For my homie Joe Pub.. What did we learn from week 15



  • The Bucs offense isn't as inept as Gradkowski made it out to be...
  • Devin Hester is human with all of those fumbles
  • Bill Cowher is still doin a hell of a job as well as Andy Reid of getting their teams motivated to play
  • David Carr wont be the starting qb in Houston next year.. which might be a good thing for both parties
  • Vince Young was human today, and the Titans still won
  • Jay Cutler is starting to progress and pick up the offense 'an_horse'
  • Jeff Garcia is doing a geat job runnin the offense :cheers:
  • Terell Owens is still a dynamic wr and ate up Dangelo Fall again
  • The Lions cant figure a way to win a close game :down:
Thats about it.. My coach of the year goes to the Jets coach :shake:
Agree with everything. Can't wait for Favre to retire.
Check it out, bullets.

I like it, abcs. You remind me I can't sit here basking in the afterglow of a big Birds win, I actually need to think about what I've seen today.

I'm also glad somebody watched that Chicago game, because I didn't and the fact that they gave up 31 at home is unreal to me.
I have learned that the Buffalo Bills might actually be Wild Card material next season. Lee Evans and MaGahee are a pretty good combo.
I honestly think Gruden starts Gradkowski against the Browns next week.. He has some sick obsession with him. Not sure if you guys have read the quotes afterwards..
on Bruce Gradkowski’s play)
“I thought he did a good job you know, tough situation. You’re coming into the ball game, you’re behind your playing this defense here on the road and a 24 to 3 ball game, I thought he made some great plays. They were coming from everywhere and giving us a lot different looks as they always do but you know we made them pay several times. I was pleased with what he did.”

Um coach he had 2 first downs and 33 yards passing.. Reading the quotes you have to wonder what game gruden was watching.
Falcons' Hall: T.O. deserves suspension for spitting

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ATLANTA -- Rather than risk a penalty, or perhaps disqualification from the game, DeAngelo Hall chose not to retaliate when Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Terrell Owens spit in his face during the first quarter of Saturday night's game at the Georgia Dome. <TABLE cellSpacing=0 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=2></TD><TD width=65>
</TD></TR><TR><TD width=2></TD><TD width=65>[SIZE=-2]Owens[/SIZE]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=2></TD><TD width=65>
</TD></TR><TR><TD width=2></TD><TD width=65>[SIZE=-2]Hall[/SIZE]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
On Sunday, though, the Atlanta Falcons' Pro Bowl cornerback fired back at his rival, recommending that the NFL suspend Owens for his actions.
"I think, for what he did, he deserves more than a fine," Hall said. "The guy has all the money in the world. He's making $10 million or whatever this year. So what's a fine going to mean to him, really? What he did, it was [vulgar], you know? But he's a great player, a great competitor, and what would hurt him a lot more than a fine is making him sit. That would get his attention. And that's what I think the league should do. They need to do something pretty [severe], because there's something wrong with him, and he just can't get away with this kind of stuff."
The league office said Sunday it is investigating the incident.
In a first-round playoff game last season, Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor was disqualified from the contest for spitting on Tampa Bay tailback Michael Pittman in the third quarter, and subsequently fined $17,500. Former NFL linebacker Bill Romanowski, playing for the Denver Broncos at the time, was fined $7,500 in 1997 for spitting on San Francisco wide receiver J.J. Stokes.
On the opening series of the Cowboys' 38-28 victory, while Owens and Hall jawed at each other as they left the field following a sack of Dallas quarterback Tony Romo, the controversial wide receiver spit at Hall, he confirmed during a postgame interview on the NFL Network.
The incident was not detected by game officials and there was no penalty. Hall said that, as he ran to the sideline, he told the officials Owens had spit on him, but was apprised that no one had seen it.
On his postgame television appearance, Owens said the incident was precipitated because Hall "kept bugging me and getting in my face." He also claimed he apologized to Hall following the game.
Hall was adamant on Sunday that Owens offered no apology. And he noted that the incident occurred on just the sixth play of the game.
"I mean, how much could I have gotten under his skin in just six plays?" Hall said. "Were we talking to each other? Yeah, that's part of my game, and everybody knows that. But after a couple plays, I slapped him on the butt, and just said something like, 'I'm going to be on you all night. This is how it's going to be.' And that was it.
"People make me out to be the bad guy all the time. Look, I play the game hard, but I play the game fair, all right? I'm not the guy out there doing cheap stuff. Like I said [Saturday] night, after what [Owens] did, I lost all respect for the guy."
Hall said that he was raised to believe there are few acts more vulgar or degrading than spitting on another person, and that it is a contemptible act. "Someone does that to you," Hall said, "and it's sort of like they're challenging your manhood or belittling you."
But, as Hall emphasized several times, he chose, given the significance of the game and the importance of him maintaining control, to walk away from Owens and not retaliate. In the playoff game last year, Pittman did go after Taylor when he was spit on, and a brief scuffle ensued. There wasn't even a hint of Saturday's incident, in part because Hall didn't go after Owens. "You know how hard it is to walk away from something like that?" Hall said. "But I had to take the high road, to be the bigger man, and just let it go. That wasn't easy. And I don't think he should get off easy. It's not like I can call the league or anything and tell them what to do. But I'm going to be watching closely to see what they do to this guy."
Dante Fall needs to shut up!! This is the same clown that went for the pick on the hail mary instead of knocking it down. He gets burnt more than the candles on my menorah. Should TO have spit on you. Nope.. But suspend him for a game? UM NOPE.. This is one of the most overrated players in the history of the nfl in my books.
abcs said:
I honestly think Gruden starts Gradkowski against the Browns next week.. He has some sick obsession with him. Not sure if you guys have read the quotes afterwards..
on Bruce Gradkowski’s play)
“I thought he did a good job you know, tough situation. You’re coming into the ball game, you’re behind your playing this defense here on the road and a 24 to 3 ball game, I thought he made some great plays. They were coming from everywhere and giving us a lot different looks as they always do but you know we made them pay several times. I was pleased with what he did.”

Um coach he had 2 first downs and 33 yards passing.. Reading the quotes you have to wonder what game gruden was watching.

Basically what we have here is exactly what I was ranting about....Gradkowski plays the same everyweek so either let the go play all 4 quarters or let Rattay play all 4 Q's...its not brain surgery to figure out Bruce has struggled this season...what did he expect in Chi today from him..??
Hall is a jackass, but that doesn't lessen what TO did. TO should be suspended. Frankly, were I Goodell I'd suspend him for the final two games of the season. He'd be back for the playoffs, you couldn't really complain all that much if you're the 'Boys, and you're not going to win an appeal because the d**k admitted it on national TV.

I think Gruden starts Gradowski next week, too. Maybe that's why the Browns are a -3. He does love that guy, but that guy's letting him down.
Talk about an ugly game coming in that one.
Joe Public said:
If you think this is bad, Austin, you should have watched the Giants/Eagles game.

I watched parts. What did I miss?
You missed the Eagles having, at one point, 13 flags to 4 for the Giants. Multiple personal foul or unsportsman like calls and multiple questionable calls on third downs that gave the Giants a fresh set of downs.

It was embarrassingly bad.
Joe Public said:
You missed the Eagles having, at one point, 13 flags to 4 for the Giants. Multiple personal foul or unsportsman like calls and multiple questionable calls on third downs that gave the Giants a fresh set of downs.

It was embarrassingly bad.

Doesn't suprise me. Amazinghow these teams really need that much help form the zebras.

So the unstoppoable Chargers would be up 10-6 if the refs caled the game clean.

Oh and speaking of "clean"

I wish the entire SD team was drug tested. If Merriman juiced, then i am sure ther are others too. Rivers, Gates, LT....but right now SD is probably selling to much merchandise right now for them to fuck that up.
Billick's play calling on the Raven's last possession was horrendous. 3rd and goal from the 5 and runs a QB draw with Boller who can't get out of his own way.
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mr. bator is an alien! looked like he came back from the future on sunday, unfuckingbelievable call on phili...taking in almost 50K on the eagles game. he didn't parlay +the point but he parlayed with the eagles ML.

what an alien.