And yes, a racist asshole committed a terrible crime in South Carolina. Shouldn't be about the flag, but there were no riots so the national news media had to make it about more than what it was: a terrible crime and tragedy, but thankfully not a common thing. Ferguson, Baltimore, and NYC all had police officers allegedly perpetrating crimes based on racial profiling. Are these considered in the South? NYC and Baltimore are pretty near the coast from what I remember. Rodney King wasn't in Birmingham, Atlanta, Nashville, or Tupelo, Mississippi. He was in LA. Guess the cops were southern? There are racists, bigots, sexists, homophobes, and just in general assholes everywhere. Just calling the south racist and mentally impoverished is just regurgitating (means throwing up for the other southerners here) a tired and lazy narrative that was started by an elitist faction decades ago. I don't get to travel our country very much, but I do have cable television. I don't have to watch long to see dumb, morally bankrupt douchebags that aren't from this part of the country.