Floyd Mayweather bets $10.4 mil on the...

Might run down to the pawn store and see if I can get that watch he sporting in those photos....
Now he's denying all over the net that he made the bet. Douchebag. I wonder if he'd be denying it if the Donkeys won.
Now he's denying all over the net that he made the bet. Douchebag. I wonder if he'd be denying it if the Donkeys won.

Of course he wouldn't. It's no coincidence he waited until after the game to deny that he made the bet. It's a given that he knew of the reports of his bet(s) before the game, there's no reason he didn't come out and say that he didn't bet the Broncos before the game...except for the fact that he could deny it after the game if Sea won, and look like a king by saying it was true if Den won. He's really not that bright is he?
Of course he wouldn't. It's no coincidence he waited until after the game to deny that he made the bet. It's a given that he knew of the reports of his bet(s) before the game, there's no reason he didn't come out and say that he didn't bet the Broncos before the game...except for the fact that he could deny it after the game if Sea won, and look like a king by saying it was true if Den won. He's really not that bright is he?
Yes he likely is. He likely did it the exact way you described I would think.

All pub is good pub for Money.
He isn't bright, Twinkie. But he is good at what he does.
Bright as in breaking down the atom? No.

But neither are we.

I bet he would take offense at you using the word "good"....and I would too.

Great would be more fitting.
Yes he likely is. He likely did it the exact way you described I would think.

All pub is good pub for Money.

No, he's not...because anyone with half a brain would know that's what he's doing. He's the square that only talks about his winning bets...he's like someone who just started gambling and thinks everyone he's talking to only knows as much as he does. How can you possibly think he's smart for doing what I laid out? Who do you know that wouldn't see that a mile away and see it for what it's worth....would you consider any of those people smart or sharp? I highly doubt it.

You consider him "bright" because he's good at promoting himself. Who in the fucking world wouldn't be good at promoting themselves if they were in his shoes? Seriously, could you honestly think of anyone who wouldn't be good at it? That doesn't make him bright, however you want to use the word.
If he was from Stanford and had a 4.0 there everyone would be marveling at how his idiotic statements were really marketing genius and he should commended for his promotion of upcoming matches.
But he's not and his act isn't nearly as well thought out, it's pretty much the opposite of Richard Sherman
Of course he wouldn't. It's no coincidence he waited until after the game to deny that he made the bet. It's a given that he knew of the reports of his bet(s) before the game, there's no reason he didn't come out and say that he didn't bet the Broncos before the game...except for the fact that he could deny it after the game if Sea won, and look like a king by saying it was true if Den won. He's really not that bright is he?
This! If the Broncos would've won, he would've posted the ticket.
If he was from Stanford and had a 4.0 there everyone would be marveling at how his idiotic statements were really marketing genius and he should commended for his promotion of upcoming matches.

One of them really is intelligent though, and one is simply good at self promotion. Being good at promoting yourself doesn't make you bright, it makes you a person.
One of them really is intelligent though, and one is simply good at self promotion. Being good at promoting yourself doesn't make you bright, it makes you a person.

It was all a dream, a dream that YOU had..inside a locked room

a dream about being...a person
No, he's not...because anyone with half a brain would know that's what he's doing. He's the square that only talks about his winning bets...he's like someone who just started gambling and thinks everyone he's talking to only knows as much as he does. How can you possibly think he's smart for doing what I laid out? Who do you know that wouldn't see that a mile away and see it for what it's worth....would you consider any of those people smart or sharp? I highly doubt it.

You consider him "bright" because he's good at promoting himself. Who in the fucking world wouldn't be good at promoting themselves if they were in his shoes? Seriously, could you honestly think of anyone who wouldn't be good at it? That doesn't make him bright, however you want to use the word.

So what would be smart? Coming out and saying pre game that he didn't bet? Surely not...
This conversation is awesome and I feel like it could be argued forever. End of the day, I think Sherman got worked up over making a pretty damn good play, going to the Super Bowl and additionally is an arrogant athlete (most of the pros are) and wanted to talk some shit. Sometimes being a good athlete is more about how you win than how you lose, and that is my problem with Sherman. He should have said "The Seahawks are the best fucking team in football" and I wouldn't have had an issue with it. He forgot about a) the rest of his team b) the guy that actually caught the interception, which keep in mind if he wouldn't have caught it they would have been 3rd and goal with 20 seconds to go and 2 time outs, not an impossible feat.

Mayweather is an ass, but he is also a one man ass, he wins the fights, not his team or anyone else and in my opinion has the right to self promote. Is he dumb? Nah, I'd say he's dumb like a fox. He hauled in, what? 90 million for his last fight? I wouldn't worry about him. He made the bet, he lost, he probably loses 55% of all bets but who cares?