Eggman NFL

NFL16: 71-106-6 (-254.5*)
Pats -2 5*
Skins +7 10*
Titans -3 5*
Lions -2.5 5*
-2 5*
Steelers -7 5*
AZ/Atl O50.5 5*
Dal-1/Pitt-3 3*
NO-1/Pitt-3 5*
Pitt-1.5/NE/NO/AZo43 3/5.7
NE/NO/Sea 3/3.8*
NE-7/NO-7/Sea-6 1/5*
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NFL16: 82-110-6 (-208*)
Cowboys -3 10*
Chi/SF U43.5 4*
Raiders -3 6*
Cardinals -2 5*
NYG/Pitt O48 4*
Panthers +7 3*
Jets +2 3*
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NFL16: 82-111-6 (-219.5*)
Chi/SF U43.5 4*
Raiders -3 6*
Cardinals -2 5*
NYG/Pitt O48 5*
Panthers +7 3*
+7.5 2*
Jets +2 3*
Broncos -3 3*
Packers -6 4*
Chi11/NE-3/Car17.5 5*
KCo44/Chi7/U49.5/NE-7 3/9*
digging out of an enormous hole from a pretty bad first half of the season. I know everyone loves the Seahawks tonight but I think that Cam and the Panthers have a lot to prove. 6-2 so far this week including a heartbreaker loss on TNF. Need the Panthers +17.5 to close out a big teaser and have 3* on them +7 and 2* on them +7.5. Way too much on any one team in a game I'm not certain of or feel too strongly about but with the season going the way it has I need to dig hard to get anywhere close to striking distance in the last few weeks and playoffs of breaking even.

What I have left pending....

NFL16: 87-113-6 (-197.1*)
+7 3*
+7.5 2*
+17.5 5*

Jets +2 3*
NFL16: 87-115-6 (-211.5*)
Raiders +3.5 8*
Panthers -1.5 4*
Steelers -3 6*
Cardinals -2 4*
Vikings -3 4*
NO/TB O51 8*
NFL16: 89-116-6 (-210.3*)
Panthers -1.5 4*
Cardinals -2 4*
NO/TB O51 8*
Atl/LA O44 3*
Det/NE/Atl 4.7/8.1*
NO8/GB9 3*
NYG10/NE 4*
Alright, many have more on the line than my Bears this weekend, and many are in the heat of the Fantasy Playoffs, which makes for an awesome weekend. I'm in the Semi's in the CTG2 league, a high school buddies league and my big money league so I've been breaking this shit down far more than usual. Which usually mean I've overthought this weekend to the death. Buyer beware.

NFL16: 93-118-6 (-202.4*)
LA25*/TB17/SF24 4*
Buff/Atl-3.5/NOo40.5 3*
Buccaneers +7 2*
Lions +4.5 2*
Eagles +6 2*
Packers -5 8*
NO/AZ O50.5 8*
Patriots -3 4*
Raiders -2.5 3*
Oak/SD O49 5*
Steelers -3 3*
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NFL16: 101-122-7 (-195*)
All for 5*
Chi/Was O48
TB/NO O52.5
Atl/Car O51
Jets +17
Chargers -4.5
Raiders -3.5
Thanks and you too C-Man

Hard to find something today!

Atl/NE/Sea 5*
Was/GB 5*
Atl-1.5/O52 3*
Chi16.5/Oak11/TB7 4*
GL. Hope your right on Wash/GB. Big skins fan and I have a future bet on GB to win the North.
NFL16: 108-129-7 (-200*)
Raiders +3.5 5.5/5*
Sea/GB/Pitt 5/6.2*
Sea-6.5/GB-2.5/Pitt 2.5/5*
Oak3.5/Sea-8/Pit-10/GB-4.5 0.9/9*
Steelers win SB 3.35/20*

Easily been my worst NFL season in my history. Just trying to scrape a little back. I fucking hate all these lines, hence the dumb teasers and parlays.
GL. Hope your right on Wash/GB. Big skins fan and I have a future bet on GB to win the North.

I didn't get that game honestly. Not sure what the heck happened to Washington in the end of the season because I thought they were pretty decent.
NFL16: 108-129-7 (-200)
Raiders +3.5 8.2/7.5
ML 2.5/4.2
Oak10/O31.5 5.5/5
Seahawks -8 5.5
Steelers -11 5.5/5
Packers -5 5.5/5
Oak10/Sea-1.5 6/5
Oak11.5/Sea/GB3/Pitt-3 3/4.5
Sea/GB/Pitt 5/6.2
Sea-6.5/GB-2.5/Pitt 2.5/5
Oak3.5/Sea-8/Pit-10/GB-4.5 0.8/8.9
Steelers win SB 3.3/20
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Won 20* last week, hope to chip away some more this weekend.

NFL16: 115-136-7 (-18000)
Steelers +1 10*
GB/Dal U51.5 5*
Atl+1/NE-9 5*
Atl/O46 5*
Atl4/AtlO42/NE-6 5*
Atl/Pitt7.5/GB11 5/8.5*
Sea12/NE-8.5/Pitt8.5/GB11.5 3/5.7*
Sea14.5/Pitt11/GB14 5*
Sea14.5/Pitt11/NE-6 5*
Pitt11/NE-6/GB14 5*
Sea14.5/NE-6/GB14 5*

Steelers win SB 3.3/20*
NFL16: 122-142-7 (-175*)
GB15/GBo50.5/Pit15.5 12/10*
GB12.5/O53/Pit13 3/3.6*
GB15/O50/Pit15.5 6.5/5*
GB14/O52.5/Pitt14/O42 3.5/5.2*
GB12/O54.5 5.5/5*
GB16/Pitt16/open 12/10*
GBml/Pittml 1.3/10*
GB7/Pitt7 2.5/4.8*
Steelers +6 18/15
ML 2/4.2*
Brown 1st TD 0.25/1.6*
Packers +5 9/8*
ML 2/3.5*
Packers ttO27.5 6/5*
Steelers win SB 3.2/20*

I hate all my plays and wish I could buy off them all without taking a bath. 4 really good teams left, but not sure GB and Pitt are the place to be on this one.....
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Going to be an epically bad day:
GB 2h-3.5 12/10*
GB/Atl 2hO29.5 25/20*
GB2h-4/O30 3/7.8*

Pitt16/O39.5/open 12/10*
Pitt+6 taken up 5* more

Going down with the ship.
NFL16: 123-154-7 (-233.3*)
Steelers +6 23.75/20*
ML 4/8.1*
1H +3.5 6/5*
A.Brown 1st TD 0.25/1.6*
Pitt16/O39.5/open 12/10*
So my kid had this contest at the beginning of the year at school where each kid in the class picked one NFL team to win the Super Bowl. Each class in the school did it and whoever chose correctly gets to have an Ice Cream party at lunch hour the Monday after the game.

We'll probably neededless to say that little fucker chose the Falcons and since he can obviously pick games better than I can, I asked him if he thinks there will be a "ton of points" or if it will be a boring game and he of course, at 7 years old, things it will be a very high scoring game.

So because why the hell would I bet against a 7 year old and his ice cream.....

I pounded the Falcons +3 and the Over 58.5. I teased it, parlayed it, moneylined it, prop bet it multiple ways and have officially thrown my hands up in the air and said "fuck it."

Worst NFL season ever for me by 2x the most recent bad season. I suck. If it hits look for a new CTG handle next fall from a 7 year old something like "Egg McJunior" or similar.

Best of luck fellas. Fuck the Steelers and Packers.
NFL16: 123-168-7 (-310*)
Falcons +3 21.5/20*
ML 5/6.75*
Atl/NE O58.5 22/20*
Atl3/O58.5 5/13*
Atl9/O52.5 11/10*
Falcons ttO27.5 5/4*
Falcons 1hTTo13.5 3/2.5*
Falcons 1Qo6.5 2.5/2*
Y, Missed EP .5/1.32*
Ryan O324.5yds pass 2.2/2*
Freeman O55.5 rush 1.2/1*
Freeman O39.5 rec yds 1.2/1*
Coleman O39.5 rush 1.2/1*
Coleman O34.5 rush 1.3/1*
Jones O6.5 rec 1.5*
Jones O97.5 rec yds 1.2/1*
Ryan More TD Pass 2/2.3*
D.Lewis O25.5 rec yds 1.25/1*
Hogan O4.5 rec 1.1/1*
Y, 2pt conversion 1/2*
Falcons win by 7-10 .5/4*

Should be an excellent game and fun to watch. I'm very excited to watch it.