El Capo Week 16


Pretty much a regular
10-3-1 last week. 4-3-1 sides and 6-0 totals
116-105-5 ytd sides and totals
61-66 sides
55-39 totals

finally a good winning week to get back close to break even. May be able to grind out to the green.

indiana 10.5
iowa -14
iowa state 7 w hook
ohio state -20.5
ohio state/nw o 56
alabama -17
buffalo -13.5
buffalo/ball state o 65.5
cincy/tulsa u 46
air force/army u 38
arizona state/oregon state u 56
texas am -14
tennessee/tamu u 52
san jose 6
Wow. Hell of a job last week pal!

love the tulsa/cincy and af/army unders. Love San Jose st also! Want to play isu but havnt seen a line close to 7, you buy some points there or am I looking at wrong places?
Wow. Hell of a job last week pal!

love the tulsa/cincy and af/army unders. Love San Jose st also! Want to play isu but havnt seen a line close to 7, you buy some points there or am I looking at wrong places?
opened 6.5 at bookmaker, bought half a point. If you notice alot of my plays are unders, which is tough to stomach through these days with the targeting calls, and new age coaching decisions to go for it on 4th down every series and spread offenses. Would of loved betting 20 years ago.

3 plays i added since then
wisconsin -12.5 (liked it at 11.5 was hoping for 11)
missouri/mississippi state u 49
uab/rice u 42.5 had played earler
opened 6.5 at bookmaker, bought half a point. If you notice alot of my plays are unders, which is tough to stomach through these days with the targeting calls, and new age coaching decisions to go for it on 4th down every series and spread offenses. Would of loved betting 20 years ago.

3 plays i added since then
wisconsin -12.5 (liked it at 11.5 was hoping for 11)
missouri/mississippi state u 49
uab/rice u 42.5 had played earler

im a under guy myself at heart!! Dunno how old you are but yes you would have loved the nfl 20ish years ago! I was a monster betting unders back then! I could sniff out low scoring defensive or crappy games from a mile! I actually had a fairly big local who would always ask me to call my plays in early so he could get down himself on my totals!! Then one day I woke up and as the rules gradually changed in name of “safety” (aka geared to assholes playing fantasy!) and I couldn’t hit a under to save my life! I lost a small fortune for about a year and a half (that was when I bet a lot cause I had a lot of disposable income from Ill gotten enterprises! Lol). Eventually I adjusted and came to the conclusion if I didn’t like the under it stood to reason that maybe over was the play!! That helped me out but it was never the same and I’ve never crushed nfl to the tune I was for a few years back then!

now days it has gotten so redic that I do much better with Ncaa unders than nfl. Used to be while I was playing only unders in nfl I played mostly all overs in ncaa! Times have changed!! lol. Although after the insane start to this season nfl unders been hitting at a better clip than I can recall in years!! Anyways, that was story time for the day!!
gonna get off bama -17 by adding florida +17 no confidence in side. Instead gonna try the o 74.5 - when is the last time there was the top 2 heisman qbs matched up against one another ? vince young vs leinart. I'm not sure , 74.5 is large but 2 heisman qbs in a matchup is a great case for an over.