami but hung around and played their game in second half. It's a must to win those kind of games on the road if you want to be at the top of the conference. I think the Detroit players are liking some of the new things they can do offensively and have settled into a their defense somewhat. They see how depleted and soft East is right now and maybe are garnering some hope for a playoff run.

The Knicks are doing what I thought they would. They are improving. Yes, things would go a lot quicker if Franchise/Starbury just vanished somehow but Isiah is a solid coach IMO and he is making this a better team than LB could. Different mindset and there is actual a bleak of sun now in NY. Still a long ways to go. I think this team plays a bit better on road sometimes when they know they are not going to get booed going into lockerroom at halftime.

Detroit has won seven staright and is playing very solid ball. Typically the last few years this is the kind of game Detroit hasn't got up for. I see a particulary lax effort out of the Stons. I think they wake up sometime in the 4th quarter and pull out a tight one.

Missed the early number but I still have to bite on this situation

New York +7 +102

Portland vs Orlando

First thing here, even thought the Pacers shot so well the other night in Portland the Blazers still killed them on the boards. I think the Blazers have the horses to control Howard up front from having all the glass to himself. Prizz should be in better form tonight.

I like this Orlando team this year. I said playoffs and they are rolling that way. That being said I think they are way overvalued here. Your telling me that they would be laying double didgits to the Blazers at the O-Rena? Seriously, sometimes the linesmakers outdue themselves. Portland will be a live dog at home many times this year.

I think this is one..

Portland +4 -105
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love the portland play.... dont know if im going to play it though... covers main story is about playing portland basically and im scared of the covers curse :) .... gl man i may play it too
BAR, i dont dabble in NBA too much, but i of course follow it, i did play the lakers over small last nite, anyway.........

I really like Melo and the boys to beat the T-Wolves tonite, I understand they ost the first time around, but the Wolves are on a small slide, and i just LOVE Anthony, any insite from you on this game bud??????
Hile, despite the 2 point line move Minny's way I do like the Nuggets here myself. Melo is on a mission this year and with their style i don't think Minnesota can keep up.
hey man!!! Glad to be on the same side of both your plays tonight. Good luck homeboy. I remember in seasons past, you was the detroit pistons expert. Thats your team brother.
With you on all of them BAR. Lil worried about NYK but you never know.

Also taking Cavs -3. What do u think? :cheers:
whats up with the lakers bein 2.5 dogs against the clips.. Werent they just favored last time? Its not like homecourt will matter.. what do u think big man.
Gonna play the Blazers as's lining up as a fade play for me.

Also lookin at Indy, Mil, and New Orleans
Bol BAR...Was looking at Knicks too..They can be so unpredictable I layed off..Just cavs/atl over for me
Homecourt seems to matter in the LA series. LAC season ticket holders, the fan base, etc.. all favors whoever host the game. Doesn't make sense but that's how it is. Lights won't be off like a LAL game....

sure the travel aspect isn't there... but there's also revenge factor for LAC in there... I'd lean Clippers? Not sure actually.
I love betting the Knicks....reminds me of that scene at the beginning of Gotti when they are all sitting at the table counting money and John takes half his stack and throws it on the table and says, "I'm getting that down on the Knicks"
abcs said:
whats up with the lakers bein 2.5 dogs against the clips.. Werent they just favored last time? Its not like homecourt will matter..

the clips were actually a 1.5 point fav in that game

I agree with inspekdah too about they different fans playing a role and the revenge factor. starting with that first game against the lakers, the clips ended up with a 5 game losing streak and Sam Cassell said that they let that loss to the lakers effect them too much. he said that a loss to the lakers should not effect them like that anymore but it still did, i guess cause the clips are still trying to prove they aren't just LA's "other" team anymore. i expect them to come out with revenge on the mind after a nice tune-up against memphis, only thing that worries me is Kaman not being able to play.

as for today a like the knicks as well
I have never seen so many games get middled like this week in NBA and NCAA

Someone in Vegas is loving life right now
Sorry dude. I was rootin for ya at the end there. Made my win bittersweet.
ahh well..shoulda lade 124 for push ;)

Nice early line..I fell alseep with 8 minutes left.

Billups was incredible tonight...simply magnificient.