Discuss: Whisky debacle


Big Kahuna
In a winning bet (had Whisky plus the points), I have never been as charged as that debacle to end the game.

Fondy must be going postal now.

Chip shot fg to end the game and the official is holding the ball and telling them to wait? ASU committing delay of game penalty that wasn't called?

Outcomes like this can determine a season------> and coaching careers.

1) Whisky should have been allowed to kick the fg.

2) Obviously that won't happen, so demote the entire crew.

Just thought I would a rant on a WINNING bet.......which now that I am more clear headed is pretty asinine....but, hey, CTG board material nevertheless......:rofl:
Poor job by the officials in losing control. Wisconsin QB was stupid for leaving the ball down.

I had ASU ML as a final part of a parlay. Very lucky.
I don't think he ever downed it...it was a live ball. COuldn;t really tell though.
They said he "gave himself up" which I've. Never heard of. All that the same, down the ball and get the fuck out of te way. If there is a "give up" rule fr QB's then the refs screwed up. Mostly I think the coach screwed up.

Kick the dam field goal with the clock stopped. Don't expect in 16 seconds the field goal unit can get ont he field and get composed enough to hit a shot of ANY distance!
I think there was confusion as to whether or not the ball was live .. The asu player dove on it and they didn't penalize him because half the refs didn't even know what to call the play.

Then the Wisconsin side seemed to not be aware that the clock would keep running and so the qb is seen arguing with the referee wasting time.
Fondy must be going postal now.

lol, you can say that. he's on FB, wishing cancer on people/etc.

Poor job by the officials in losing control. Wisconsin QB was stupid for leaving the ball down.

yep. poor job all around.

I don't think he ever downed it...it was a live ball. COuldn;t really tell though.

that's why the ASU lineman jumped on the ball, incorrectly though.

They said he "gave himself up" which I've. Never heard of. All that the same, down the ball and get the fuck out of te way. If there is a "give up" rule fr QB's then the refs screwed up. Mostly I think the coach screwed up.

Kick the dam field goal with the clock stopped. Don't expect in 16 seconds the field goal unit can get ont he field and get composed enough to hit a shot of ANY distance!

that's the way it looked to me too on espn...and definitely the way they called it. then some retard friend of fondy's on FB, who i wasn't talking too, claimed i wasn't watching the game. lol, it must be a wisconsin thing...to be a jackoff, i mean. ;)

but exactly...nail on the head w/ the 2nd paragraph. wisky's to blame too.

I think there was confusion as to whether or not the ball was live .. The asu player dove on it and they didn't penalize him because half the refs didn't even know what to call the play.

Then the Wisconsin side seemed to not be aware that the clock would keep running and so the qb is seen arguing with the referee wasting time.

this was the first time i ever laughed like that losing a wager... :rofl:
I was literally in tears .. My wife is like what the hell is so funny .. And I'm trying trying to explain its something out of a traveling Improv troupe.
"In Saturday's night's finish, the Badgers were in position to kick the game-winning field goal.

With no timeouts remaining, Wisconsin QB Joel Stave ran the ball to the 15, losing two yards on the play, but moving the ball to the center of the field. Instead of going down, he simply placed the ball on the field.
In what could have been ruled a fumble, the play was marked down at the 15. But an Arizona State player stayed down on the field, holding the ball, thinking it was a fumble.
When the official finally marked the ball, he signaled for the Badgers to wait. The final few seconds ticked off the clock and the game was over."

^^ from that SN thing

fondy's got a screen shot of a quick knee down before the QB placed the ball down. musta been the local broadcast, as eggman pretty much described the espn broadcast...and their comments on the play.
I didn't have anything at stake but it was obviously screwed by the refs

Same here... One thing that really "urks" me in college football: when refs clearly fuck up in the final seconds of a game, but, instead of stopping to discuss it (like they do any other similar play during the game, with time still on the clock), they just run off the field like dumb little bitches without even making an effort to do the right thing.
What are you bitching about ? Teach your dipshit QB how to take a knee.

Correct call would have been fumble, ASU ball.

Always glad when stupidity isn't rewarded, it's why I hate Les Miles.
There was no question about whether the ball was live or if he "gave himself up". The worst thing to do in a situation like that is listen to the announcers who have no idea what they are talking about.

He went to a knee at the 15 yard line and placed the ball down. The head ref blew the play dead, as he should have. Then the umpire just screwed everything up by allowing the ASU player to lay on the ball and taking his sweet ass time to spot it. Even if the umpire was confused and thought it was a fumble he should have stopped the clock, which is what happens every single time there is a pile up following a fumble. Once they sort it out if the offense recovers they wind the clock and if the defense recovers the clock obviously stays stopped due to change of possession.

There is literally no way you can defend the officials action and Wisconsin didn't do anything wrong. It is 100% on the refs and it isn't close to being debatable.
What are you bitching about ? Teach your dipshit QB how to take a knee.

Correct call would have been fumble, ASU ball.

Always glad when stupidity isn't rewarded, it's why I hate Les Miles.
His knee hit before he laid the ball down...the fact they couldn't spot the ball for playin 18 secs is criminal....and now we are reviewing every hit in the secondary and they just jog off the field without looking at it like 8 women going shopping....complete joke

they also blew the whistle play dead and that's why a delay of game should have ensued...
What are you bitching about ? Teach your dipshit QB how to take a knee.

Correct call would have been fumble, ASU ball.

Always glad when stupidity isn't rewarded, it's why I hate Les Miles.
He did take a knee.

Even if you incorrectly assume it was a fumble the clock should have stopped.

If you're going to throw the word stupidity around you should probably make sure you aren't the one who is completely wrong.
He did take a knee.

Even if you incorrectly assume it was a fumble the clock should have stopped.

If you're going to throw the word stupidity around you should probably make sure you aren't the one who is completely wrong.

Link to the video please showing his knee down.

Not taking it as gospel from a photo a 5 year old can Photoshop these days.
If the announcer doesnt say anything,you know he took a knee,albeit a quick one


pause @ 0.06
Link to the video please showing his knee down.

Not taking it as gospel from a photo a 5 year old can Photoshop these days.
If you watched the play and don't allow your opinion to be formed by the announcers, who were clueless, then you'll see it. The pic above isn't a shop and I posted a still shot of my TV in the game thread last night while we were discussing it.

Even if you ignore the evidence, you can look at the actions of the head ref and know his knee was down. That's why the whistle was blown to begin with.

There is no way to spin this. The refs botched it.
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Lol...devils advocate alert...it doesn't even matter despite you ignoring clear evidence

All the arguments on touching the ground don't matter - NCAA 2013 Rule Book, Rule 4, Section 1, Article 3 - Ball is declared dead (when)...

Item o) When a ball carrier simulates placing his knee on the ground.
OK I got a pause of the video with his knee down.

Sorry if anyone lost $ due to this but fuck Wisconsin and especially Madison.

Great ending IMO and I hate Tempe junior college.
Shitty call no doubt. What is not being addressed is the poor coaching by the Badgers staff. Why on earth do you even fuck around there? You have 16 ticks and you attempt to take a knee, rely on the refs to re spot the ball, get your team lined back up while ASU does everything they can to disrupt you, and then spike it? Fuck that, get your kicking unit out there with 16 seconds left and kick the chip shot. They took a situation where they had everything under their own control and then added the refs and the defense of ASU into the equation.

The coaching staff has themselves to blame.
Meh...16 secs is an eternity...they weren't cutting it short at all...lining it up in center of the field is completely reasonable with that amt of time.....this is all on the refs...

Todd Graham was saved a lot of criticism here though as his game time management was just awful at the end of both halves..
I don't blame their staff at all. You are correct in that running it brought other factors into play, but they had to assume some level of competency on the part of the officials. The refs wouldn't have allowed the defense to lay on the ball and waste time in a two minute, hurry up situation and it shouldn't be any different in this one.
A head coaches job is to control every situation to the best of your ability. I'm sorry but you are in chip shot range with 16 seconds and no timeouts. Running a kneel down there and bringing all the other possibilities into play is reckless if you ask me. What might happen is exactly what happened.
A head coaches job is to control every situation to the best of your ability. I'm sorry but you are in chip shot range with 16 seconds and no timeouts. Running a kneel down there and bringing all the other possibilities into play is reckless if you ask me. What might happen is exactly what happened.
Their kicker was under 60% last year....centering the ball is completely reasonable....as MOT said, you have to assume the game is fair and the refs will do the their job.....it's a screw job plain and simple...
Just bizarre all the way around. Coaches who can't manage a ball game under 2 minutes left in a half of football just drive me nuts and it happened on both sides of the ball.
Just bizarre all the way around. Coaches who can't manage a ball game under 2 minutes left in a half of football just drive me nuts and it happened on both sides of the ball.

Like the Akron coach. 2 of the worst calls from the one to win a game against a superior opponent.

ASU ML was an 11 unit swing for me.......all I can say is that it was an un-fukkin-real finish.

I'm not blaming the kid, but you can't just set the ball down like that.....hand it to a fukkin ref
ASU ML was an 11 unit swing for me.......all I can say is that it was an un-fukkin-real finish.

I'm not blaming the kid, but you can't just set the ball down like that.....hand it to a fukkin ref


Andersen reiterated Monday that Stave performed as he had been trained and the staff would not alter its teaching.

"The idea behind putting the ball on the ground is to give the officials the opportunity to get the ball spotted quicker and cleaner," he said. "The officials, wherever they were, they weren't there to turn around and get the ball."

Andersen reiterated Monday that Stave performed as he had been trained and the staff would not alter its teaching.

"The idea behind putting the ball on the ground is to give the officials the opportunity to get the ball spotted quicker and cleaner," he said. "The officials, wherever they were, they weren't there to turn around and get the ball."
What a crock of shit. In the 30 plus years of watching football I've never seen a QB down a ball like that. GA is a defensive coach he should know you don't put the ball on the ground like that.