Eggman 2017-18 NFL


Pretty much a regular
Back again, here we go! Looking forward to another year of the NFL as always, should be some good football being played for sure. Will be interesting to see how the Falcons respond to the epic debacle in the big game and how Brady performs again one year older and that team looking at some changes seemingly again this year. Put two futures in so we'll start there:

Bears Over 5.5 Wins 20/26*
Steelers to win the Super Bowl 5/50*

Obvious play on the Bears but I feel better about them this year to get over 5.5 than I have in years past versus their respective number.

As for the Steelers, I think this is the year. Ben in his twilight with some amazing talent around him in offense. Should be fun, looking forward to the interaction on the site.
Going to dive into the NFL head first August 1st when my son's baseball season is over and I'm not spending 6pm-10pm every single damn night dealing with 7 year old baseball....... Lion's going to be solid this year BAR.... best of luck.
So Trubisky is likely MVP based on what Chicago radio stations are saying. Can anyone find me a prop?
Here we go..... didn't get involved in any preseason football but I've been forced to dive in with all the fantasy football drafts and whatnot so while I'm not in great form, I'm coming along to where I will feel comfortable. Excited for the season for sure and the conversation on here.

Week 1
FalconsML/U54.5 5*
Getting in on some opening kick off type shit here fellas!

Chiefs +8.5 3*
Chiefs18.5/Browns19/Raiders13 2*
NFL 1-0 +3*
Falcons/U54.5 5*
KC18.5/Oak13/Cle19 2*
Texans -5 5*
Raiders +3 5*
Browns +9 3*
Packers -3 5*
Panthers -4 5*
Saints +3 5*

Steelers Win SB52 5/50*
Bears O5.5 Wins 20/26*

Teaser Contest
Raiders +17
Skins +15
Seahawks +17
Saints +17.5

Westgate 0-0
Falcons -6.5
Raiders +2.5
Packers -3
Panthers -5.5
Saints +3

Decided to take Sharky up on his offer to Proxy for me on Westgate. Hope it ends up with some cash in my pocket at the end of the year.

Also entered a Super Teaser contest. Hard to explain but it's a 14 point teaser contest and you have to go 4-0 or you pay in. We'll see how it goes.

Headed to Soldiers Stadium tomorrow, enjoy the games fellas!
Dumb drunk bets....... dammit!

Other than that a good week, 7-4 +8.85* with the Saints +3 tonight for 5* pending.

Also need the Saints +17 tonight in my Super Teaser league, of the 30 teams in the contest, 19 went down with the Bengals or the Texans not covering the 14pt tease this weekend so I'm in a good spot to get paid. The way it works is, there are 30 entries, and you have to go 4-0 to "win" for the week. If anyone loses, or you lose, you have to pay all the 4-0 teams $100 each. So worst case scenario you could be the only team that doesn't go 4-0 and have to pay out $2,900. The way it stands if I go 4-0 with the Saints tonight I'll be +1,900 at least depending on the other game and picks still pending.

Also need the Saints +3 to go 4-1 in the Westgate SuperContest, so a good week to start, the darn Bears cut the perfect start in that contest potentially.

Best of luck tonight fellas.
Really want to bet the Chargers but I need to see more before I go there. Still kicking myself about doubling down on the Giants last night.

Chargers/BroncosO41.5 3*
NFL 8-5 +6.6*
Texans +6 3*
Titans -1.5 5*
Panthers -7 5*
Chiefs -5.5 5*
Dolphins +3.5 3*
Redskins +3 5*
Cowboys -2 3*
49ers +14 3*
GB/ATl O54 5*
Falcons -3 5*
Atl3/O48 3*
Lions +3 3*
GB13/Chi17/Oak-3 5*

Super Teaser
Week 1: 4-0 +1900
Oakland ML
Seattle +0.5
Green Bay +17
New Orleans +20.5

Westgate: 3-2
Week 1: 3-2
Titans -2.5
Panthers -7
Chiefs -5.5
Redskins +2.5
49ers +14
Thanks for all the well wishes fellas!!!! Hoping to finish off a strong week with the Lions tonight lets go SEMCON!

NFL: 16-8 +25.8*
Lions +3 (3*)

Super Teaser
Week 1: 4-0 +1900
Week 2: 4-0

Westgate: 7-3
Yes, I am aware that short road chalk is a losing proposition. I get it. I don't care.

NFL 17-8 +28.8*
Rams -3 3*
Jaguars +3.5 3*
Steelers -7 5*
Falcons -3 5*
Chiefs -3 5*
Packers -9 5*
Raiders -3 5*
Pitt/Mia/NE/GB 3.3/4.7*
Pitt-3/Atl-3/KC-3/Oak-3 1/10*

Steelers Win SB52 5.2/50*
Bears O5.5 Wins 20/26*

Super Teaser
Week 1: 4-0 +1650
Week 2: 4-0 +200
Week 3: 0-0 +0
Vikings +14
Seahawks +17
Patriots +1
Steelers +6.5

Westgate: 7-3 (T-75)
Week 1: 3-2
Week 2: 4-1
Week 3: 0-0
Raiders -3
Packers -8.5
Chiefs -3
Falcons -3
Steelers -7
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Would gladly lose every bet I have on the board on the Steelers for the bullshit they pulled today. Fuck them and their bitch ass fucking management and coach. Fucking leave and don't make millions off the capitalism that America has created for you you lazy fucking piece of shit athletes. Athletes are entertainers and being way overpaid. Bitch about rights yet don't have a problem exploiting the system. Fuck these fucking pussies.
Would gladly lose every bet I have on the board on the Steelers for the bullshit they pulled today. Fuck them and their bitch ass fucking management and coach. Fucking leave and don't make millions off the capitalism that America has created for you you lazy fucking piece of shit athletes. Athletes are entertainers and being way overpaid. Bitch about rights yet don't have a problem exploiting the system. Fuck these fucking pussies.

Couldn't agree with you more.
Got my wish! Fuck em. Also got smoked literally and on the bets yesterday. Feeling the pain today.

20-15 +11.15*

Westgate 2-3

Super Teaser 4-0
NFL 21-15 +15.15*
Packers -7 5*
Chi/GB O44 5*
GB/NE-2.5/Atl 4.1/5.6*
Redskins +6.5 3*
Raiders +3 3*
49ers +6.5 3*
Phi/LAC O47.5 3*
Steelers -3 5*
Texans +2 5*
Rams +6 5*
Saints -3 5*

Steelers Win SB52 5/50*
Bears O5.5 Wins 20/26*

Super Teaser 3-0 +35.5*
Redskins +21
Rams +21
Panthers +23
Texans 15.5

Westgate: 9-6
Packers -7
Steelers -3
Texans +1.5
Saints -3
Rams +6.5

Adding Eagles ML and Bengals -3 for 3*. Tailing Shark on the Eagles cause the dude is sick hot right now. Get it!

And a parlay Hou3/Oak3/Pitt-3 1.5/8*
Thanks to Shark for the heads up on the Eagles today, wan't going to touch it but ended up working out well. Swept the SuperContest today so I'm pretty pumped on that, need the Redskins to cover 21 for the Super Teaser and went 10-3 +34.85* on the day, pretty solid if I do say so myself. Also got smoked in by big survivor pool, losing another entry with the Pats going down of my 4 but of the 967 entires only 327 are left in the no loss bracket which will take down 120k or so. Anyway, going to ride out tomorrow on the Skins and try to crush the book on the weekend.

Adding Skins +7 for 2* on top of the 3 I have at 6.5, I think they can keep it close. BOL fellas.
NFL: 31-19 +44.4*
Patriots -5 3*
-4 5*
Chargers +3.5 2*
Bengals -3 2*
49ers +1.5 3*
Cardinals +6.5 2*
Panthers +3 5*
Packers ML 3*
KC/Hou O47 4*

Super Teaser 4-0 +61.5*
Steelers +5.5
Panthers +16.5
Cardinals +20.5
Packers +16

Westgate 14-6
Patriots -5.5
Bengals -3
Panthers +2.5
Packers +2
Chiefs pk
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