Friday’s I couldn’t wait to discuss this cards/brewers series!! Discussion thread

Awesome, thank you Grind. The education at this place is peerless. :shake:

Always thankful for this place and having ya’ll to talk bout this thing we do!! Glad to see you over here some again!! I know we met over at sbr long time ago but forget which one of us told the other bout ctg? Only reason I even still post at other place is cause met so many guys I consider friends now when I started doing the whole forum thing years back (geez I guess almost a decade ago at this point! Lol.)

Far as forums go I only post or read 2 these days. Ctg has become hands down my favorite, only place that I respect, value, and have learned a little something from pretty much every regular contributor on this site!! That a pretty amazing thing when you consider all the mind numbing trash posted at all the other places and so much less quality even with way more guys posting. Hell of a job these guys have done here at this joint, cheers to all my CTG friends I love discussing sports and gambling with!!
I feel like Biff has been here for several years

Oh yea he has, we met over at the other place long long time ago (think I joined there 9ish years ago and me and him joined in fairly close time frame) I joined here not long after (can’t remember exactly) but I kinda was more a spectator early on as i was kinda just learning to cap way I do now (I was a huge degenerate nfl football bettor for long time prior but was pretty green with other sports and actual science of capping) and this place was little more intimidating with all the smart cats that seemed like a tighter nit group so I mostly just read and tried to learn while adopting my own flavor :) .. but I often times gave credit for anything I might have picked up on over here which I think had several guys check it out (like the ump thread fascinated me! And I’m no plagiarist) took a while to come out of my shell, lol.,
I feel like Biff has been here for several years

I have for sure, KJ. Bank's right, i keep my threads across the street and on twitter just because of inertia, but love CTG. One of the first 5 things I do every day is check HB's thread. My model is all about ump + weather + lineup, and I've learned a TON here. CTG is the reason that bases are my best sport.
I have for sure, KJ. Bank's right, i keep my threads across the street and on twitter just because of inertia, but love CTG. One of the first 5 things I do every day is check HB's thread. My model is all about ump + weather + lineup, and I've learned a TON here. CTG is the reason that bases are my best sport.

One of the best things you can do, I think, is recognize people who know more than you. I only tail three people and Banker is one of them. But I recognize smart people contra me and sometimes avoid due to their opinion. This season, I bet 2/3 of my profit stems from plus-money totals and staying off things that my model liked but that saw shrewd guys contra my assessment. Judgment is everything.
Yeah there is certainly such a thing as too much info. I'm terrible at bases but gave it a run for some scratch this year, nothing crazy...kinda stay in my lane with stuff I feel I know. One of the biggest things I've found very useful, and not often, is when someone gives me negatives about the team(s) they follow. I expect them to know best, but anyone can say how great their team is like it's a fan board. The negatives are what I truly note.
Yeah there is certainly such a thing as too much info. I'm terrible at bases but gave it a run for some scratch this year, nothing crazy...kinda stay in my lane with stuff I feel I know. One of the biggest things I've found very useful, and not often, is when someone gives me negatives about the team(s) they follow. I expect them to know best, but anyone can say how great their team is like it's a fan board. The negatives are what I truly note.

Well-said. I try to (1) stick to totals, at plus-money with potential for push, if possible, (2) listen to people about their own team (Banker knows Cards, I know Tribe, etc), and (3) use peoples' skepticism to my advantage. I think we all have a natural tendency to be wrong. So, reduce the chances = increase ROI. My general rule is i treat each play like an at-bat. I'll play my fave 3-4 totals and then stop (4-5 if model really likes). If I allowed myself, I'd find angles I like on most games.
One of the best things you can do, I think, is recognize people who know more than you. I only tail three people and Banker is one of them. But I recognize smart people contra me and sometimes avoid due to their opinion. This season, I bet 2/3 of my profit stems from plus-money totals and staying off things that my model liked but that saw shrewd guys contra my assessment. Judgment is everything.

Feeling is mutual brother, I will run away from a tribe lean if you happen to see it differently than me, I can count on 1 hand the amount of guys I can say that about. Not to mention I’ve blindly tailed (well you know me obviously I dig into just to see if I can see what you seeing) your tribe totals on a bunch of occasions!!

Oh and I owe big time for that thing you came up with at start of season far as selling runs on totals. I don’t have the actual numbers around me or desire to do all the math but a decent guesstimate is im up at least 10 maybe few ticks more units based off that strategy!!!
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