End of a Dynasty?

ESPN is so pathetic....that story had so many "ifs" and sources that were so far removed from the day to day workings of the Pats that it was nothing more than huge speculation and a moronic (but effective) attempt at getting people to their site and tv channel....anyone that is management in any industry that has a competitive nature to it knows that this shit goes on in every organization every day....all the innuendos in that article happen in my company regularly with myself as a sometime contributor as my frustrations mount on issues and while we demand team play we all try to get our way in some manner, it's business as usual....No brag intended here but I own and operate a large construction company and team play is as important to our business as it is to a sports franchise....we promote it, we train it , we insist on it and regardless of our never ending attempts we still have moments of conflict within the management team that we have to work through, and ironically ESPN that conflict is good for the continuing development of our company or any company for that matter....something the nitwits at ESPN failed to mention in that ridiculous article.....I can just see the Krafts, Bill and Tom sitting around today and getting a chuckle out of it as they put out their statement that accurately described the article "speculated theories that are unsubstantiated, highly exaggerated or flat out inaccurate" which explains the article to a tee. Did anyone notice that they didn't name one single source,like it was top secret or something, the best they could come up with was a Patriot "Staffer" like it was a CNN article about Washington....ESPN, the National Enquirer of sports journalism.

Thank you, but people here believe everything that is written or reported, we learned this years ago.
And if you don't believe Wickersham, at least you're a consistent conspiracy nut. Good on ya. He's just correct roughly always.
And if you don't believe Wickersham, at least you're a consistent conspiracy nut. Good on ya. He's just correct roughly always.
Yeah, i thought the same thing about Don Van Natta until he was caught red handed. Many think the same about a Pulitzer Prize winner until she was found out to be a fraud. List goes on. Maybe he's right, you don't know any more than I. Maybe he's half right, probably he's a quarter accurate, seems to be good enough nowadays. If Bill leaves everyone will say told you so, I digress.
Met Harbaugh once a few years ago, I'll never forget what he said the coaches and football guys refer to media people as, "rats." He said everyone of them is a rat or maybe a flea on a rat lol
I kinda approached the thing from a nonsensical approach per usual but the journalist is credible imo and even if a third of it is accurate, it paints enough of a picture for me. Is it really a reach that TB has been trying to brand himself on his own for the afterlife?

Bellicheat did what he wanted to with Jimmy G, trade him midseason for a 2nd lol...quite the return for a 2nd round pick that could have gotten much, much more.
I think Belli may have said we are moving on from Tom after the season, Jimmy G is the truth and the future and Tom is regressing a bit. Great coaches/orgs know when its time to jump ship before its too late. And then there was an issue if Kraft said no we keeping Tom beyond this year no matter what. Therefore, they could not pay Jimmy big $$ with Tom around obviously. So Belli says FU, its over. The other stuff is just fluff and speculation.

That's my guess, I don't know or really care. Nobody knows what goes on inside their neighbors closed doors and surely has no clue what goes on in an NFL locker room, especially one as secretive as BB.

Sure, its believable Tom wants to brand himself for his future, what intelligent superstar wouldn't, that part of the story falls on deaf ears to me and has no merit and I highly doubt has anything to do with a potential break up. Just like Jimmy and Jerry breakup, it goes back to control over personnel decisions and if BB has done it his way for years to so much success, cutting loose superstars for nothing before their time or before they get overpaid, shame on Kraft for stepping in now.
BB has never gotten a great return on trading "stars" it seems nor cared too much. What round were guys like Brady, Edelman, Gronk, Garrapolo, Dion Lewis, Blount, Troy Brown on and on and on taken in? He doesn't give a damn, he will develop them. I think its with the benefit of hindsight now that everyone says he only got an early 2 for Jimmy when he'd get nothing for him at season's end if he kept him, Jimmy G had yet to have the success he showed in SF, and not many made a stink of it when it happened earlier this year. Now that Jimmy balled out (to a degree, he wasn't without deficiencies) this is a big deal that BB only got a 2.
Reading this the “source” or sources seem to be either Bill himself, or people he is associated with
Reading this the “source” or sources seem to be either Bill himself, or people he is associated with
Doubt BB wastes his time with rats, maybe his people. If he's gone its because he was vetoed on a personnel decision by Kraft, all the other stuff...fluff.
Reading this the “source” or sources seem to be either Bill himself, or people he is associated with
Yeah seems clear to me as well

Pretty sure Cleveland offered two first rounders and more for Jimmy in the offseason, this was a straight giveaway by BB out of spite far as I can tell. Only talked to SF, no one else?
Doubt BB wastes his time with rats, maybe his people. If he's gone its because he was vetoed on a personnel decision by Kraft, all the other stuff...fluff.

Yeah probably , but definitely smart enough to use the media to get his narrative out

I expect a hit piece on Bill coming soon
If he leaves, Pats will return to shit with 41 year old QB, no coaches and no young QB star. lol

Jerry fucked up the Boys forever, Kraft doing his job now.
Yeah seems clear to me as well

Pretty sure Cleveland offered two first rounders and more for Jimmy in the offseason, this was a straight giveaway by BB out of spite far as I can tell. Only talked to SF, no one else?

The impression the article gave was that Bill cared so much about Jimmy G future that he wanted to make sure he went to a situation where he would flourish ( San Fran). He was willing to sacrifice much better deals for this( eyes rolling )

It’s almost over the top in the degree it paints Bill.
Not inconceivable it was out of spite. He had his QB of the future and shat on by the company brass after all that time and energy to mold him, makes sense to me. Take it personal at a certain point.
I think there is some truth to it being out of spite. That narrative has been out there for at least a month, this article seems to shoot that down
There will be more to this, hell Cowherd got a text mid-show today regarding the reason BB only talked with Shanahan was personal, that Brady always wanted to be Montana and play in SF...now that's obviously a ton of conclusion to jump to but would be hilarious if true.

This seems deeper than that article with ESPN. Taken with a grain of salt but it's interesting at least.
NFL needed a soap opera anyway, just look at the lines for WC weekend. Not overly interesting in the big picture.
KJ, I totally agree with you that Wickersham is a reputable journalist but in this case he's indefensible in my opinion, let's remember that he was the co author of the ESPN piece that had the Pats deflating 11 of 12 balls that was later proven to be an out right lie and that gave ESPN another black eye in the tabloid journalism world. The journalist here takes a few truths like Guerrero being banned and Tom yelling at his OC and twists the story. Make no mistake, this reporter had an agenda and he shoe horned his evidence to fit the narrative. I seriously doubt if these Pats are breaking up and I will be stunned if they do as Kraft has always done what's best for the team. They have all their studs signed for next year and there is no reason to believe they are not going to be excellent again. Ironically Wickersham decided to post this article a day before the playoffs start with statements that the Globe posted a month ago with much more journalistic integrity. My two cents
It's funny, I get defensive at times when I hear people bash the Pats, but when I hear some of the fuckheads around here sucking their dicks & thinking each year is a cakewalk to the SB it almost pisses me off more. There are too many 20-somethings & women (of most any age) who have no idea how bad the Pats sucked back in the 80's & early 90's. Being a fan & surrounded by some of that douchebaggery is tough so I could only imagine being a non-fan & surrounded by it.
And before that too. My favorite announcer statement of all time came from Gil Santos who did the radio for a LOT of horrible NE teams. In the early 70's after the Pats had taken a coupla three holding penalties, jumped the snap count once or twice, etc. Plunkett was sacked on third down. Santos says "Plunkett is sacked for a loss and that brings up...a 4th and 63 which is a fitting description of the Patriots season".
Hate to stick up for ESPN

But , this notion that the timing of the article somehow makes it less credible seems to be a stretch

Media outlets time stories to get maximum effect, what’s wrong with that?

Also, couldn’t you make the argument the best timing would have been Super Bowl week or at least next week right before they play. Nowadays no story last long in the media

Maybe ESPN ran the story when they did because some other outlet like the Globe was close to running with it
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The content is no longer as relevant anymore than the reaction from Pats fans who are senile anyway. Some obnoxious fuck came up and sucker punched me last year at the bar when he was leaving, don't think I interacted with him all game...had a bet against Pats and it hit but Pats kicked a game winner I think. Anyway, most I encounter are complete dbags and attention seekers here.
Best matchups in awhile, imo. Well 3 of the 4.
Meh it's kinda like kinda exciting but it's not

Oddly the only two major markets (I consider Atlanta one) are playing each other. The rest is just big lines and hope for something crazy. Not real intriguing to me anyway.
BB has never gotten a great return on trading "stars" it seems nor cared too much. What round were guys like Brady, Edelman, Gronk, Garrapolo, Dion Lewis, Blount, Troy Brown on and on and on taken in? He doesn't give a damn, he will develop them. I think its with the benefit of hindsight now that everyone says he only got an early 2 for Jimmy when he'd get nothing for him at season's end if he kept him, Jimmy G had yet to have the success he showed in SF, and not many made a stink of it when it happened earlier this year. Now that Jimmy balled out (to a degree, he wasn't without deficiencies) this is a big deal that BB only got a 2.
Everyone said this at the time of the trade. They've been proven right so far.
Pats would have gotten a compensatory pick for him anyway if I understand it correctly

I love them for giving the Cards Chandler Jones for a sandwich and some condiments, don't get me wrong