CTG Sunday Night Round Table -Volunteers Wanted


This claim is disputed
Looking for volunteers to commit to a discussion of games on Sunday nights beginning early August. I will carve out time to be here to do it if we get others to commit.

The idea is to get a bunch of us together to talk about the games in a short period of an hour or two and to get the commitment of people to participate so it is worth all of our time. Obviously we can't all make it every week but if we get a list of guys we can count on to be here and do it, I think we can get a lot of information circulating and revitalize the cfb forum which has fallen on hard times the last couple years.

Anyway I am in IF others volunteer and participate.


Lindetrain (pending dwoww)
Two Utes
Defaz (naked)
Paulie Vig (pending time range)
Tru (pending TVguide release and local weather report)
Cubsker (must remain positive with green checkmarks)
gsro (noobs not just allowed but new blood is one of the goals)
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I can be in here and there....2 small kids, so limited. I will not waste anyone's time either.....I will look for info that other's have, people wayyyy more informed than me and offer info on Tulane, LSU and SEC......in that order
You should fly to San Diego and play tennis with me Schrute.

I will commit to this; is this an August thing or a season long thing? I'm kind of assuming the latter.

I'll focus on MWC or at least try.
You should fly to San Diego and play tennis with me Schrute.

I will commit to this; is this an August thing or a season long thing? I'm kind of assuming the latter.

I'll focus on MWC or at least try.

Im sure you would sweep me 6-0, 6-1 but I will gladly take you up on it if in San Diego
When the gas doesn't work, you talk to them about Guedel classification and when that doesn't work you take them to Dave and Busters?

Hahaha thats right

My 2 year old and D&B is like me in a casino. All he cares about are tickets, tickets and more tickets
its a great idea and I wish I had the time on Sunday evening to do this...2 little girls at home and work at 5am Monday morning, I usually spend the couple hours I have on Sunday evening on capping the games...I will try to stop in and I would surely read over what others have to say...gl sir
Sounds great. I will do my best to join in when I can, but doubt I can commit for the whole season. I'll be at the beach the first weekend, and got a baby due in October, but will likely be available most Sundays after 9 central
is this any different than the general week threads that we have? not trying to be a dick just asking if there's a specific agenda with this compared to what we normally have?
is this any different than the general week threads that we have? not trying to be a dick just asking if there's a specific agenda with this compared to what we normally have?

It is different in a key way in my estimation which is to gather forces for a discussion with us all online at the same time. This allows for a better back and forth in real-time than a weekly discussion allows for. I am also looking for a certain level of commitment. And perhaps most importantly ...no ... absolutely most importantly ... it allows us to discuss games very early in the week which is always favorable compared to discussions on a Thursday or Friday before gameday Saturday. I think people tend to be footballed out on sunday nights after a weekend of cfb and nfl but if you want to win, the easiest way is to bet earlier. That is to say if you are a winner, you will be a bigger winner if you bet early. Or put another way ... if you are a winner, you will win less betting late. So the earlier the better and this gets people in one place at one time to do that.

Otherwise, the premise is very similar ... ... and the roundtable can act as the weekly discussion thread from Monday through Friday as well .. so nothing lost in that regard for those wanting to add their thoughts and information into the discussion after Sunday.

But yes .. the agenda in getting as many educated opinions as early as possible is to make more money.
I'll pop in when I can. Utes, PAC 12 and the MWC teams here in CO and Wyo would probably be my best contributions. Maybe some fightin' Petrino's as well.
Silky will probably be around

Tru will probably pop in to give us weather and television coverage updates
It is different in a key way in my estimation which is to gather forces for a discussion with us all online at the same time. This allows for a better back and forth in real-time than a weekly discussion allows for. I am also looking for a certain level of commitment. And perhaps most importantly ...no ... absolutely most importantly ... it allows us to discuss games very early in the week which is always favorable compared to discussions on a Thursday or Friday before gameday Saturday. I think people tend to be footballed out on sunday nights after a weekend of cfb and nfl but if you want to win, the easiest way is to bet earlier. That is to say if you are a winner, you will be a bigger winner if you bet early. Or put another way ... if you are a winner, you will win less betting late. So the earlier the better and this gets people in one place at one time to do that.

Otherwise, the premise is very similar ... ... and the roundtable can act as the weekly discussion thread from Monday through Friday as well .. so nothing lost in that regard for those wanting to add their thoughts and information into the discussion after Sunday.

But yes .. the agenda in getting as many educated opinions as early as possible is to make more money.
makes sense, guess it's a huge round table/pow wow in real time...time to periscope this
Yeah the west coast/east coast dichotomy will make things interesting. I am available from pretty much 8:30 until 12:30 EST but I realize that's still pretty early for the left coasters
Will this be much different than what's his name putting out the thread, "guess the line of this weeks games"? Where everyone chimes in and gives their input and reasons.
Will this be much different than what's his name putting out the thread, "guess the line of this weeks games"? Where everyone chimes in and gives their input and reasons.

I don't know what it will be until it becomes whatever it is .. the point here is for person A to chimes (word of the thread apparently) in with their thoughts and immediately persons B, C, D can give input to person A. So person A gets more reward for their participation ... if person A makes a reasoned post about why they are going to play something, if they are smart and prepared they are betting it before they lose the good number which they should over the course of the week. Meanwhile, if person C then chimes in on Friday night .... it's sort of too late to help person A. It should be more "real-time".

But at the end of the day it is a discussion thread ... nothing more and nothing less so yes .. in that sense it is really just talking games with each other ... sharing injury news, angles, matchups, trends, cheerleaders, weather, situations, etc. etc.
It will be a disjointed mess. But participation in that thread will lead to more other thread participation I think. So .... it should be good for some tidbits here and there that help different people on different weeks.

other roundtable (chats) have been great for me personally over the years. Been lucky to have had them with some of the best to ever grace gambling boards from pags to dmoney to bb to gar to ck ... watched Dwight pass me by and become a great capper/winner. Just learn so much from these other guys .... learned a lot from tru who gave me some new perspectives .. and I like to think they got something from me being there. We all bring a unique perspective and that gives us a chance to learn from each other.

And like everything else in life ... where you work hard and efficiently you will be most successful.
Why do I keep picturing you guys in a smoke filled room with jazz music playing in the background?
Count me in. I make sure my work availability is set to "unavailable" on Sunday's during football season so I can watch my Cowboys. So I'll be home watching Sunday night football every Sunday.

I really can't wait till football season starts. Looking forward to watching Texas Tech attempt to upset UTEP.….......................