Delaware Monday pick 5


Pretty much a regular
Didn't really know where to post this cuz it isn't baseball no, but there isn't a horse forum. Well anyway the unemployed life is great ha, I am up drinking at fucking 330 am oh yeah nothing better. Guess Sunday this was a regular occurrence since I didn't work Monday normally, but anyway, damn it feels good to be a gangsta. Haven't been betting bases just horses, me and younggun another member here are sort of splitting some bets on some big pick 5's, but so far we haven't hit it up big, we're about even. Been damn close to some big payouts, and then we get fucked barely, damn it. Fuck he wins when I don't go in with him, ha, my luck, I probably bring him down, lol. Need to start cracking heads or I'm gonna need to get a job at some point. Don't wanna think about that, nope. Got a lot of cash now no worries, need to get some money coming in though. Just figured I would post tonight since I haven't in a while. Jeah, here is a pick 5 tomorrow, bang, this shit is gonna cash fo big dollas yo. Break yo self Lincoln Racecourse, get the 100's ready in stacks baby.

Delaware Park race 3

.50 pick 5 1,4/1,5,6,7,8,12/1,2,3,4,5,6,7/7/1,2,3,6,7,10 so 252 bucks total to win a bunch hopefully

This is pending scratches so nothing finalized yet, have to see who got scratched in the morning

You can't tell me shit about the mothafuckin clip, you can't say shit about the mothafuckin trigga. Got a little Spice 1 on now, all ya'all real ass niggaz just ride, 187 thousand g, yeah.

Will be back in the morning with the finalized ticket, if anybody cares lol, maybe not, figured though I haven't posted in a while so did for the hell of it.
Hopefully the weather will be okay, not for sure on that. If those turf races get taken off the turf that will be a problem. Shit that will suck, hopefully it quits fucking raining there. Just checked and it is raining now and the forecast is for more, shit that will fuck it all up. Damn it I feel good about this ticket if the turf is a go, but not looking like it will be. Oh well, will deal with it in the morning.
Been walkin down the block with a pocket full of rocks. Got some MC Eight and Scarface on. That was pretty fucking hilarious when the cops thought I was slangin rocks in Vegas, ha, those morons they pulled me over and just patted me down and searched my ride. They pulled out my cash out my pocket, had a lot about 4000 or more, and then searched my car, had a Jeep then. They found my prescription allergy pills and thought I had crack rocks in there ha, the cop found it and was like oh what is this? I said they are allergy pills, then the cop checked it out and was like no not rocks, guess he was telling the truth about the allergy pills. I got a ticket though for loud music, lol, that was like 50 bucks or something. I remember they threw my cash on the hood, and people were gathering around, cuz it was on the strip in Vegas, ha, they probably hoping to steal the cash maybe. One cop was watching it close though. While the other searched my shit.
Guess my hopes and dreams may be shattered by the weather fuck, I like this ticket a lot. Think it has potential for 1 k plus, but need the turf to be a go. Fuck quit raining in Delaware damn it, in Wilmington.
Shit I may roll to Vegas Tuesday or Wednesday not sure when. That sounds good, ha, fuck I do what I want now. Nothing better than to just wake up and do whatever the fuck you want, oh yeah that is the shit. Fuck if I wanna drive to Vegas I can, nothing keeping me here. Although my crappy Explorer may break down on the way, oh well that is a chance I'm willing to take, lol.
Yeah I'm thinking Vegas is gonna happen. I'm tired of Lincoln, plenty of hot black hoes in Vegas, not gonna get what I want exactly out there like last time however, no 16 year old black chick, ha, no way, I am too old to run game on a chick that is 16, well that was when I was 26 when I did that. Now no at 38, I would be old enough to be dad at this point.
Hell jeah, got a shitload of money, no work, and it is on mothafucka. Kind of wanna see the homiez in Vegas, Ray, Mike, and Big G. We gonna tear it down baby, yeah I'm rollin till the wheels fall off ha, they may fall of too, not sure on my Explorer.
I was just thinking about me and younggun's pick 5 at Santa Anita the other day, oh man we got totally fucked. The 3 horse I think it was neurmal or something like that, not sure on the name, but he got totally fucked, and so did we. He just started his charge for home, and got screwed by the horse in front of him, he tried to go around him and kick for home, but the horse in front of him ran all fucked up and swerved out and bumped him, then they ended up going like 8 wide or some shit and he bumped him again, ha, my luck. Then Neurmal still ended up getting 3rd almost after all that, he was the 3 horse, don't remember what day that was they all run together when your not working. Damn it that would have been a decent hit if that 3 would have won, and he would have if he got by that horse without a problem. Think that horse in front of him ran all fucked up when he hit the dirt, cuz it was on that downhill turf course at Santa Anita, they run on dirt for a little bit, and that fucks up some horses.
Oh I see there gamehunter. Guess maybe I should put em in there. Oh well, guess it is no big deal really to put em in here either. Here is my final product after scratches. Got some real bombers in here, hope some hit, then we happy.

Delaware race 3

.50 pick 5, 1,4/1,2,5,6,7,8,12/1,2,4,6/7/1,2,3,4,6,7,10 so that's it 196 bucks, go big, or go home ha, well if I can upset the 2 in the 5th that would be nice, could happen, bombers everywhere

This will be the ticket unless they change it to off the turf, think it should stay on. If it's off then this ticket isn't happening, no.

Gonna go to the track watch these bitches run. Looks like it starts in about a hour and a half. It's funny on Monday there isn't anybody there. A few old retired guys and me, everybody is over the age of 60 out there on Monday. Well except this ***** Ishmael, my brother's wife's friend he will be there with his 4 year old or 5 year old daughter. He brings his daughter out there and makes her sit there all day, ha, what a loser.
Am gonna do Presque and Mountaineer later, but don't think I will put em up in here. Well would have to get the ctg mobile app on my phone. Probably won't bother with it. Hope that 2 loses in the 5th. That is gonna be key. I do have a couple new shooters in there that may bring it, hope one does. Yeah this ticket I am hoping for some bombers to hit in the 4th race, 5th, and 7th. The 3rd and 6th races I have favorites in those. Better head out to Lincoln Racecourse, the racecourse without a racecourse ha. They are planning on building a new track, even gonna be a big one a mile oval. Not the 5/8 mile oval like it used to be. That place is real nice out there though, kind of like a Vegas sports book. Except no drink tickets damn it, gotta pay for those. I just bring a cooler and go out to my car and drink in between races, saves money.
Well that sucked. The 7 horse blew ass, and lost to a total turd. But wouldn't have made shit anyway cuz they took the last leg off the turf, so that made it an all then. Think that is a fucked up rule, you should get a refund on scratched horses in that scenario, when they move a race from turf to dirt in the middle of the sequence, fuckery there.

Oh well movin on, gonna look at Mountaineer pick 4's for later. Guess I better check the weather make sure I won't get stabbed in the ass again. Ha I didn't know that rule there. Lost what I made yesterday. Just gotta get it back here late.
Suppose I will put up my Mountaineer pick 4's here in a bit. Probably follow at your own risk, since I'm not with yg on these. He is a better horse capper than me, for sure, but he isn't doing these today.
Damn it I'm really pissed about that no refund bullshit, that totally screws you then. Fuck you get a refund on every other kind of bet you make it, but not pick 5 or pick 3 or 4, oh well whatever, that doesn't make sense to me.
Yesterday I will give myself credit I did pick the Belmont pick 5, yg didn't help me there. Well he did a little with one horse, but I was my own there and cashed it for 379.
Okay track fast turf firm, no crazy fuckery gonna happen at Mountaineer no rain in sight. Good, I'm not taking it in the ass again like Delaware, those butt stabbbers, damn it. How the fuck do they get away with that, they just robbed my ass ha.
Oh good deal yg is on tha mothafucka, gonna try and save my ass ha, well I mean my skills are not terrible but he is a little more seasoned on horses. I am not experienced in making pick 4 and pick 5 tickets.
Well here's what I came up with. Guess younggun is sort of busy at the moment, so he is gonna take a look at the late pick 4 at Mountaineer, guess I won't post that will be at the track then. Anyway here is my pick, hope it is better than what I did earlier. Still can't believe Delaware just straight jacked me earlier, break yo self Tuck, ha, what the fuck.

So this is without yg's help, may not go well. Did hit that one on my own yesterday at Belmont for 379 though, that's not bad, not at all.

Mountaineer race 2

.50 pick 4, 2/1,4,5,6/2,3,4,5,6/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 so all in the last leg, that race is a real shit fest anybody could win, 80 bucks total there

Got the single right out the box, bang. Hope that 2 horse lays it down, he should. Well his last race sucked, but that was at Keeneland so don't care. He was real good at Houston before that, and that is a lot like Mountaineer. Should be good on that single. The trainer is the leader at Mountaineer Eric Reed, so looks like a winner to me. Hope that 4 doesn't fuck me. That horse seems to be the main obstacle.
Pretty much hoping a few prices come in later on for this ticket. The 2 will be favored in that 1st leg. Seems to me there could be some bombs dropping in the last couple races.