Daily Chatter & Ingame - Wednesday 4/17/13

Getting fisted in bases today Hunt. Other than that just a dog looking for a tit.

Glad to hear your fam's safe in the Boston mess.
oh thanks bro. appreciate it..got out just in nick of time.

LOL im just studying, watching, itching to play in a bit..i read your threads all the time, you know your shit per usual.
goin good p, just chillin. thinking of betting goldencents for derby, pitino can't lose right? lol
good guy to have alex, few of my buddies never get rid of him on fantasy..non tiger fans too.
yeah I like him a lot

im looking at my fantasy team right now (it's a work one) and it looks like one of the better 10 league teams ive ever seen
Wieters, Goldschmidt, Cano, Wright, Andrelton Simmons, Pence, Stanton, Bourn, Middlebrooks, Kubel, Kendricks, Berkman

Scherzer, Wainwright, Brett Anderson, Harvey, Latos and Kimbrel as a closer

I think thats pretty good
other then Simmons being one of the last guys I drafted and Stanton having a horrible start it's pretty straight shooting for me
looks like this had a wide effect, there are about 5 buildings on fire that aren't even close to each other
WACO (April 17, 2013)—Emergency crews were responding Wednesday night after a report of a major explosion at a burning fertilizer plant in West north of Waco.

West firefighters were dispatched to the plant earlier in the evening after an earlier fire rekindled.

The explosion was reported at around 7:50 p.m. in a frantic radio call from the scene of the fire at West Fertilizer at 1471 Jerry Mashek Dr. just off Interstate 35.

Numerous injuries were reported and multiple ambulances were requested.

Several buildings were reported destroyed and a nearby nursing home was damaged.

There were reports that people were trapped in the nursing home and in an apartment building.

Scanner traffic indicated that some residents of both the nursing home and apartment building were severely injured.

A triage area was established at the intersection of Haven and North Reagan Streets.

A number of buildings were reported to be burning, some in residential areas.

West Middle School was one of the buildings reported to be on fire.

Injured victims were being taken to area hospitals.

An officer was dispatched to provide crowd control at Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center in Waco, which issued a call to all staffers to report.

A woman who was passing through West on Interstate 35 at the time of the explosion said she and her boyfriend saw a fireball 100-feet wide shoot into the air.

A man who lives 15 miles northwest of Hillsboro felt the concussion from the explosion.