dog day afternoon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Okay, my computer skills have been excarbated. I invented Rubik's cubes not computers.

My friend is reading the rules and regs on Matchbook. I'm going to the grocery store to pick up some fancy food.

She has 45 minutes to "master" the matchbook part. Or I will not do any more chick stuff. That is Plan A, Aisle 1, right next to the fresh vegetables. Be back in an hour with some pay pal accounts !!!!!!

I just read yesterdays and todays boiler threads and I am now going to do some heroine immediately.....

Back from store without getting locked up........ scored some Prime Rib, Bok Choy and some flowers.

Bitches all over my ass right now...... still have not figured out how to fund matchbook though. Do I have to move to Mexico?

funny shit eh cake?,,,,,,see ,this is what they are missin over''there'' now that fried is over here with us,,,,,,im sure they could care less about the rest of us but not having that lunatic over there is truly a loss,,,,,,,,,:36_11_6:,,,,,,,,fried swears he doesnt do drugs which i must say is hard to believe,,,,,,,,,,,:bong::line::stretcher:
Do BOATS count for residences??????

Gonna give my boat a social security number !!!


Boiler.......... Straight up dude.

No drugs for me. I'm not even allowed to touch wine spritzers !!!!!!!!!

People think I'm on drugs but I barely even fuck with tequila. Lotsa beer though !!!!!!!!! :cheers:
thats nothin,,,junior year of high school i was president of the national spanish honor society,,,i had spanish in 7 and 8th grade so the spanish i had in high school was a repeat,,,,,,,,100's acrooss the board,,,,totally helped my average with all the other low grades so i could stay eligible for football,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:18_1_104v:
That's fucking nothing......... I was ON STAGE speaking spanglish in Mexico City !!!!!!!

They had to go build more trophy cases for my ass !!!!!!!!!!!
I passed my first Spanish class so I hopped on a plane and went to SPAIN !!!

You freaks were trying to count how many quarters are in a football game, while I'm in Spain giving Spanish lessons !!!!!!

You guys might already know this but I dance for a living.

Can't help it. It's my thing. All we need is either a piece of cardboard or a pole.
easy now,,,,,ur startin to lose it,,,,,,,i need u sharp as a tack in the very near future,,,,,,,,u hear me?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,u know what im talkin about,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'an_horse'
No problemola, will slow my roll down..........

Kinda multi-tasking and starting to cause problems here on the homefront but I'll be back later.

Sharper then ten tacks on a hot summer day.

Shrimp is sharper than ten chickens and a turkey !!!!!!!!!!


Love ya Boiler, gotta go check on dinner. Shrimp will be back later. You guys try to behave !!!!

Okay, whew.......... got threw dinner.

Forgot to cook the bok choy but threw some zucchini on the grill and it was fucking delicious. :bow:

Olive oil, salt, peppa and grill it !!!!!!!!!!
Tonite is a school nite............

No more drinking, gambling, dancing, cooking, or even chewing gum until Thursday !!!!!!!!!!

Shirts getting tucked in and Shrimp's ass is gonna crawl in bed and fucking enjoy some clean sheets and quietness !!!!'

Bust it Dudes !!!!

Foots in less than one week !!!
