Favorite Plays for my Friend who Lost 20k?


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
My friend actually took a pic it‘s true and he needs some locks.

So what are your favorite plays and why? Let‘s make 20k!
I've placed 2 20k bets in my lifetime and what looked to be easy winners at halftime, I end up winning by the skin of my nuts. Won't ever do it again
Here's the thing...

And I always go back to cubsker who once gave a perfect example to a similar question he was asked "How do I win at poker?"

The answer takes so much time and effort to get good at poker, it's impossible to answer...so the best answer is "Don't play...you'll have more money from lack of losing since you suck and don't want to take the time to get good."

So if your boy is looking for ways to get good at sports betting, the same concept applies and in this case is much easier..."Fade himself"
Mentally its gotta be so hard to fade yourself tho? And what if you‘re wrong, meaning you were right. That‘d be bitter af
First step is accepting he sucks at sports betting. Second step is whether he actually is more concerned with sports betting for the 1. action or 2. money

So either learn how to get good, work hard at it and take your lumps...or accept you suck and know nothing and just fade yourself.
Dude, I am the dumbest fuck about 99% of things. I know how to do like 4 things in life well...I just don't baby people in regard to the fact when they look for easy answers to hard questions, that idea is ridiculous.

I study things. I come up with my own opinions. I'm not afraid to fail...and quite honestly, I don't give 2 shits whether people like me or not, because the world is full of people who just get butt hurt about everything. Why people beat around the bush or concern themselves with whether other people like them is beyond me. Who gives a shit?

But to get back to your boy...he wants an easy answer. He should fade himself...that's the super-easy answer he is looking for it sounds like.
He lost on his own bets

So does he have money to pay his customers or is he a small-time bookie?

For full disclosure, I have never used a bookie in my life...everything has been offshore or the times I've been in Nevada or where it was legal, so maybe I'm not the best source of info...just trying to use what little god-given common sense I've got in this scenario.
This guy drives like a mercedes and has a house lol he has money to pay off customers. He regularly bets thousands on games
This guy drives like a mercedes and has a house lol he has money to pay off customers. He regularly bets thousands on games

Then if he's betting thousands on games, who cares about a measly 20k. That can be made up in a weekend of action.

As far as having a Mercedes and a house, kid, you're young. If you knew how many people I know that are dead broke but spend lavishly based on credit they ran up a pole, you'd be shocked. Just for the sake of looking like they were rich...but to each their own, I suppose.

Maybe your boy is rich, but if that was the case...why the concern over 20k? Only a dipshit would be betting thousands on games and then freaking out over 20k...unless he didn't have as much of a "bankroll" as we've been referring to.
See, VC....SEMCON knows WTF I'm talking about...

There are 2 kinds of people in this world...people who give a fuck about important things...and people who cannot stop giving a fuck about the most UNIMPORTANT things...

Your boy based on what you've described so far, sounds like he falls into the latter of these categories.
I once did the perhead deal for "friends" for 12 weeks during football season. It was a very interesting time. Almost everybody lost except a couple won parlays, which I nixed cause they gave me heart attacks. Straight bets. They all lost. I know I am on wrong side of biz, cause ALL bookies win. I was one step removed from collections, so it was less personal, but it was ALWAYS exciting watching the bets being laid on admin side and rooting for the other side, hardly ever hedged cause, nobody was going to bust me flat betting with my little limits
Here's the thing...

And I always go back to cubsker who once gave a perfect example to a similar question he was asked "How do I win at poker?"

The answer takes so much time and effort to get good at poker, it's impossible to answer...so the best answer is "Don't play...you'll have more money from lack of losing since you suck and don't want to take the time to get good."

So if your boy is looking for ways to get good at sports betting, the same concept applies and in this case is much easier..."Fade himself"

I think many would be well served maybe not fading themselves (well maybe in some cases) but at least going back and giving a honest evaluation of the losing plays to help understand mistakes you may have made, things you may have overlooked, etc etc. unfortunately lot of ppl incapable of being honest w themselves and rather feel they were “unlucky” or any other number of things they tell themselves, pretty much anything that deflects blame elsewhere to protect their ego.

I often see friends that week after week, year after year, make the same dumb plays over and over. I def don’t have a crystal ball or pretend to be some kind of handicapping genius who knows outcomes of games but some plays are simply bad (regardless of the given result of that gm) and I see these guys manage to make the worst possible plays over and over!!