did some one just delete my thread?

Different thread bro. It was deleted with out explanation, it's been a while since i'be been here so maybe things have changed but it was disrespectful to delete it
No idea what thread you are talking about but bump so you can receive some answers

What forum was it in and what was it about? Again I have no idea what it was about but we do occasionally merge two pertinent threads together
College football
fsu vs Lou In game. I started the thread and a minute after a couple posts, it was gone. It said thread doesn't exist any more. Very strange but it's all good
What VK said

When 2 in-games are started at the same time they are just merged into one thread.

Appreciate your contributions though and hope you continue to stay active round here
No need to apologize dude. I'd be pissed if I thought someone deleted my thread too. Just wanted to clear things up
can some one pls explain to me why?

Yep, I merged them together last night. I was participating in your in-game thread before realizing there was another one. Alex started a thread right before you which is why when they were merged it shows he started the thread. I left an "expiring redirect" from your thread for an hour last night that if you would have clicked on it from the college football forum would have taken you to the merged thread.

I didn't realize that when two threads were merged and you were already in the thread though it wouldn't automatically take you to the combined one. My mistake and I'm sorry about that. Next time I'll make sure it is clear what I am going to do to avoid that issue. Glad you started the thread as I was going to do the same thing until I saw yours. We both just missed Alex's thread.
my pick threads get deleted all the time....in thh boys' attempt to keep this place looking "sharp".....can't take it personally....