February Ingame

5d not making many offerings on international friends, fbqat totals, UAE totals :hang: these fuckers need to get their act together
Big win by the Kiwis last night over Australia at ICC, ManUK gave me New Zealand to win the tourney at +575 before the start. :prayer
totally forgot, this is the last weekend in the Cyprus league.... before it goes to relegation/champions group, usually some crazy finishes there
LVG always writing something

tactical genius like paul ince

I just cant see a team spending 150m quid with United legacy too so they can basically buy anyone

and not being a title contender
and if they want to be a title contender they still need to spend a hell of a lot more too

cause they need 2 Centerbacks and 2 Central midfielders at least
suns out mate, but showers again today expected...Feb can be dicey in San Diego...We need the rain tho