Doctor Bob WEEK 4 IN-GAME...


CTG Regular
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Wanted to get this up and going early.

Does anyone know when the first e-mail is supposed to go out?

I'd appreciate any help from Steve Moneydog or others as I am getting the bets into the office but not the values (3-star up to -11, 2-stars up to -13.5, and a strong opinion at -14 for example).... and I'd like those values.

No need for writeups but values are important, even if they are an hour or so after his last bet... and of course, the time of the first e-mail going out...


Best Bets Now 5-1 this Season!
I was 3-1 on my week 3 College Best Bets, winning 2-Stars with Baylor on Friday night, 3-Stars with Vanderbilt and 2-Stars on Air Force while losing a 2-Star on Kentucky. that brings my record to 5-1 on Best Bets for the season and 11-2 on a Star Basis (1-0 on 3-Stars, 4-1 on 2-Stars). My Strong Opinions went 1-2-1 with a win on TCU, losses on Iowa and Arizona State, and a push on South Carolina +7. My College Strong Opinions are 8-7-1 this season. It was a strange week, as I had to release 2 Best Bets on Thursday and 2 more Best Bets on Friday due to Hurricane Ike taking lines on Baylor and Air Force off the board until Friday morning (I didn't want to release those before the lines were re-posted). Those that were logged in when they paid for the Best Bets on Thursday were able to view the addition 2 Best Bets on Friday. Some that weren't logged in when they purchased the weekly Best Bets on Thursday simply emailed me and I emailed them the analysis of the extra 2 Best Bets. This was the first time in 21 years that I've released the Best Bets in sections and I don't anticipate it happening again (at least until the next hurricane takes games off the board on Thursday). Week 4 Best Bets Released on Thursday at 2:45 pm Pacific
He's hitting well after a bad 2007 season.

Any thoughts on what he's going to hit? I mean, I don't want to work today, so let's speculate!

I think he'll be on UConn.
oh the irony of DRrex starting the drbob ingame .............

i think he will be on vanderbilt
I don't care about any speculation. I don't even care about the line moves.

But I do care about the accuracy of his plays. Last season I was 100 percent sure of what he was doing.

So far this season I am getting varying accounts of what it is he is doing - and I don't like it.

T-minus 2 hours and 25 minutes...
anyone know how many middles have hit LY and so far TY.. With the gap he creates around key numbers I suspect there is some of that going on with his associates.
I don't care about any speculation. I don't even care about the line moves.

But I do care about the accuracy of his plays. Last season I was 100 percent sure of what he was doing.

So far this season I am getting varying accounts of what it is he is doing - and I don't like it.

T-minus 2 hours and 25 minutes...

Nothing to elaborate about. I started this thread as a service to people in our forum (myself included) who want to know exactly what this guy is betting. The line moves tip it off sometimes, but then you have games like N.C. State and Utah that move on their own earlier in the afternoon. That's usually Walters trying to get in before Bob could potentially take his number, but you're never sure.