ECF's: Heat vs Celtics Discussion


Pretty much a regular
Will say I am surprised the Heat have made it this far in the playoffs, but then again they faced an injured Bucks team and then the NY Knicks. Seems like to me the real Eastern Conference matchup was between the 76’ers and Celtics. This will be by far the stiffest competition the Heat have faced the entire playoffs. Unsure on the status of Herro now, but it just seems to me the Heat are going to have a very very difficult time advancing against the Celtics. Almost like a big mismatch IMO. I could see this being a 4-1 or 4-2 series in favor of the Celtics.
ESPN had some stat up saying Celtics have a 97% chance to advance (Miami 3%). I hope more and more pile on Boston for game one. There is no sweep this series goes at least six games.
Boston better be a little careful, Miami might not have all that much talent but they ain’t the choking dog 76ers either, they play around w heat too much and they will find themselves having must win games vs a team that will at least show up. All it takes a bad shooting night then! I don’t think it happen but Boston typically plays lax when they don’t feel threatened. I doubt they feel threatened as -525 favs, lol.
"Not that much talent.". They and three others are still playing, they must be doing something right. Some will claim injuries triggered their advancement, not the Heat's fault their opponents got injured. Get quality depth and you won't have to play the injury card. You don't see the Heat crying when they had injuries, yet continued to win. Eight wins remain!
"Not that much talent.". They and three others are still playing, they must be doing something right. Some will claim injuries triggered their advancement, not the Heat's fault their opponents got injured. Get quality depth and you won't have to play the injury card. You don't see the Heat crying when they had injuries, yet continued to win. Eight wins remain!

Says the guy who last week was screaming “team of destiny” and claiming it was a foregone conclusion they were making the finals and now you in here with “it going 6 at least” before they lose! Lmao!!

Not sure why I bother but it really simple, heat are playing with a bunch of non drafted guys, 2nd round guys, or washed up guys in love and Lowry case. The guys coming off Boston bench would start for the heat. Go down the rosters of the remaining teams and compare them to heat, come back and explain to me how talented heat are, I’ll wait. They are very well coached, play hard solid d, and have a star who rises in big moments, you can win a few series like that in this league apparently, they were fortunate to get a Knicks team who not especially good either, if they played in the west there no chance they be here, they might not have even made the playoffs!! If you so blinded by fandom you can’t admit they have far less talent than Boston I dunno what to tell ya, go to a fan chat room and suck them off, cause here im gonna tell the truth about every team including the one I root for. Boston opened -525, you the only one who impressed with the heats “talent”.
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Never did I say the Heat were a team of destiny or anything remotely close to that. Also NEVER stated Miami was going to lose the series, my comment was I see this series going at least six games. Most be he'll not being able to read and comprehend the written word.

I don't need to explain to you a damn thing, since you seem to you think you know it all about everything. In my experience, when a person like you does that it means they are ultra insecure.

Never, and I mean never did I ever say Miami's opponent this round wasn't good, talented or anything along those lines. Grant it I don't have the experience like you but I know right from wrong, good from bad and if one side is getting pounded the other side is definitely worth an extra look and wager accordingly.

If anyone ever disagrees what you about anything, you fly off the handle like a two year old. Sorry old guy, I don't play that.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. Back, wager, who you want as will I.

If you don't like my posts, nobody is making you respond to them. This is a forum, people are going to have differences of opinions. Your pile of horsedung just increased in volume.
Never did I say the Heat were a team of destiny or anything remotely close to that. Also NEVER stated Miami was going to lose the series, my comment was I see this series going at least six games. Most be he'll not being able to read and comprehend the written word.

I don't need to explain to you a damn thing, since you seem to you think you know it all about everything. In my experience, when a person like you does that it means they are ultra insecure.

Never, and I mean never did I ever say Miami's opponent this round wasn't good, talented or anything along those lines. Grant it I don't have the experience like you but I know right from wrong, good from bad and if one side is getting pounded the other side is definitely worth an extra look and wager accordingly.

If anyone ever disagrees what you about anything, you fly off the handle like a two year old. Sorry old guy, I don't play that.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. Back, wager, who you want as will I.

If you don't like my posts, nobody is making you respond to them. This is a forum, people are going to have differences of opinions. Your pile of horsedung just increased in volume.

It’s a gambling forum, not a pompon fanboy forum. You said exactly that the heat were destined to be in finals but that ok, I already knew you were a liar among other things. Your previous post was clearly directed at me so I responded. I was perfectly happy ignoring you like everyone else does. Let’s go back to that.

Let’s also be clear who the child is who can’t have a discussion, I didn’t say one rude or offensive word in the last post and here you go again running your mouth and attacking me, In others words playing pretend on internet. Anytime a harsh work said about any of “your” teams you act like a defensive clown.
No dumb ass, never said such thing. Learn to read the written word.

You do know how to read, right?

Bye bye dung pile!
Game 1 Result: Miami 123, Boston 116.

No Celtic sweep as many thought.

Only team with a chance of a sweep are the Heat and I doubt that will happen.

Miami got a win, maybe a second from game two if things go as planned up there, to take home court advantage.

Boston fans, did you learn anything from tonight's game?

Yes, it's only one game but the series now has dramatically changed.

Celtics were embarrassed at home in game one. I fully expect them to come out big time in the first quarter of game two or the series is nearly finished (for them (Boston)).

Good win for Miami, one down, three to go.
Did he not call a timeout in the 3rd Q?

I wasn't able to fully watch the game...

Looking through the play by play...

Both mandated timeouts in the 3rd were taken at the appropriate times of under 7 and under 3 first dead ball.

That's it, that was the # of timeouts used in a 46-25 quarter. That is unheard of.

Go Heat, this would be my most unlikely future to ever make it this far (IMO).

When Miami shoots 16-31 on three's they will win.

They are the definition of "team" right now.

Bottom line.

I wouldn't be standing at the front of the line to lay 9.5 tomorrow. Best case, feel that game out and bet live.

Boston will end up being a great bet in one of the two Miami games.
If I give back some to C’s so be it.

It’s the situational spot of all of em…..that being past tense. I used to pound C’s here like we all did.

I love pre staking a game old school. If you have live options be ready. No run is safe anymore in the NBA
The beginning of the end for the Celtics...

Game 1 Result: Miami 123, Boston 116.

No Celtic sweep as many thought.

Only team with a chance of a sweep are the Heat and I doubt that will happen.

Miami got a win, maybe a second from game two if things go as planned up there, to take home court advantage.

Boston fans, did you learn anything from tonight's game?

Yes, it's only one game but the series now has dramatically changed.

Celtics were embarrassed at home in game one. I fully expect them to come out big time in the first quarter of game two or the series is nearly finished (for them (Boston)).

Good win for Miami, one down, three to go.
Game 2 Result: Miami 111, Boston 105

That's TWO for the Heat. Will they be the ones sweeping the Celtics? After last nights game, it wouldn't surprise me but this series is over. Miami will advance to most likely play Denver.

Where are those big mouth 'know it all's' now? Easy to run your freaking mouth before the series talking about Miami going to get swept or lose. You're puke ass team got roasted again at home. LOL!!!!!

Boston is now down 0-2 and should be totally humiliated after how poor they executed - much of it is attributed to Miami's game plans and in game adjustments.

It's not 'if' the Heat win, it's 'when' the Heat win this series.

Very good win for Miami, two down, two to go.
Seeing Celtics -3 (-150 ML) for Game 3...
Game three is as close to a 'must win' game for Boston as their is. They know if they go down 0-3, they will be swept!

Much as I love my in state teams, I don't think Miami sweeps Boston, but would be just fine were it to happen.
Have a heat future since last June 30th, so that's my root but gonna be tough.
You have an opportunity for a real nice score.

Not knowing if you have other futures, Denver or Lakers, I would think there's a way for you to wager to the Finals so that no matter who wins you'd have a profit. Similar to wagering a couple horses to win, different amounts if needed, and as long as one of them wins you'd have a profit.

Just my two cents. However you wager it, I wish you success.
Will say I am surprised the Heat have made it this far in the playoffs, but then again they faced an injured Bucks team and then the NY Knicks. Seems like to me the real Eastern Conference matchup was between the 76’ers and Celtics. This will be by far the stiffest competition the Heat have faced the entire playoffs. Unsure on the status of Herro now, but it just seems to me the Heat are going to have a very very difficult time advancing against the Celtics. Almost like a big mismatch IMO. I could see this being a 4-1 or 4-2 series in favor of the Celtics.
Wow. If you told me Heat would be up 3-0 against the C's I would have said pass me the bong. Surprised to see both Conference Finals not a little more competitive.

Going to go eat my words for breakfast now.
Game 2 Result: Miami 111, Boston 105

That's TWO for the Heat. Will they be the ones sweeping the Celtics? After last nights game, it wouldn't surprise me but this series is over. Miami will advance to most likely play Denver.

Where are those big mouth 'know it all's' now? Easy to run your freaking mouth before the series talking about Miami going to get swept or lose. You're puke ass team got roasted again at home. LOL!!!!!

Boston is now down 0-2 and should be totally humiliated after how poor they executed - much of it is attributed to Miami's game plans and in game adjustments.

It's not 'if' the Heat win, it's 'when' the Heat win this series.

Very good win for Miami, two down, two to go.
Game 3 Result: Miami 128, Boston 108

That's THREE for the Heat. One more will make it a sweep and if that happens I'll admit I was wrong. I really thought this series was going to go at least six at the start of it, now I highly doubt it.

Could the Celtics extend the series? Yes, but right now I doubt it. If you think the crowd was involved for game three, you haven't seen anything yet. Game four will make yesterday's crowd seem like that of a newborn.

Boston in on life support. It's time to end their suffering.

High quality win for Miami, three down, one to go.
Game 3 Result: Miami 128, Boston 108

That's THREE for the Heat. One more will make it a sweep and if that happens I'll admit I was wrong. I really thought this series was going to go at least six at the start of it, now I highly doubt it.

Could the Celtics extend the series? Yes, but right now I doubt it. If you think the crowd was involved for game three, you haven't seen anything yet. Game four will make yesterday's crowd seem like that of a newborn.

Boston in on life support. It's time to end their suffering.

High quality win for Miami, three down, one to go.
If Boston shows up tomorrow night and actually pulls out a win, I could see them winning game five at home forcing game six back in Miami where I would assume the Heat wraps it up. Although I think we are more likely to see the sweep IMO.