ESPN Classic: "Top 5 Reasons You Can't Blame CFB For No Playoff"


Oklahoma Sooners
Full Title: "Top 5 Reasons you can't blame the NCAA for not having a CFB Playoff"

Airing tonight, Dec 3rd @ 6:30 pm PST, just 30 mins after I am posting
Money, money, money...and you can blame CFB, the BCS, the conferences, the bowls, and the fans for it.
Nice conflict of journalistic integrity too. ESPN owns the new BCS contract and has a stake in its' integrity.
5. US Supreme Court gives colleges right to negotiate TV Contracts instead of the NCAA. Conferences then started looking to build money through bowl contracts and BCS.

Load of crap. Again comes down to money.
3. A more suspenseful regular season. Each game matters. Each game is a playoff.

Really? Then head to head would matter. And obviously this year it's clear that it doesn't.
2. The Bowl System won't allow it because of money and prestige.

Now we get down to it. Money and glory for more teams.
1. University Presidents don't want it. Academics over athletics, yada yada.

Fuck them too. What a load of crap. Then give up the money from the bowls or give it to charity. It's all about money and it going to the university. They are treating the athletes like slaves.
Nice conflict of journalistic integrity too. ESPN owns the new BCS contract and has a stake in its' integrity.

RJ, I've seen this piece before. It was taped and broadcast a few years ago, well before ESPN locked down this BCS deal a few weeks ago.

They bring it out every year around this time just to calm people like you and Kyle down, LOL. Just messin' with you bro.
RJ, I've seen this piece before. It was taped and broadcast a few years ago, well before ESPN locked down this BCS deal a few weeks ago.

They bring it out every year around this time just to calm people like you and Kyle down, LOL. Just messin' with you bro.

I know. I've seen it before. It's a load of crap every year.

BTW, I usually have the same rant every year at this time. Just this year I'm more fired up because it's my team getting fucked.

You know if OU was on the outside looking in you'd be raging pissed.
You know if OU was on the outside looking in you'd be raging pissed.

Not true. I'm a fan of OU, not fanatical. There's a difference. I like all my sports teams, pro and college, but I don't live and die by them. I have a special passion for CFB that goes way up and over my favorite team. If the shoe was on the other foot, I'd be very disappointed that OU was not going to the BIG-12 title game, but I would still look forward to the other games that will be played on Saturday. Instead of being 100% fired up for the BIG-12 title game like I am right now, I would be 100% fired up about ALL of the other games on that particular weekend, and the upcoming bowls and of course OU's bowl, where ever that might be.

I know it's hard to fathom it, but then again, how many people in the world have never missed a College Football Saturday since 1986 like I have?

Not many.

I'm a different animal when it comes to college football and my sheer passion and love for this great game. That's one of the reasons why I am not so fired up about the 'we need a playoff right now talk', I just love the game and am very happy we have it. Anyhow, that playoff can of worms has to close sooner or later, so I'll close it on my end now.
I know. I've seen it before. It's a load of crap every year.

BTW, I usually have the same rant every year at this time. Just this year I'm more fired up because it's my team getting fucked.

You know if OU was on the outside looking in you'd be raging pissed.

It's amazing how people who are in line to play for a national championship never have a problem with the BCS until they get screwed.

Texas is a better team then Oklahoma. They proved it on the field. NOBODY can deny that. SETTLE IT ON THE FIELD!!!!!!!! Not with some damn computer formula.
Texas is a better team then Oklahoma. They proved it on the field.

And Texas Tech is a better team than Texas. They proved it on the field. So how is your argument supposed to make any sense?
And Texas Tech is a better team than Texas. They proved it on the field. So how is your argument supposed to make any sense?

Shhh...texas fans dont acknowledge that...completely irrelevant...move on...nothing to see here!!
And Texas Tech is a better team than Texas. They proved it on the field. So how is your argument supposed to make any sense?
This is the reason we need a playoff system. Too many question marks left at the end of the day with the BCS.
And Texas Tech is a better team than Texas. They proved it on the field. So how is your argument supposed to make any sense?

difference between one game being at a neutral field and the other being at the most electric the stadium has EVER been in its existence in lubbock.

it makes sense if given perspective but tech certainly has a much better case of being ahead of texas than ou does.
I really would love to see USC against a big 12 team for the national title game. I know that won't happen since they layed a dud against Oregon state.

Any thoughts on the PSU/USC line? I'm gonna guess USC -12
And Texas Tech is a better team than Texas. They proved it on the field. So how is your argument supposed to make any sense?

Tech beat us in Lubbock, true.

But if they played next week on a neutral field, who would you make the favorite?