Conference Finals bets and thoughts

What's a MDF play?

I tried to search the forum for the MDF thread by Flounder101 last year -Can't find it -don't know if it had been removed ?

you can IM the CTG mods -or hopefully Flounder101 see this post and post it again

the basic idea : double up your wins -start out at $50 by 12th win you get $102,400 ( all with bookie money!)

I start my 1st with $100 -then lost
I start my 2nd with $200 -I'll be on my 7th for the next wager !

JoJo, first of all, if that is how you play it, I'm not sure that I'm the right capper for you to follow. I'm not playing the safest picks, two - three picks a week. I play a lot of plays, simply trying to hit more than I miss. Not trying to knockout the bookie, just to win by the points.
Secondly, if this is your system, let me suggest improvement. I'm not using such system at all, but if I were to do so, that is the system (not mine, seen it on another forum and liked it):

2 bank rolls equal - let's say 100$ each.
Made a 100$ wager and won. 1 bank roll = 200$, 2 bank roll = 100$. Now you play the second bank roll. Won again? 1 bank roll = 200$, 2 bank roll = 200$. Now you play the first one again with 200$. Won? 1 bank roll = 400$, 2 bank roll = 200$. Now agaon the second bank roll. Won? 1 bank roll = 400$, 2 bank roll = 400$. Now you play the first one again for 400$. Lost? Now you take the second bank roll of 400$ and split it even to create 2 bank rolls of 200$ each.
JoJo, first of all, if that is how you play it, I'm not sure that I'm the right capper for you to follow. .

I read BAR ,Satyr ,Betcrime...and other cappers write up in this forum too . but it seem like my (wins) lucks alway end up with your picks !

Oh ,I also tailling Blit in WNBA big plays too -he's 1-1 for big plays


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Detroit ML - 3 units stake

I can't say that <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Boston</st1:place></st1:City> win tonight will surprise me, but still see value in Pistons to win bet. First of all, I believe that they are simply more ready than <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Boston</st1:place></st1:City> to reach to the Finals and I believe that they are a better team if you compare player to player. That is my opinion at least. But, for them to reach the Finals, they need to win in <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Boston</st1:City></st1:place> tonight or in Game 7.
There is a chance for <st1:City w:st="on">Boston</st1:City> to win after a tight game, not a small chance even, but I have a strong feeling that if it will be a close game, <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Detroit</st1:place></st1:City> will find the way to win it in the end. Most chances are that <st1:City w:st="on">Boston</st1:City> will either blow <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Detroit</st1:place></st1:City> of the floor or lose flat out. I will go with the second option. I'm still waiting for Sheed and Billups to show up to the series. If they will score around 30 – 35 points, it will be very hard for Boston to win this one and believe me, they both are feeling like they are letting the team down and they both love to take responsibility and usually excel under pressure.
<st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Boston</st1:place></st1:City> on the other hand are in trouble I believe. So deep in the series and Doc still searching for the right adjustments and the right line up. Perking or Big Baby? <st1:place w:st="on">Cassel</st1:place> or Rondo? Do you try to force Allen to improve or try to hide his offensive slide behind other players? Doc sees the same games that we see and he sees that Celtics are simply not convincing. I feel that <st1:City w:st="on">Detroit</st1:City> can turn the flame any time and make a run for the series, but how many people feel the same way about <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Boston</st1:City></st1:place>?
I will take <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Detroit</st1:place></st1:City> to win with great odds with low stakes tonight and hope they do the job. Still, it is more a fun bet + value than a really strong bet to invest in I believe and that is the reason for low units (the high odds are the second reason).​

I lean toward Under as well, but if I'm right, we should see decent game from Sheed, Billups and Allen as well, so I'm afraid it can be a very close call, so I will skip this one. Boston Under 90 points maybe got value, still thinking about this one...

Best of luck everybody!!!
This's your 1st lowest units bet ever in this NBA playoff -so I took DET +6 with DET ML ...

and the "w"...are keep on coming !


Divol, :thumbsup:
Good job guys! Pistons came from behind, but couldn't finish the job. Flip is so stupid. Twice in the final minutes Celtics inbounded the ball. Don't let Ray Allen get the ball!!! I mean they used the same thing twice, KG blocks Rip/ Hunter and Allen gets the ball. The same f*****g thing. Boston didn't do nothing even to hide the fact that they will be going to him. I don't care that much about the loss of a bet, very low units, but I hate stupid losses for the team I put my money on...
Tonight is a no play for me. Spurs can win this one or hold the high line, but no way am I betting the Spurs, so no bet for me...
Tonight is a no play for me. Spurs can win this one or hold the high line, but no way am I betting the Spurs, so no bet for me...

I'm/w Spurs Gm1 & Gm2 = Loss -

Gm3 =Win -

then change of heart in Gm4 ( follow your pick) =64 units win !

If you "think" Spurs can win this game SU or + the pts ! then I'm gonna pounding the Spurs - I resided in South LA / but I hate the Lak ! ( Even though I have LAK tickets thru out Finals ...if they sweep SAN ! )

Dame -Do I hate that ! .....

But the Fact is ....LAK = $$$ Money !

Money can't buy "Love" - but atleast it's the Down payment ....

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Tonight is a no play for me. Spurs can win this one or hold the high line, but no way am I betting the Spurs, so no bet for me...

I'm/w Spurs Gm1 & Gm2 = Loss -

Gm3 =Win -

then change of heart in Gm4 ( follow your pick) =64 units win !

If you "think" Spurs can win this game SU or + the pts ! then I'm gonna pounding the Spurs - I resided in South LA / but I hate the Lak ! ( Even though I have LAK tickets thru out Finals ...if they sweep SAN ! )

Dame -Do I hate that ! .....

But the Fact is ....LAK = $$$ Money !

Money can't buy "Love" - but atleast it's the Down payment ....

<!-- / message -->

Spurs got a chance to win and even more than that, to hold the line. If I had to make a choice, I would say 65 - 35 in favor of Lakers SU (and the line on the Spurs is much higher than that) and 60 - 40 in favor of Spurs with the line. I don't care about the line, just want Lakers to advance. Maybe will make a small play on the Under, but probably will just sit and watch and hold my fingers crossed (still, it can be very nice to win this series in Texas :) ).
Not related to NBA, but still, a local history:
Maccabi has won all the titles since the season 93/94 but tonight it ended! Holon are the new Israeli champions with 73 - 72 last second win with a great play by the coach and the players! This is the reason why I love basketball that much!!! Incredible!!!!!!!!!!
Under 194 - 4 units stake

I have to admit that this Total worries me a bit. So far in this series the scores were 174, 172, 187 and 184. The Totals set were between 195.5 and 192 and that means that all Unders and more than that, despite all the Unders, the bookies sure they made the Total right and wouldn’t move it, not by much at least.
Still, this is an elimination game for the Spurs and Spurs will try to hang on in the series in the best way they know how, the defense. To try to outscore Lakers in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Staples</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceType w:st="on">Center</st1:PlaceType></st1:place> is not the best idea, not to say dumb one, but to try and slow them down and win through defense can be the best chance Spurs have. I expect it to be a strong, very physical and emotional game with low score, something like Game 1 of the series.​

Best of luck everybody!!!
The Under hit well, but almost missed due to less minute baskets. Spurs with the line should have won, but Lakers in the NBA Finals while bringing the profit on the way. Can it get any better than this?!

Today Detroit with the line and Under in Detroit, with Under as the main bet...
Thanks Satyr, sorry for your guys, but Lakers were simply better in this series. Came back twice at home from DD deficit, that is the hear of a new champion (I hope)...
Thanks Satyr, sorry for your guys, but Lakers were simply better in this series. Came back twice at home from DD deficit, that is the hear of a new champion (I hope)...

yep, definitely the better team right now. Fresher, more energetic, hungrier, deeper, it was all there.

The Spurs gave them a solid fight, 2 big scares, game 1 and game 5, Lakers won both, what else can be said. GL in the finals and may the rivalry continue next year. :shake:
Under 175.5 in Detroit - 8 units stake

In both games that were held in Detroit, the score was 169 and 174, lower than the Total set for today. Pistons will play an elimination game and they will try to stay alive by playing the only way they know how, strong and defensively. The offense of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:City w:st=
<ST1:place w:st=" /><st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:place w:st="on">Detroit</ST1:place></st1:City> is a bit shaky but on defense? Everyone knows to play D. Rip (if he plays), Billups, Ratliff, Sheed, Prince, Hunter, Maxiell, Stuckey, McDyess, Hayes, Johnson. Do you see any player that doesn't the description, "a good defender". <ST1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Detroit</st1:City></ST1:place> are at their best with their back against the wall and when I say they are at their best, it starts with defense. Even in <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:place w:st="on">Boston</ST1:place></st1:City>, Game 5, that they lost, they got back in the game via defense. The Over in Game 5 will cause the teams to lock their defense and cause an Under I believe. Without a question, best bet of the day.​

I want to play Pistons -5, but worried about Rip. I suggest that those who want to bet on this bet, wait till the game and see how Hamilton plays before making the bet. Detroit -5 with 6 units is the bet I'm planning, but waiting till the live bet to wager...​

Best of luck everybody!!!
Pistons -2 - 6 units stake
Rip is okay and they trailing only 3 points behind at HT. Billups looks great so far and determined, KG had an awful first half and foul trouble and if Pistons trailing only by 3, after recieving 3 points combined from Sheed, Prince and McDyess, they are in good position...
Pistons have blown a lead by 10 points and lost, but at least the main bet hit and brought small profit...
Under 175.5 in Detroit - 8 units stake

In both games that were held in Detroit, the score was 169 and 174, lower than the Total set for today. Pistons will play an elimination game and they will try to stay alive by playing the only way they know how, strong and defensively. The offense of lace w:st=" /><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:City w:st=
><st1:City w:st=
<ST1:place w:st="on">Detroit</ST1:place></st1:City> is a bit shaky but on defense? Everyone knows to play D. Rip (if he plays), Billups, Ratliff, Sheed, Prince, Hunter, Maxiell, Stuckey, McDyess, Hayes, Johnson. Do you see any player that doesn't the description, "a good defender". <ST1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Detroit</st1:City></ST1:place> are at their best with their back against the wall and when I say they are at their best, it starts with defense. Even in <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:place w:st="on">Boston</ST1:place></st1:City>, Game 5, that they lost, they got back in the game via defense. The Over in Game 5 will cause the teams to lock their defense and cause an Under I believe. Without a question, best bet of the day.​

I want to play Pistons -5, but worried about Rip. I suggest that those who want to bet on this bet, wait till the game and see how Hamilton plays before making the bet. Detroit -5 with 6 units is the bet I'm planning, but waiting till the live bet to wager...​

Best of luck everybody!!!

:36_11_6::36_11_6::36_11_6::36_11_6: x10

Congrats Jo Jo and Eddie!
This thread is ending on a high note and despite the fact that I didn't kept score of each round, I feel that this one was one of the more profitable ones.
Only one more round left to go and a thread on it will open closer to Game 1 of the NBA Finals.

Go Lakers!!! :)