DeAndre Johnson

lol "in the south". Oklahoma sure .. not other spots .. any more than anywhere else.

Yea, I ignored the fact he said "in the South". The ignorance of some people never cease to amaze. People have a way of seeing things no matter how untrue they are. I imagine I have a blind spot or two as well. It is what it is.
lol "in the south". Oklahoma sure .. not other spots .. any more than anywhere else.

i have friends living in various places in the south - trust me it is more rampant there than anywhere else in the country. for Pete's sake it just took 9 black lives being shot and killed by a POS racist in SoCaro just to finally get the confederate flag brought down at the SC capitol.

I am many, many things, but IGNORANT I am not. I tell the truth, whether you like it or not.

CLOWN, the last part was directed at CAROLINA GUY not you.

I watched the video again, 4X. You can see her say quite a few words then swing with her left hand. I will not say I necessarily believe the N word was used, but I do believe DeAndre when he says he was called a racial epithet.

If anyone has time to google the chick's response or lack thereof, in denying this allegation by DeAndre, then please post it. Even if she is "lawyered up", she and her lawyer should agree that a swift and hard DENIAL of saying any racial epithet is in order.
some of you need to take off your hoods for a moment and get off your horses riding the KNIGHT, and open your eyes. this is 2015 for Pete's sake - get a grip and GROW INTELLECTUALLY
... And good to know you have "friends" in other parts of the USA. So does everyone else including myself. I can point to people I know all over this country who have racist tendencies as well. Also can point to ones who do not.
Majent, the smartest person in the world has a blind spot two of ignorance. Don't think so highly of yourself.

Whenever some hints or blatantly calls out in an instance of racism or a racial overtone or undertone, YOU seem to be the FIRST person to come screaming that it is NOT. judging from the "Carolina" in your moniker, I can see where it comes from. YOU SIR are one of the most ignorant posters I have ever read in forumland. I know many other posters who silently agree with me but they prefer to stay anonymous.
... And good to know you have "friends" in other parts of the USA. So does everyone else including myself. I can point to people I know all over this country who have racist tendencies as well. Also can point to ones who do not.

there are exceptions to every rule - there are racist and homophobic people in San Francisco - BUT THE VAST MAJORITY OF LOW-CLASS, UNEDUCATED, MENTALLY IMPOVERISHED PEOPLE IN THE USA, reside in the bible belt known as The Deep South.

if you don't know this, then get out of your shed more often, SON
Wow. So if someone calls you an offensive name, violence is the answer? Awesome.

The N word, if used, justifies a swift and hard punch to the face.

The N word is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE as it is the most racially charged word that one can use in America today, or anywhere in fact.
Wow. So if someone calls you an offensive name, violence is the answer? Awesome.

If I'm standing with one of my black friends, and you use that word towards any of them, then God help you. I would use my 4th degree black belt in Aikido to smash you into pieces.
The N word, if used, justifies a swift and hard punch to the face.

The N word is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE as it is the most racially charged word that one can use in America today, or anywhere in fact.

What about CUNT? If someone calls me a cunt can I deck them and that's OK?

What if a black person calls another black person N word? Is it only ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE if it is said by a non-black person?
And I am completely against using the N word - at any time, by anyone. But I am against your solution of violence as well.
The N word, if used, justifies a swift and hard punch to the face.

The N word is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE as it is the most racially charged word that one can use in America today, or anywhere in fact.

I don't think there are degrees to racism...N bomb is bad, calling an asian person a *****, nip, or gook, calling a middle eastern person a terrorist, calling a brown person a's all racist. No one is worse than the next.
Whenever some hints or blatantly calls out in an instance of racism or a racial overtone or undertone, YOU seem to be the FIRST person to come screaming that it is NOT. judging from the "Carolina" in your moniker, I can see where it comes from. YOU SIR are one of the most ignorant posters I have ever read in forumland. I know many other posters who silently agree with me but they prefer to stay anonymous.

You don't think I already don't know that most on here don't like my postings? You also need to know there are others on here who feel exactly like I do, but choose not to bother with it (see what I just did there?!). So when I see blatant, across the board BS of any kind, yes, I'm gonna speak up. You refuse to think the N word wasn't used. I haven't said it was or wasn't at all in this particular incident. I simply showed you why he would have said what he did and you refuse to admit it is possible. So what you do is go to the lowest common denominator of posting on the Internet. What you are doing right now is deflecting bc you don't know what else to do. You know it and I know it.
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there are exceptions to every rule - there are racist and homophobic people in San Francisco - BUT THE VAST MAJORITY OF LOW-CLASS, UNEDUCATED, MENTALLY IMPOVERISHED PEOPLE IN THE USA, reside in the bible belt known as The Deep South.

if you don't know this, then get out of your shed more often, SON

Wow. More evidence of you just blowing up. Keep up the solid work. Your ignorance knows no bounds.
Post of the year nominee right here. F'ing hilarious.

I believe that would be classified as assault with a deadly weapon. But I'm a mentally impoverished low-class racist down here in Alabama, so what do I know?
Hmmm some folks having a tough time ascertaining what I'm saying. I would reckon that out of 100% of ignorant low class uneducated fools in the great USA, about 80% of the 100% live in the deep south. That would mean that 4 out of every 5 of these lowlife resides in the deep south. Does everyone in the south represent these ppl? Of course not. The majority of folk diwn there are mighty fine. But a higher percentage of us on the coasts near the water, are cut from the cloth of intellectual superiority and cultural and sexual acceptance. the bible belt is where the riff raff grows and its been this way for a few centuries now.

Dumbfukks abound!!!!
Where do the polls show the majority of disdain and/or lack of acceptance for minorities, LGBT community, Yag marriage and caitlyn jenner, resides??

You guessed it chappy: the deep south

Thank the good Lord I don't live there and I never will...
Hmmm some folks having a tough time ascertaining what I'm saying. I would reckon that out of 100% of ignorant low class uneducated fools in the great USA, about 80% of the 100% live in the deep south. That would mean that 4 out of every 5 of these lowlife resides in the deep south. Does everyone in the south represent these ppl? Of course not. The majority of folk diwn there are mighty fine. But a higher percentage of us on the coasts near the water, are cut from the cloth of intellectual superiority and cultural and sexual acceptance. the bible belt is where the riff raff grows and its been this way for a few centuries now.

Dumbfukks abound!!!!

Has not been my experience, and I am traveling weekly but I will say that when I was a kid and changed schools from upstate new York to west Texas that I was way ahead of where they were in the curriculum .... save Spanish.

I noticed that the deep south does tend to be where the overt racist (stereotypical) is but I also found the elitist racist on the coasts .... you know the ones ... who love black people the way they love their dogs.... openly believe blacks cannot do for themselves and as such advocate policies like quotas, minimum wage hikes, public housing, welfare programs aimed at black communities, affirmative action, ... basically just think they are superior and hold blacks to lower standards. These are the people tolerant of only their beliefs and then scream at the top of their lungs for the heads of anyone who disagrees with them.
Then again my travels take me to the CEO's of these companies not the less educated parts of the areas .... so maybe it isn't the best sample of the deep south or the coasts for that matter.
Hmmm some folks having a tough time ascertaining what I'm saying. I would reckon that out of 100% of ignorant low class uneducated fools in the great USA, about 80% of the 100% live in the deep south. That would mean that 4 out of every 5 of these lowlife resides in the deep south. Does everyone in the south represent these ppl? Of course not. The majority of folk diwn there are mighty fine. But a higher percentage of us on the coasts near the water, are cut from the cloth of intellectual superiority and cultural and sexual acceptance. the bible belt is where the riff raff grows and its been this way for a few centuries now.

Dumbfukks abound!!!!

Keep digging that hole, majent. I can't recall the last time I saw one getting dug so deep, so fast around here! VK Shake.
Not sure polling is the best measure either ... coasts are more deceitful and hide their prejudice or actually don't realize they are racist. The overt racist just says what he thinks. BTW the overt racist has little power and the elitist racists have lots .....
Hmmm some folks having a tough time ascertaining what I'm saying. I would reckon that out of 100% of ignorant low class uneducated fools in the great USA, about 80% of the 100% live in the deep south. That would mean that 4 out of every 5 of these lowlife resides in the deep south. Does everyone in the south represent these ppl? Of course not. The majority of folk diwn there are mighty fine. But a higher percentage of us on the coasts near the water, are cut from the cloth of intellectual superiority and cultural and sexual acceptance. the bible belt is where the riff raff grows and its been this way for a few centuries now.

Dumbfukks abound!!!!

Well I guess not having any coasts here in the south explains it.
And yes, a racist asshole committed a terrible crime in South Carolina. Shouldn't be about the flag, but there were no riots so the national news media had to make it about more than what it was: a terrible crime and tragedy, but thankfully not a common thing. Ferguson, Baltimore, and NYC all had police officers allegedly perpetrating crimes based on racial profiling. Are these considered in the South? NYC and Baltimore are pretty near the coast from what I remember. Rodney King wasn't in Birmingham, Atlanta, Nashville, or Tupelo, Mississippi. He was in LA. Guess the cops were southern? There are racists, bigots, sexists, homophobes, and just in general assholes everywhere. Just calling the south racist and mentally impoverished is just regurgitating (means throwing up for the other southerners here) a tired and lazy narrative that was started by an elitist faction decades ago. I don't get to travel our country very much, but I do have cable television. I don't have to watch long to see dumb, morally bankrupt douchebags that aren't from this part of the country.
besides what I did when Colt got hurt against ... wait for it ... against ...... wait for it .... Y'all.
And yes, a racist asshole committed a terrible crime in South Carolina. Shouldn't be about the flag, but there were no riots so the national news media had to make it about more than what it was: a terrible crime and tragedy, but thankfully not a common thing. Ferguson, Baltimore, and NYC all had police officers allegedly perpetrating crimes based on racial profiling. Are these considered in the South? NYC and Baltimore are pretty near the coast from what I remember. Rodney King wasn't in Birmingham, Atlanta, Nashville, or Tupelo, Mississippi. He was in LA. Guess the cops were southern? There are racists, bigots, sexists, homophobes, and just in general assholes everywhere. Just calling the south racist and mentally impoverished is just regurgitating (means throwing up for the other southerners here) a tired and lazy narrative that was started by an elitist faction decades ago. I don't get to travel our country very much, but I do have cable television. I don't have to watch long to see dumb, morally bankrupt douchebags that aren't from this part of the country.

yep, there's dickheads everywhere
I believe the last time majent had this big of a position was the Charlie Strong hire.....and anyone who didn't like the hire pretty much didn't because he was black(or something like that).
Most people that I know that follow the UT program didn't like the hire because they know Strong doesn't like to deal with all the peripherals that the UT job requires...don't think it has much to do with race.
Most people that I know that follow the UT program didn't like the hire because they know Strong doesn't like to deal with all the peripherals that the UT job requires...don't think it has much to do with race.

It's always about race in the south. Always. Too ignorant for progress
Most people that I know that follow the UT program didn't like the hire because they know Strong doesn't like to deal with all the peripherals that the UT job requires...don't think it has much to do with race.

tell him that

I am sure the thread can be dug up..