Friday National Basketball Association.


My man, Novak Djokovic!
37-19 +27.8 Units

Lost a homer play on the Bulls last night...done trying to predict which team will show up until we're deeper into the season where they will be better and more consistent.

Tonight nothing too strong jumps out on me... been looking around and will probably tail some of CTG's finest.... might add Washington... not impressed with the Buck's road play this season at all... would like to see an improvement over 6 though... I encourage all to check out the college basketball forum... some strong plays out over there tonight.

Denver/PHI OVR 207.5 1 UNIT

WIZ -2 1Q 1.5 Units :wacka wacka:
Wiz -3 1H 1/2 Unit:wacka wacka:
Nets -1 1Q 1.5 UNITS
Rockets -3 1Q 1.5 Units
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Inspekdah said:
30-19 +17.3 Units

Lost a homer play on the Bulls last night...done trying to predict which team will show up until we're deeper into the season where they will be better and more consistent.

Tonight nothing too strong jumps out on me... been looking around and will probably tail some of CTG's finest.... might add Washington... not impressed with the Buck's road play this season at all... would like to see an improvement over 6 though... I encourage all to check out the college basketball forum... some strong plays out over there tonight.

Denver/PHI OVR 207.5 1 UNIT

So true Spek. Some of these teams this year are maddening. I am just in shock at some of this stuff happening in the league this year. Card looks great tonight:cheers:
Thanks renew... overall between NBA and CFB last 2 weeks I've been doing extremely well.. I'll take a few units down over 2 nights while being up about 30 overall between CFB and NBA since the start of the season anyday.

Like your NOK total, I agree 120 points last night.. they'll slow it down and the Blazers don't want to run either IMO..

Thanks BAR... agreed hoping for 3-1.

What you think about Wash? This offense is explosive at home and Bucks defense is among worst in the league.. No true shotblockers.. no Simmons guarding other teams best swing player... and no true PG... great home court team that stinks on the road vs. the exact same in Washington.. but this one's in Washington. 6 doesn't seem like a lot with these teams' styles... you know?
You would think that Washington is a simple play. Arenas has been every other game this season as far as shooting well. Bucks will get inside pooints in this one. I like Stevenson guarding Redd though. I made line is 6..a lot of that has to do with the Indiana blowout.
I agree... wish JO played and they barely covered... Might play Wiz point total OVER instead

Washington Wizards -2 1Q vs. Bucks 1.5 Units

Wizards -3 1H 1/2 Unit

Reasoning? Since Game 1 Mil has been pretty bad out the gates.. only cover for them 1Q was narrowly beating the Kings by 3. They let up 27 points to the Kings might I add. Wizards well rested, and at home where they are probably one of the toughest teams to beat. Teams like the Wiz, and Kings cannot be respected enough for what they do on their own homecourt SU... but hopefully I catch a tired Bucks team who relies too much on role players right now outside of Redd/Charlie V and Bogut... Thomas has been a nice change in the starting lineup.. his energy he brings at home has been amazing and I think he brings it right out the gates. Don't want the moose job as I think the Wiz defense which is amongst the worst in the league can't be trusted... especially once the offensive starters see the bench.. game could close ala Houston/Bucks 2 nights ago.
7-0, +10.5 Units... nice pace after that first 2 scary mins renew... you know your hornet's well... keep it up