Fantasy Football League #2 (2022-23)


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
Fantasy Football League #2 is back!!! $100.00 buy-in, 12-person league, settings from last year rolling over (somebody double check everything looks the same).

League #2 Yahoo Login

this is our current roster:


league dues as always will need paid before the opening game in Week 1 (Thursday, Sept. 8). anybody not paid by then will have their roster frozen until they pay. you all should have received a league renewal email, so please login to the league and confirm everything looks correct. i will set up the LeagueSafe in a few weeks to allow everybody to respond.

trying to go back to 12 player league so need two more. also going to pay out regular season winner this year for the first time.

please post in this thread if you will, or will not be returning. i would like confirmation from everybody. who's back for another year?

last year's standings:
2nd FL Fighting Amish
3rd cubsker
4th Western District Way

regular season winner-$100

Draft date on Tuesday Aug 30 9:00 EDT

  1. the real deal = @mogo
  2. gsro = @gsro
  3. FL Fighting Amish = @madshooter
  4. THE TRUTH = @thetruth
  5. T-Squared = @T-Squared
  6. Titties and Beer = @ISU74
  7. Western District Way = @aplous
  8. cubsker = @cubsker
  9. Black Mambas = @Throwback420
  10. Cooks Hunting Johnsons = @YesSir
  11. CeeDee Cee Guidelines = @reNew Orleans
  12. The Gandyman Can = @Gandolf

**ATLHawks removed due to no response. YesSir invited to replace. Back to 12 team league - reNew back. Gandolf joined.
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T-Squared back in. Aug. 30 not the best day for me to draft. Monday, Aug. 29 would be better. But will make whatever work.
ok consensus seem to be fine with going to $100.

@reNew Orleans and @Gandolf - DM me your email addresses so i can make sure to invite to Yahoo and LS correctly. i'll update the LeagueSafe this week once i get the information.

still waiting on a few more people to confirm....
Yahoo invites sent to Gandolf and reNew (i think i sent to your yahoo and gmail).

LeagueSafe has been setup - $100 entry. Everybody should have received an email. Link is also on the message board on Yahoo.

draft still Tuesday Aug 30 9:00pm EDT

still waiting on @thetruth , @ISU74 , @AtlHawks to confirm.....
Yahoo invites sent to Gandolf and reNew (i think i sent to your yahoo and gmail).

LeagueSafe has been setup - $100 entry. Everybody should have received an email. Link is also on the message board on Yahoo.

draft still Tuesday Aug 30 9:00pm EDT

still waiting on @thetruth , @ISU74 , @AtlHawks to confirm.....
Yahoo invites sent to Gandolf and reNew (i think i sent to your yahoo and gmail).

LeagueSafe has been setup - $100 entry. Everybody should have received an email. Link is also on the message board on Yahoo.

draft still Tuesday Aug 30 9:00pm EDT

still waiting on @thetruth , @ISU74 , @AtlHawks to confirm.....
The truth is back
Any chance the draft can be Monday, Aug. 29, or Wednesday, Aug. 31? I have a local draft I coordinate scheduled for the 29th. I don't think there's been much convo here about a definitive date. If it can't be done, so be it, will make it work. Thanks.
It sounds like it doesn't work for ReNew. I've been checking with the players in my other league and we likely can move to Monday. That leaves us here at Tuesday the 30th. Thanks for checking around.

Live League Draft in 7 days 10:13:30

Tue Aug 30 9:00pm EDT

Draft room will open 30 min before your draft time.
LeagueSafe link is on the Yahoo message board. also sent a reminder email today. get your payments in!

and now last call for @AtlHawks .... if i don't hear anything by Friday i will have to replace him.... i think @YesSir the only person to express interest, so will reach out over the weekend if still nothing from @AtlHawks
that's what happened, everyone was fine with moving the draft but you
Stirring up shit over a year later? Wtf?

Go back and read my response last year.

8/30 was original date. You wanted 8/29, yet that wasn't even an option (I already had plans). I proposed 8/26. Thetruth wasn't available. Everyone else was good with either date. So I made executive decision since thetruth been in the league the longest and kept 8/30. End of story.
Stirring up shit over a year later? Wtf?

Go back and read my response last year.

8/30 was original date. You wanted 8/29, yet that wasn't even an option (I already had plans). I proposed 8/26. Thetruth wasn't available. Everyone else was good with either date. So I made executive decision since thetruth been in the league the longest and kept 8/30. End of story.
not stirring up anything, relax. That's what happened, simple as that