Dr. Bob Tracker

RJ Esq

Prick Since 1974
Is it just me or does it seem like Bob is sucking ass this year? Does anyone have a tally of how his best bets and strong opinions are doing this year? Do we have to go back and do the research to prove our suspiscions?

If anyone has the record to date, please post it here. I'm thinking Bob is good fade material so far....
His record is posted and updated weekly on his website.......


Weekly and Season to Date Results

I had another bad week in week 5 as my College Best Bets were just 2-5 and 5-14 on a Star Basis (0-1 on 4-Star, 1-2 on 3-Stars, and 1-2 on 2-Stars). I am now just 8-12 on my College Best Bets this season and 19-31 on a Star Basis, but it's still early in the season and there is plenty of time to have another winning season. I've had some bad weeks before and ended up with very profitable seasons. Last year I had a 1-5 week and also went 1-4 in bowl games and still ended the season at 58.4% (my worst in year in the last 3 seasons) - and there are plenty of other examples over my career of bad stretches in the middle of very profitable seasons - so don't overreact to a couple of bad weeks. I'm 62% in College Best Bets the last 4 years, 58% over the last 10 years and 57% over 20 years in business and my long term record is certainly more indicative of my future success than my 8-12 record so far this season. Remember, the stock market doesn't go up every month either, but stocks are still a very good investment - as is my Best Bets service.
Thanks. So let's break it down:

8-12, 40% Best Bet Winners
19-31, 38% Star Basis Winners

My god. That is just horrible.
Maybe he'll hit some winners soon. I'm glad I haven't been buying or playing his picks...looks bad.
He seems to really be pressing right now. I am not sure if those posts (Marshall and S. Miss) were plays or "strong opinions," but it seems strange that he would jump on those two games to start he week.
D$ - Agree, those two games were not his style, he's usually not one to 'reach' on 2 dogshit tv games. It's a long season, am sure he'll end up north of 55% when its all said and done.

DZ22 - Everybody hates a tout, but the guy has a solid, documented record and his picks move the lines on Thursdays when they come out - look for the Dr Bob In-Game thread around 2pm PST. I use his analysis as a tool, he always has good stats/trends included. There are GREAT cappers in this forum, and I read as many as possible in addition to doing my own analysis. If you want to find out more about who he is, google 'Dr Bob handicapper'.

He is a slightly more proven than average tout....but he has backers that change lines every week. He is responsible for more middles than any man on the planet
Thanks. So let's break it down:

8-12, 40% Best Bet Winners
19-31, 38% Star Basis Winners

My god. That is just horrible.

sure is...and it explains the SoPiss play tonight, to an extent. that one was kinda surprising...

that said...i do expect the dr to turn things around here soon. would never pay for shit from anyone...but the more data his math model has, theoretically, the better it'll perform.

anyways, just keep moving the lines...
I know nothing of Dr. Bip, Dr. Bop or Dr. Bob's records I do know, however, that posters here, RJ ESQ included, have made me money and presented detailed information with a one-stop reading center format. It's cool. I also think RJ ESQ should be given some sort of Avatar...

...and given that a few cappers, good ones IMO, have laid off the RU game, I can't resist to take RU -3 because...well I may be some sort of Homer. Good Luck with or without Dr. Bip, Dr. Bop or Dr. Bob.