CTG 2016 Fantasy Bases League 2

I've crunched the numbers, and ranking players for OBP vs. BA, and TB vs. HR, takes only minor adjustments. Your BA champ still rocks in OBP, your HR king still shines in TB. Come aboard CTG-1 if interested, renew. Or orange. Or DJ Tanner. Or stranger.
Besides, chicks dig the long ball (argument for bombs as a category), and who wants to cheer for walks all season (argument against OBP). Swing the bat. Fantasy baseball is nerdy enough, it doesn't need help from new age analytics.
monk, I know this other league, with almost the same rules, where all of your wildest dreams can come true.
what just happened to my lineup? I was literally sitting at my computer and the lineup change from my active pitchers to them being on the bench.