February Ice


Pretty much a regular
Season: 22-19-3 +1.5 units


Phi -110 2units
Tb -160
Chi +100
Car -125 1 unit/Car -1.5 +220 1/2 unit
GS under 39.5 -125

will be adding a few
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Car -125 1 unit/Car -1.5 +220 1/2 unit

Ott has been impressive, but they are 1-8 L9 in Car and this will be a tough 1-day trip to the U.S. vs an angry Car team. Ott will be without Spezza and maybe Gonchar. Car's 2 wins have both covered PL.
Well, looks like we may have a salami killer in hockey town. Lets hope for a slower-paced 2nd period.

pit -175 1 unit/ -1.5 +170 1/2 uunit
over 5.5 +115 1 unit
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Thanks guys. Dominating performance by the Pens. Fleury only faced about 17 shots and they got some solid contributions from the secondary guys.
Bos -150 1 unit/Bos -1.5 +200 1/2 unit
Bos over 5.5 +105
Cbj +120
Car +125

CBB special: Buffalo +5.5 (not counted in record)
Adding NYR/TB over 5.5 -120 - I will pay to see the backups keep this under the total.
9-10, -1.7 units this month

31-29-3, -.2 units on the season. Been a slow bleed last few days. Try and right the ship today

Pit -140 2.5 units/-1.5 +220 1/2 unit
NYI -120 1.25 units/-1.5 +225 1/2 unit

Balt +4/ML +160 in the big game (will not be counted in record)
Thanks guys. 2-2, +1.6 on the day, 33-31-3 +1.4 overall. Go Ravens....something I never thought I would say for sure
Back in the positive. Tonight:

Car +100
Min +110
Ana -110 2 units
Col -135

thoughts are welcomed.

SJ/Ana over 5.5 +105 - will take my chances with +money and 2 backup goalies...
Back in the positive. Tonight:

Car +100
Min +110
Ana -110 2 units
Col -135

thoughts are welcomed.

wish I had some thoughts....just trying to keep my head above water and not doing a very good job at that

BOL on them All
Cbj 2units. +115
chi 3 units +105
Ott 4 units -145
DeT -170 1unit /-1.5 +180 1/2 unit
Rags -115 2 units

Under 5.5 Chi -135 1.5 units
over 5.5 Win - 105 1.5 units
under 5.5 Buff -140 1.5 units

sorry for late post

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Thanks Scope. Will plug in odds later. Been at happy hour since 4pm and lost track of time.

Phx +155 1.5
Ana/StL under 5 +125. 1.5
Van -1.5 +160. 1.5
Car +110 1
Mon -165 1/-1.5 +190 .5
Min -125 1
Bos -150 1/-1.5 +200 .5
Win/Ott over 5.5 -115 1
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