Floyd Mayweather bets $10.4 mil on the...

Gotta love to see this from a professional gambler... from his oklahoma/bama bet
"I bet $50,000 on Oklahoma and won. $50,000 + $52,500 =$102,500 "

umm...you won $52,500, not $102,500
Has the line moved yet to reflect his $10 million worth of bets on Denver?
Liquid net worth and net worth are not the same thing though. I thought Jump said liquid net worth.

yes, i saw a report that he had 130 million in the bank... but who the fuck knows, and who cares

he has enough money, and he can get another 80 million by scheduling a fixed boxing match... he's got it made
yes, i saw a report that he had 130 million in the bank... but who the fuck knows, and who cares

he has enough money, and he can get another 80 million by scheduling a fixed boxing match... he's got it made

what fight of his was "fixed"?
Has the line moved yet to reflect his $10 million in bets on Denver?

It doesn't look like it has....no way he really bet this much on the game. The line would have moved if he did....right?
i just know that the past few times I heard about his wagers before the games, they have won...

Which ones? The only ones I can remember were posted after the fact. There may have been 1 wager that was posted before the fact, and it was that $200k wager on Texas A&M in the 2nd half of a game.
Has the line moved yet to reflect his $10 million in bets on Denver?

It doesn't look like it has....no way he really bet this much on the game. The line would have moved if he did....right?
you would think, but J Bieber wagered $10.6 M on SHawks @ same time
He's gone massive on games before...never 8 figures though...

no idea why you guys dont think he's capable of betting this much though...I certainly believe he could (character) and would (balls)...

10.4 mill doesn't have to move a line on the superbowl....he could be using an intermediary that spread the action out of 10-20 or more off shore books or casinos...I doubt he gets that kinda credit from any one place.
He's gone massive on games before...never 8 figures though...

no idea why you guys dont think he's capable of betting this much though...I certainly believe he could (character) and would (balls)...

10.4 mill doesn't have to move a line on the superbowl....he could be using an intermediary that spread the action out of 10-20 or more off shore books or casinos...I doubt he gets that kinda credit from any one place.

He gets a giant woody from posting large tickets for the publicity. I doubt if he's putting that much on the game he's going around town spreading his bets out.

In any case I'm skeptical of the story, but this is the one event where he could get away with it so who knows.
He's gone massive on games before...never 8 figures though...

no idea why you guys dont think he's capable of betting this much though...I certainly believe he could (character) and would (balls)...

10.4 mill doesn't have to move a line on the superbowl....he could be using an intermediary that spread the action out of 10-20 or more off shore books or casinos...I doubt he gets that kinda credit from any one place.

He claims he doesn't use a beard to make the bets, which makes it all less believable. If you read the story, which I'm guessing you didn't, you would have seen that they claim he is betting most of this on credit with those books, and it even said how many books he bet it with (7 Vegas and 4 offshore). It's still doubtful to even get down even 500k with one book, Vegas books are notorious for being pussies and afraid to book big action like that...although this has come up before and maybe they take Floyd's action because they know he's gonna lose...which makes him a liar in the past for claiming he wins so much.

Stop being so gullible Ivy.
A tweet from the guys who wrote this story.

Vegas Gambling Steam @Pregame_Steam Follow They have a phone number, they call up owners of the sportsbooks they want action at. "Put me down for 2 million on Broncos.. It's Floyd"

There's almost no chance that happens...unless again they know for a fact that Floyd is a complete square who gets murdered, which again makes him a liar in the past.
I think he bets big

he only shows winners

did he bet this much? not likely.

maybe he has a bunch on it though...more than any of us

I am on his side...go IN-COM-PLETE
ive seen him post losing tickets on twitter

He posts way more winners than losers, how many losing tickets have you seen him post?

You also said he has posted a bunch of winners before the games, which doesn't seem to happen very often, if at all....do you remember any of the games he posted before it started?
he also highly publicized his supposed $3 million bet on mishitgan +14 against bama and we know what happened with that one
I'd imagine low seven figures if he wanted it.

Really? I wonder why someone like BW doesn't just call Money then and have him put some of his plays in if it's that easy for him to get down that much money. That's surprising to say the least.
Really? I wonder why someone like BW doesn't just call Money then and have him put some of his plays in if it's that easy for him to get down that much money. That's surprising to say the least.

Well, I was strictly referring to the Super Bowl. He couldn't do that on anything.
all im saying is that if you're gonna book a large bet...it's 10x more possible to get that kinda action on the superbowl with so much more public action then usual to counter