
what has cutler ever done in his life that has made him as high profile of a qb as he is. hes been average since he was drafted. the biggest plus for him is that there are two ways to be average, consistently average, or at times spectacular and at times terrible, so the mean of it is average. Cutler is the second one, and because of that, he will always fool some front offices into thinking that he is something special
if it wasn't the bears signing him, it would have been someone else. What is the alternative for the Bears?
McCown, who was better than Cutler this year at 1/10th of the cost, and/or the 2014 NFL draft that is stacked with QBs
Yeah, I thought for sure they'd let him walk, and go with McCown, and draft a Q this year.....
I think people tend to forget how long it's been since the Bears had any stability at the QB position. Worse comes to worse, threaten to trade for Matt Cassel and that'll force him out...
McCown, who was better than Cutler this year at 1/10th of the cost, and/or the 2014 NFL draft that is stacked with QBs

eeek, really McCown. He is a 34 year old backup for a reason.

Rebuilding if the Bears go the draft route
I suppose so Braves. i didn't realize McCown was even into his thirties yet. Man, time flies.
McCown also said like 2 weeks ago he was thinking about retiring

I have no problem with this deal, as with all NFL contracts they probably have an opt out after 3 or 4 years

he was top 10 in completion and yp/a this year and his weapons are only going to keep getting better with Alshon turning in to an elite guy

don't understand why the NFC North teams are happy with it either, only one with a QB better is GB, Stafford hasn't proven to be any better
eeek, really McCown. He is a 34 year old backup for a reason.

Rebuilding if the Bears go the draft route

see Gannon, Rich

mccown might not be a superstar but he could hold the place for 2 years while they developed a young guy
Teed's probably right on this, and while I don't think Cutler is a great QB, he's kind of the hand they are stuck with. He is a QB who is well above average and like you said - this is a team that needs to win now with their offensive weapons. They'll need to spend some draft picks trying to fix that defense, which has to be their main priority coming into next season.

I wonder what guys in the locker room think of Smoking Jay? Do his teammates like playing with him?
he's not elite, but with the weapons around them they should have no problem on offensive skill positions

if they want to go the draft route (for a starter) then they roll the dice and have a 10? 20? percent chance of getting someone as good as Cutler the next two years

by which point Marshall and Forte are probably not elite anymore in to their 30s

they give this contract to cutler and draft and develop behind him
I'm thrilled as a Bears fan.

Who were they going to get via FA or the draft at their position? And please don't say McCown. Lightening in a bottle there, as someone else said, he's a 34 year old back up for a reason. You going to trade up and get a QB which is a proven mistake in the past. Most QB's don't make it anyway (see the old thread on here from the Megatron draft), and there isn't anyone coming available better. He has a rapport with Marshall that is unparalleled, and growing with Bennett and Jeffrey.

He is a good QB, top 10-12 in the league I think. He's got a cannon and finally has an offense that caters to his style. A lot of haters for the pure purpose of trolling but this is a better signing than most will admit.
Arguably the best most talented receiving corp in the league and can't do anything with it.

He sucks.
Arguably the best most talented receiving corp in the league and can't do anything with it.

He sucks.

They scored the 2nd most points in the league this year.

Please define "can't do anything with it"

The D is the problem, not the offense. Look at the games they lost and you will see that rather than spouting odd about the opinion you've made based on ESPN highlights.
i don't like the deal, but I will say that Cutler just needs to buy into Trestman's system and he will be succesful. However, I think his own ego gets in the way
Hes a soft cunt

WD to him on getting the deal

Lets not Compare him to Matty Stafford,Stafford would run into a brick wall for you,this shithouse,not so much.
i don't like the deal, but I will say that Cutler just needs to buy into Trestman's system and he will be succesful. However, I think his own ego gets in the way

This. Guy is a total head case.
They scored the 2nd most points in the league this year.

Please define "can't do anything with it"

The D is the problem, not the offense. Look at the games they lost and you will see that rather than spouting odd about the opinion you've made based on ESPN highlights.

Yeah, and how much of that did Jay account for? It wasn't him putting up those numbers, it was his back-up. Can't knock the offensive talent there, but Jay doesn't win you big games with it and he's a gigantic crybaby pussy that quits when things go wrong. Throw a little adversity at him and he checks out or gets hurt. Best defense against Jay is getting a pick or forcing a fumble against him on the opening drive because he's likely donezo after that.

No justifying that being a "good" deal. Fondy is probably laughing his ass off right now.
The problem with it is the bears need the money to spend on FA on the defensive side of the ball
Honestly McCown or some one they draft could come in and do the job just as good as cuntler.
And he's not a horrendous QB by any means (and outside of my dislikes of him), but a 7 year deal with where Bears are at is just mind-blowing.
With that offensive talent.

But it at least Rodgers gets to stick it in cuntlers ass
for the next 7 years, no pun intended
Guys that NO ONE would argue Cutler is better than: Cam, Peyton, Rodgers, Luck, Brady, Brees, Foles, Rivers, Wilson, Romo

Guys that most people would say are better but maybe not all: ryan, flacco, dalton, stafford, roethlisberger, RG3, Kaepernick

Guys that most people would say are in or around the same tier: alex smith, carson palmer, matt schuab, eli manning

Young/upside guys that could conceivably do as much in that offense but it's fair to say Cutler is a tier better than: cousins, locker, pyror, glennon, manuel and geno smith

Then you have McCown who has proved to be completely competent in that offense this year and the loaded (on paper) 2014 draft class.

The defense is awful and needs an overhaul -- and is only getting older (in a bad way). This contract is terrible in so many ways it's hilarious.
They'll have an opt out after three years...had no choice but to do this...

Dalton will be the next one people will go nuts over when he's extended...
Matt Cassel looked pretty good that one year in NE too...

yeah when he had randy moss and wes welker and by far the best head coach in the NFL, of course he wasn't very good with crappy teams. Leave him in NE and I'm sure he has another few good seasons. your weapons matter. Stafford looks competent with Megatron, take him away and he looks piss poor. When you're throwing to Marshall and Jeffrey and Forte is your RB it makes everything a lot easier. Which makes it unnecessary to spend 7/126 on an average QB without a whole lot of upside. Cutler will never be a top 10 NFL QB. You don't need one to win a Super Bowl, but with that defense as bad as it is, they might need that. The cap space he's going to take up won't let them address that. They'll be 6-10 to 10-6 without a real chance at a SB.
if it wasn't the bears signing him, it would have been someone else. What is the alternative for the Bears?

Agree. And Cutler and Trestman seemed pretty good together this year, and will only get better. All of these contracts nowadays have "outs" in them in some way, shape, or form, so this isn't that big of a deal imo.
The problem is, like Monk keeps trying to pound is they need to upgrade that defense. With or without Cutler, if that defense doesn't they definitely won't be anything other than GBs bitch in the NFC North.
The problem is, like Monk keeps trying to pound is they need to upgrade that defense. With or without Cutler, if that defense doesn't they definitely won't be anything other than GBs bitch in the NFC North.

Agreed, and it's a great point. As has been said many times before, QBs get way too much credit when things go well, and way too much criticism when things go bad. It's a team game, and while the QB may be the most important position on the field, he isn't winning or losing games by himself.
The problem is, like Monk keeps trying to pound is they need to upgrade that defense. With or without Cutler, if that defense doesn't they definitely won't be anything other than GBs bitch in the NFC North.

so they should throw away the QB position and go it with draft picks and also-ran QBs?

they probably looked at Minnesota in their own division as cautionary tale of what happens when your QB isn't at least in the top 15, you can have talent everywhere else and it wont matter
Their QB still isn't in the top 15. They have a guy that proved he could play within the system. There was little risk pairing McCown with a top draft pick. There's a lot of risk giving Cutler that much money to do the same job that a guy making a quarter of what he makes can do.
I think he's Top 15 but not by much. Can easily name 10 other QBs Id rather have at the helm when it comes to crunch time.

Oh, and fuck Cutler.
that is though what is great about sports

from what I have seen online it's about 50/50 that this is a good deal, with even those thinking it is mentioning like I did the opt out after year 3 or 4
They had to pay em....not sure who else was in the running. The amount does surprise me tho.....I woulda thought they do something else some kind of way....even though it isnt a really 7 yr deal I guess
what has cutler ever done in his life that has made him as high profile of a qb as he is. hes been average since he was drafted. the biggest plus for him is that there are two ways to be average, consistently average, or at times spectacular and at times terrible, so the mean of it is average. Cutler is the second one, and because of that, he will always fool some front offices into thinking that he is something special

he dates reality tv stars?
I really don't understand why people get caught up by the amount of dollars. That's the market. What other option do the bears have? Cutler is a quality starter.
because there is a salary cap, that's why. 6 of the 12 playoff teams, including the favorite, have young quarterbacks on extremely cheap deals, allowing them to spend elsewhere (Wilson, Kaepernick, Newton, Foles, Dalton, Luck). 4 have some of the best QBs of all time (Rodgers, Brady, Brees, Manning), where the large investment pays off. 2 have mediocre QBs (Smith, Rivers) making a sizable salary and frankly aren't expected to do much in the playoffs.