End of a Dynasty?

These dudes are professionals, business as usual collecting ‘ships.

Doubt they let the personal shit get in the way which is pretty evident this season.

Tommy turning into a kooky fella though, dudes head getting too far up his own ass.
This goes with what I heard off a few people I trust - BB wanted to trade Brady during the season, Kraft wouldn't allow it and made him trade Jimmy G, and Kraft will always side with Brady over BB
Brady's post playing career has gone from I don't care at all to I'm excited for how weird he gets

He's basically a cult leader/Tony Robbins type
Was gonna say that, Tommy morphing into a Tony Robbins/Keith Raniere type.

Will be prancing around with a headset on screaming superlatives and branding young girls with the TB logo very soon.

It's an article that had to be published now because if they waited and the Pats won it all it would be shitcanned. Sorry, but I'm always suspicious of stories that have an expiration date.
Reports that Brady denied Jimmy G treatment at his TB 12 center...if that’s true that is seriously cut throat
Scumbag cheaters,good read, and oh and yes, I'm a beaten down Jets fan, so....I hope this F's with his head and they choke in the 1st game
I'll admit i was pissed when they traded Jimmy G. It was pretty clear that Jimmy was the heir to the dynasty. What this article implies, is the power structure in the Kraft org goes Brady, Bob, Bill. With sucess breeds imense ego's, and i dont think all of the egos can withstand this.

At the end of the day Brady goes down as the greatest to ever play the position, Bill the greatest to ever coach.
Marlo, I hate to say it but agree 100%...Doesn't mean I need to like them, but yes, unreal how an oiled machine they are.
Great read no doubt. It still makes no sense why they shipped JimmyG off. I think this just adds a lot of truth to this story.
Pats fans: Another hit piece by ESPN. THEY DONT NAME THEIR SOURCES!! FAKE NEWS!

After Patriots Statement: See, told you it was false. Patriots said so.

I hate living here so much. I used to love it in the Bledsoe days. These people were so grateful to be winning games.
Bill in the position of needing to be able to replace Brady ...otherwise it is time before Brady (not great), time with Brady (greatest Nfl dynasty of all time), time after Brady (not great).
Time after Brady will be fine, either retirement (most likely) or watch him move to SF and do some hokey asst role with the QB coach or something
This is fantastic and has so many good layers. The TB12 bullshit is unreal and I can't believe how much it has permeated that franchise. If I was Bill, I'd be absolutely. The more you read about this Alex character, what a fucking snakeoil salesman. Not giving treatment to Jimmy G? Brutal. Young guys feel like they have to go because Tom will respect them? Bad bad stuff.

Again, if I was Bill, the Jimmy G stuff is crazy. He has been trying to prepare this team for the future and he is stuck because Brady is the franchise face. What would have happened if the Pats lost last year? Would they have pulled the plug on Brady?
The timing of this article is suspicious!

Every time before playoffs pats are involved in some kind of controversy.

I think the Pats require THIS controversy to keep their edge.

The article really DOESENT say anything that DOESENT happen in other teams. Romo Dak was the exact same situation as Brady Jimmy,

Of course Brady wants to keep playing and of course he wants to get rid of his successors.

End of the day I think patriots are using this article to make themselves look weak and in fighting. Opponents will Physchologically believe they are fighting and not going to play as good as they are capable of.

It's mostly just an article of nothing of any importance.
I would surmise that the article is a trick.

Bill and Kraft are not stupid but they realize most of the media and POPULUS is stupid and incapable of looking at the facts objectively.

Pats are in disarray, fighting between Bill and Brady. Tb 12 weird trainer guy causing all kinds of bs . Team is clearly torn apart and infighting.

So if the results is a SUPERBOWL win last season and a 13-3 record this season, I guess every team should welcome these controversies?

They are winning they are champions. To look st this article and think it has any relevance is crazy-

They win all the time so clearly there is no footbal related performance problems.

Leave it to Bill and Bob Kraft to make the Pats the underdog now in the playoffs by using one of the media guys to put a article about nothing

Perception is reality. But winnjng trumps all

The fight with Mcdaniels was planned. They know what they are doing .

Does anyone really believe Brllichek would allow his staff to talk to a reporter? ZERO CHANCE ABSOLUTELY ZERO.
Bills motto is DO YOUR JOB. He wouldn't allow staff to speak to reporters about inside workings. It's NOT THE PATRIOT WAY

BILL gave permission for staff members to speak to wicker sham and likely was able to review the final article with Kraft.
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All this article does is make ppl underestimate the pats and make them look beatable and not a solid team.

As we can clearly see from a 13-3 record lol
The dynasty could not go on for ever.

Mcdaniels and Patricia were going to leave eventually.

Brady can't play forever.

The pats thinking I think was to win it this year with the acquisitions of Brandon crooks KOONY ealy and Steven Gilmore.

They wanted this year bad.

Which winning team DOESENT have in fighting?

Seahawks were winning a lot despite fighting between offense and defense.

The era was naturally going to end and this baseless article about nothing is another patriot smokescreen to give them the Physchological edge.

Bill is no dummy. He has already figured out that this years defense will be the cause of a playoff loss. The front 7 isn't elite. He knows this.

So this article is put out there to take all pressure away from the average defense.

These guys are just too smart. With Jimmy g. He was drafted 2 years too early. Had he been drafted 2 seasons later I think they retain him but because Brady smoked the Falcons and was in record as saying I've seen every single defense ever and knew every single defense the Falcons were in on every single down in the second half of last years suoerbowl.
Kraft believes he has at least 1 more title in Brady and possibly 2.
2 titles because the best 2 offensive receivers in this league are.

1- Rob Grinkowski best overall weapon dominant like Levron

3- Julian Edelman has been the best wide receiver in the league for the past several seasons- Julio was pretty much even with him.

With Edelmen and Grinkowski nobody can stop them. Not a chance. Pittsburgh couldn't stop Grink to save their life and last season Edelmen burned them by settling into zone areas just completely abusing the steelers from a football intelligence standpoint .
Edelmen was like ok Tomlin keep playing that defense I'll settle in the zone all day long.
If pats had Edelmen they wouldn't be stopped much. He is too quick too smart too competitive and he wants it a lot more than the defense does.
Evidence how he made that grab among 4 Falcons. Dude just wants to win too much.
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Brady vs Big Ben is a bit of a mismatch.

Ben just lines up and plays. He wants to win but he has a life outside of football.

For Brady his whole life is centred around that Afc championship meeting. He wants it likely at least double as any opposing qb that shows up to foxborough.
Yep, this just indicates that the Pats are gonna win another 'ship come the end of the season.

ESPN jizzing over itself with this story.
Yep, this story just indicates that the Pats are gonna win another 'ship come the end of the season.

ESPN jizzing over itself with this story.
Love you bro!

Thank you for noticing!

It wreaks of total propaganda. Like Bill would allow this distraction?
The NFL wants to set historic marks during this ratings decline.

Ratings declining. Quality of game declining

What better way to set history with a current qb being the all time best -

NFL films specials. Marketing etc $$$$$$$
NFL wants to make new history. M
Brady is their guy.

Why do you think pats are getting all the calls this season?
Jimmy G and Tommy Ugz share the same agent, nothing to see here regarding that trade.

Jimmy the toast of the West Coast right now and Tommy gonna be the oldest SB winning QB in history and murk Peyton once again.

Success breeds haters.

I'd say there is some truth to things but do think it's been blown up and 'Disney'ed' a bit.
Jimmy G and Tommy Ugz share the same agent, nothing to see here regarding that trade.

Jimmy the toast of the West Coast right now and Tommy gonna be the oldest SB winning QB in history and murk Peyton once again.

Success breeds haters.

I'd say there is some truth to things but do think it's been blown up and 'Disney'ed' a bit.

Of course because they are winning!

Winning cures all!

If pats were 3-13 I would believe the article!
ESPN is so pathetic....that story had so many "ifs" and sources that were so far removed from the day to day workings of the Pats that it was nothing more than huge speculation and a moronic (but effective) attempt at getting people to their site and tv channel....anyone that is management in any industry that has a competitive nature to it knows that this shit goes on in every organization every day....all the innuendos in that article happen in my company regularly with myself as a sometime contributor as my frustrations mount on issues and while we demand team play we all try to get our way in some manner, it's business as usual....No brag intended here but I own and operate a large construction company and team play is as important to our business as it is to a sports franchise....we promote it, we train it , we insist on it and regardless of our never ending attempts we still have moments of conflict within the management team that we have to work through, and ironically ESPN that conflict is good for the continuing development of our company or any company for that matter....something the nitwits at ESPN failed to mention in that ridiculous article.....I can just see the Krafts, Bill and Tom sitting around today and getting a chuckle out of it as they put out their statement that accurately described the article "speculated theories that are unsubstantiated, highly exaggerated or flat out inaccurate" which explains the article to a tee. Did anyone notice that they didn't name one single source,like it was top secret or something, the best they could come up with was a Patriot "Staffer" like it was a CNN article about Washington....ESPN, the National Enquirer of sports journalism.
Pats fans: Another hit piece by ESPN. THEY DONT NAME THEIR SOURCES!! FAKE NEWS!

After Patriots Statement: See, told you it was false. Patriots said so.

I hate living here so much. I used to love it in the Bledsoe days. These people were so grateful to be winning games.

It's funny, I get defensive at times when I hear people bash the Pats, but when I hear some of the fuckheads around here sucking their dicks & thinking each year is a cakewalk to the SB it almost pisses me off more. There are too many 20-somethings & women (of most any age) who have no idea how bad the Pats sucked back in the 80's & early 90's. Being a fan & surrounded by some of that douchebaggery is tough so I could only imagine being a non-fan & surrounded by it.
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It's probably all true. Very good journalist, no reason to doubt him. That said, doubt it means much other than Bill's not long for the company.
And for whatever it's worth I actually believe that Bellycheck may have wanted to trade Tommy, I actually thought it may have been a good idea but everytime I brought it up I got the same reaction "are you fucking nuts" so I guess it would have wreaked havoc with the fan base so I can understand why they didn't.
Wheels falling off the Pats and they're 13-3 with an average MOV of 10.1 points.

Jimmy G and Tommy Ugz share the same agent, nothing to see here regarding that trade.

Jimmy the toast of the West Coast right now and Tommy gonna be the oldest SB winning QB in history and murk Peyton once again.

Success breeds haters.

I'd say there is some truth to things but do think it's been blown up and 'Disney'ed' a bit.
They share the same agent. You have to believe that when Pats made the offer of $17-18 million per season to Jimmy G this offseason the agent had to have told Brady about it. Regardless of the fact they declined it, it happened. Brady can't be too happy about it because nobody pays a backup QB that kind of money to sit on the bench. I think the writing was on the wall that Bellyache wants to move on to the young buck and keep this train rolling. He knows 40 year old QB's don't produce.
This goes with what I heard off a few people I trust - BB wanted to trade Brady during the season, Kraft wouldn't allow it and made him trade Jimmy G, and Kraft will always side with Brady over BB

I would bet my life BB wasn't going to trade Brady mid-season. Cmon, maybe after the year but mid-season GTFOH