February In-Game

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how can they keep him as head coach the rest of the season after he says that?, they gotta get him outta there

guessing jose will be the coach next year
also I was looking at the betting lines for PFA Player of the Year and I'm scratching my head.

RVP is at 1.40 and the next closest to him is Bale at 3.00

WOW, I'm sorry but fuck RVP, Bale has been far more valuable to his team than RVP. Spurs without Bale will be mid-table at best (sorry teed) but Man Utd can still keep winning without RVP.
If RVP wins that's a crime, Bale's accolades this season has just been unreal, for fuck sakes the guy at least plays defence not like RVP who just waits up front.
saying mid table is ignorant when the stats show otherwise, when he hasn't played this year not only have they won but they still were I think 4th in chances created per game

with or without Bale there is a very large gap between the 2nd-5th teams and the 6th-10th teams

same type of think people said about RVP and Arsenal last year and they are still in that group
saying mid table is ignorant when the stats show otherwise, when he hasn't played this year not only have they won but they still were I think 4th in chances created per game

with or without Bale there is a very large gap between the 2nd-5th teams and the 6th-10th teams

same type of think people said about RVP and Arsenal last year and they are still in that group

really? wow putting things in perspective in terms of overall impact he has for the club. I'm showering him with praise the only one who's ignorant is your response. There is no other player in the league who has had much more of an impact for his club than Bale. He is the game changer for this club. In years past Spurs have found gems that can easily replace players they have sold, but you take away Bale...what type of offensive threat do you have? Lets be real, with the injuries the club have upfront, Bale is playing bonkers.

Also here's the reality, Bale has scored in each of the last 4 games, whether it was for the tie or win, take away all his goals, you would of been left with 1 point out of a possible 12.
In the 15 wins Spurs have had in the league, Bale has scored in 9 of them, 6 loss' only 1 game he scored and that was the whipping by Arsenal 5-2.

Face it, Spurs are a completely different team with and without him. Statistics will point out that Spurs will suffer significantly without him, will they be outside top 10? no, will they be hovering around it, probably, the parity of the league is big and each team needs a game changer. Bale is practically like a Kobe or Lebron, he can do a lot of damage on his own be it scoring or having opposition focused on him. Doesn't matter, but if you can't see the reality that Spurs get knocked down completely from standings, then there's no point having this discussion.
with that said, I'm taking Spurs ML, they surely can't forget that 5-2 trashing...time to repay the favour.
Bale with a Hattrick ;)
I ran the numbers in the Premier League, comparing Tottenham’s total shots ratio (a measure of dominance) to their total shots ratio without Gareth Bale in the squad. Tottenham’s TSR is an impressive .644. That’s historically commensurate with a top four finish.
Their TSR in the four games without Bale in the side was .666. This is right on the cusp of any predictive strength, but Spurs maintained that number in matches against Chelsea, Everton, Swansea and Reading, a pretty good mix of skilled sides. Their TSR exclusively with Bale? .643.
The shooting percentage however does provide a unique point of interest. Spurs total shot percentage is an impressive (and perhaps unsustainable) 20%. In those four matches without Bale, it dropped to a still considerable 13%. With Bale, Spurs shooting percentage is 22%.
We need to be very careful in interpreting these numbers, but on the question of how good a side Spurs are as a whole without Bale, it’s a yes. It’s also possible Bale could be helping to drive the team’s shooting percentage. Spurs have an unnaturally low save percentage this season, keeping their PDO low, but their shooting is keeping them in the top four.
Interpreted that way, one might make the case Bale has been essential in overcoming a low save percentage and keeping them in the top four. But the team as a whole is still very, very good without him.