Fade Away 2023

4-6 -2.6 units

Total : 53-49 +3.58
Favs: 7-4 -1.10
Dogs: 13-13 +5.90
Totals: 5-9 -4.95
Totals 1st 5: 0-3 -3.65
RL: 5-3 +2.57
TT 1st 5: 6-5 -0.95
1st 5 RL : 10-5 +4.32
Props: 2-5 -4.25
Parlays: 2-0 +4.49
Live : 3-1 +3.60

LAA -155 (1.5 units)
LAA RL +105
TB -135 (1.5 units)
TB RL +120
Last edited:
I still need to go back and grade these.

Took a few days off of bases, spreading myself out too thin

TB RL +125
COL +260
NYY -135