dial's hit on murray

Tide High

i don't want your opinions, i want the rule. is there a rule in college that you can't seek out the QB on a return? is there in the nfl? is helmet to helmet only a penalty on defenseless players?

did the official blow the call?

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yes it is a rule... i'm not positive on what the rule exactly says but something about defenseless player and I know they have put the emphasis on the QB on plays like this...call was missed
It is a rule about targeting the qb after an interception. Point of emphasis ,,,errr allegedly. In defense of the official they showed his line of sight was blocked some.
i would disagree.....he wasn't even close to making a play

neither are half the players on any return. if you are moving towards the play you are in the play. i'm talking rules, not opinions.

doesn't this type of play happen basically every INT? i know it used to. i assume the rule that VK mentions has knocked these plays down, but i was taught in Jr high to find the QB on an INT. not saying its right, because its not. its wrong. that's my opinion though. i'm looking for the rule. i have yet to find it
Yes there is a rule and yes the call was missed.

Please provide one example of an offensive player being flagged for helmet-to-helmet contact in either college or the NFL. I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but I've never seen it. There is helmet-to-helmet contact on every play in the trenches. Just look at the helmet of an offensive or defensive lineman after a game.

Moreover, NCAA Rule 9-1-3 states, "No player shall target and initiate contact against an opponent with the crown (top) of his helmet." Dial did not hit Murray with the crown of his helmet. Thus, I find zero merit in the argument that Dial's hit violated any NCAA rule.

If you want to truely discuss a dirty play in the Alabama/Georgia game, talk about Dee Milliner having his eye gouged by Sheldon Dawson, or about Bacarri Rambo repeatedly and intentionally twisting the ankles of Yeldon, Lacy and McCarron after the whistle.


Incidently, Dee Milliner was penalized 15 yards for having his eye gouged.
VK he's defenseless?? because he's a fucking idiot watching the play like a coach? or because he only weighs 190 lbs? defenseless means you are going for or throwing the ball and cannot react. every fucking QB that's ever played knows to lookout after an INT. its football for the last 30 years. IF there is a new rule to help these players not get hurt in this situation, i've never seen it and is thats the reason i started the thread. i assumed someone at CTG would be able to understand that and point me right at it.
I spent a few minutes looking ,,, mostly in rule 9 area but didn't see it specifically addressed. However, I have heard several times this year that the official is to specifically watch for defenders cheapshotting defenseless qb's after an interception. So I think it is just an extension/interpretation of that rule. rule book is huge and since I don't care enough I quit looking Tide.

I think it is each players responsibilty to protect themselves from otherwise legal hits but this was so obvious a dirty play that even I can't ignore it.
yes it is a rule... i'm not positive on what the rule exactly says but something about defenseless player and I know they have put the emphasis on the QB on plays like this...call was missed

You know the call was missed, yet you admit you have no clue what the rule is. mmmmmmmkay. What if you actually read Rule 9-1-3 on page FR-83 and it proves the call wasn't missed???
i'm not asking you or to find it, i was just hoping someone knew of it already and could reference it off the top.

i honestly don't see it as dirty because its common place and a pretty integral part of the game. if we are going to protect QBs everywhere else they probably should be protected in this scenario
one of the main reasons i brought this up is because i've read numerous articles calling for a suspension in the NT game, but none of those articles references a rule broken
I spent a few minutes looking ,,, mostly in rule 9 area but didn't see it specifically addressed. However, I have heard several times this year that the official is to specifically watch for defenders cheapshotting defenseless qb's after an interception. So I think it is just an extension/interpretation of that rule. rule book is huge and since I don't care enough I quit looking Tide.

I think it is each players responsibilty to protect themselves from otherwise legal hits but this was so obvious a dirty play that even I can't ignore it.

It's at the bottom of page FR-83 under the heading "Targeting/Initiating Contact With the Crown of the Helmet."
yeah helmet to helmet, definitely. defensless player? i don't know. he's just jogging towards the returner like a child. so maybe he is defensless. tough kid though. it looked much worse than it was. if he was running full speed into it trying to push back it would have been much worse. dial really just nudged him. didn't spring his hips or anything.
i mean he is straight up joggging towards the play. i guarantee if you asked him he'd say he should've known better
He should have known better .... but Dial should have known better too....

and an offensive lineman should have known better in the second half when he should have chop blocked Dial in the back of the knee in retaliation....
Please provide one example of an offensive player being flagged for helmet-to-helmet contact in either college or the NFL. I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but I've never seen it. There is helmet-to-helmet contact on every play in the trenches. Just look at the helmet of an offensive or defensive lineman after a game.

Crack back blocking - Hines Ward was notorious for this. He had multiple penalties, and fines, for this. It is the same in college.
My only problem here is saying Murray was out of the play. If HCD cuts back to the middle of the field, Murray would have been in line to make a tackle. Cheap shot? Probably. Should have been flagged? Apparently so. Would any player on any team in the same situation done the same thing? Absolutely.

Also, Dial is 6'6" and Murray is 6'. How in the world can he block him without hitting him in the head? Should he have gone for the knees?
You know the call was missed, yet you admit you have no clue what the rule is. mmmmmmmkay. What if you actually read Rule 9-1-3 on page FR-83 and it proves the call wasn't missed???

sorry brother...didn't have time to stroll through the rule book...just have heard several times this season on how they are putting an emphasis on these types of hits. Don't need to go through a rule book when i have heard it over and over and over all year long
sorry brother...didn't have time to stroll through the rule book...just have heard several times this season on how they are putting an emphasis on these types of hits. Don't need to go through a rule book when i have heard it over and over and over all year long

i hear nonsense on espn all the time. i don't want to search the rulebook either but if a journalist is going to call for a suspension, they should back up their remarks with rules, or call out the NCAA to make a rule
sorry brother...didn't have time to stroll through the rule book...just have heard several times this season on how they are putting an emphasis on these types of hits. Don't need to go through a rule book when i have heard it over and over and over all year long

It turns out the head of SEC officials agrees with you, so apparently you are 100% correct and I was dead wrong. Certainly not a first for me.

irish QB is not defensless here. he's moving towards the returner and can be blocked with the helmet.

Legend, is it?? Lol. You aren't looking for a rule to anything. You are looking for someone (praying, actually) to believe what you are attempting to sell in wolves clothing. That it was a clean hit.
If you listened to Finebaum today around 3pm Central you heard Tim reference the rule that was put in place last summer. You also heard Tim reference where this rule came into play twice in the SEC this year.
My only problem here is saying Murray was out of the play. If HCD cuts back to the middle of the field, Murray would have been in line to make a tackle. Cheap shot? Probably. Should have been flagged? Apparently so. Would any player on any team in the same situation done the same thing? Absolutely.

Also, Dial is 6'6" and Murray is 6'. How in the world can he block him without hitting him in the head? Should he have gone for the knees?

No. What Dial should have done is shoved him with both hands and knocked his ass to the ground. The same message would have been sent considering the size difference amongst the two players and it would have been "cool." What Dial did was entirely cheap and bullish. There's no question this was a football game and its not for the faint of heart, but he was out of line. Dial is at the mercy of a rule now. We will have to see if he pays the ultimate price for picking on a defenseless QB who was half his size by blindly going helmet to helmet on him. My guess is the SEC and/or the NCAA will swallow the whistle on this.
waiting on that. media all over it they have to step up. how murray is defenseless i have no idea. he's not engaging in any football act that is keeping him from protecting himself. if he's defenseless then anyone is defenseless at any time. all he had to do was look 1 second earlier

Yup. And all I needed to do was correctly pick the six numbers in the lottery the other night and I'd be a half billionaire. Silly me.
this is helmet to helmet + defenseless player

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OwTH8pL4-7Y?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
I'm curious as to what made Murray defenseless?

It's not as if he was in the act of throwing or catching the ball when he was hit

one simple question for ya: Was Murray hit from the front as to where he saw Dial coming directly across the way?
The embarrassing thing is the lack of policing by the Georgia team. That guy should have had his knees dived at until his acl was ruined after that. Dawgs showed no pride.
The embarrassing thing is the lack of policing by the Georgia team. That guy should have had his knees dived at until his acl was ruined after that. Dawgs showed no pride.

or AJ gets one in the mouth
Legend, is it?? Lol. You aren't looking for a rule to anything. You are looking for someone (praying, actually) to believe what you are attempting to sell in wolves clothing. That it was a clean hit.

No, im asking for the rule. Thanks for providing it via a radio show time. I never said it was clean. I said I thought I had seen it called 15 in the nfk but wasnt sure about college. I swear sometimes I think no one reads posts.

one simple question for ya: Was Murray hit from the front as to where he saw Dial coming directly across the way?

So you can only block players that are looking at the blocker? Murray got hit from the front. Murray's head was turned toward he player he might have to try to tackle, but its not like Dial hit him from behind. Im ok calling it helmet to helmet. But if you're talking suspension, then Ogletree has to sit too.

Funny that the only person not complaining about the block is Murray.