February 2014 In-Game

Going to be a hell of a lunchtime match Saturday, G. I hope Brendan puts it to that bastard Wenger.
Fuckin beIN. Initially I liked them but they have way too many leagues for 1 channel. Add a 2nd channel or something.
need one more goal before the ht. if this was a league game i'd bet under, but cup games, fuck it, get some goals here.
This Jese cat is fucking good. embarrassment of riches for real madrid. Bale should be an after thought
can't believe this dutch garbage is zeros at the ht :hang: fuckkkkkkk. is okay if roma can hold on, will show a profit for the day.
1-0 Barca,
lucked out on my o0.5 1h bet, was in the "danger zone" for the longest of fucking times and didn't go through, then finally next possession goal.