Colt Mccoy is the man

They adjusted well at half no doubt. Nice composure by the young one on road and a solid comeback win.
Texas has a great rush defense though lol. Hopefully they play WVU in the Feista. A strong passing attack will eat them up.
SHSUHorn said:
Texas has a great rush defense though lol. Hopefully they play WVU in the Feista. A strong passing attack will eat them up.

I would hammer Texas in that spot...

I guess with SC slippin up..there is noy much chance of Pac 10 in nattie title save Cal runnin table(quite possible) to pit Texas agaisnt UM-OSU loser
lets not start tonite though hahahha nice win unfortunetly they couldn't cover my joke of a line -5 assholes hahaa
SHSUHorn said:
Off to my Hallowwen party. Just wanted to throw that out there. Best frosh QB in the country.

no doubt.....

took texas second half.....i love colt.....but the other colt is better than him......
Was at the game..McCoy showed me some things I didnt think he was capable of doing in his freshman year. On the same note, a couple of those calls against Tech were questionable....to say the least. Dont be surprised if the Big 12 fines AD Gerald Meyers later this week for commenting on the officiating. BUT, Texas is the superior team without a doubt. The better team won, but not in the right fashion - wish they would've let the players play. violin
Texas will go to the Fiesta if they win the Big 12. Fiesta gets the last pick in the BCS selection process this year. The team that noone will want to pick will be Boise if tghey finish in the top 12.

What a shitty game that'll be.

Wifey and I were just kicking around that scenario and whether we go to Tempe.

If we get Boise, I think I'm not going to alter my plans and go to Tempe after my annual Vegas trip. I hope we get enough Texas fans to go and that we're motivated. Otherwise, Boise may get a good shot at upsetting Texas in a letdown bowl for the Horns.
Dude, he played well against TT, who only fields a D year in and year out because they have to. Lets not start suckin this kid's D after barely winning a game they should have run away with. I thought he was really pedestrian against OU and Nebraska (despite his stats in that game) and downright awful against tOSU (although it's not fair to judge him on that game). He's played pretty well, but I gotta be honest, nothing about him (arm, pocket presence, mobility, etc) really makes me think he's gonna be a great QB.

Oh, and I'd take Jameel Sewell over him any day :diabolo:
jgalt, He's got 25 TDs and 4 picks, he ranks 7th in the country in passing effieciency. He has better numbers then Brady Quinn. He is about to break VY single season TD record and Colt is only a frosh.

He is on pace to shatter a couple of NCAA freshman passing records. Gimmie a break the kid has been great this year for a freshman.

Yes the tOSU game he didn't play to well but how many freshman do in their first game? Especially against a defense that is only giving up 7 points a game. He has looked better and better as the season goes on.

Don't let your hatred for the Horns blind you my man.
Fyi Horn

Lawsuit filed: The University of Oklahoma is being sued by the Dallas Morning News under claims that the school's release of documentation regarding football players' employment at a Norman car dealer had too much information blacked out.
In a story published Sunday in the campus newspaper, the Oklahoma Daily, OU cites federal privacy laws that require when "information is provided under the Open Records Act, that 'identifiable student information' not be released."
Toni Nguyen, assistant general counsel for Belo Corp., parent company of the Morning News, was quoted by the Oklahoma Daily in an e-mail as saying, "We need access to relevant documents in OU's possession to uncover the truth about the events leading up to the removal of Rhett Bomar and J.D. Quinn from the OU football team. . . . The documents that OU has publicly produced have been so substantially redacted that they're useless to us."

jimmyd: Screw the NCAA investigation, Texas will find any dirt in the OU program.
jimmyd said:
Lawsuit filed: The University of Oklahoma is being sued by the Dallas Morning News under claims that the school's release of documentation regarding football players' employment at a Norman car dealer had too much information blacked out.
In a story published Sunday in the campus newspaper, the Oklahoma Daily, OU cites federal privacy laws that require when "information is provided under the Open Records Act, that 'identifiable student information' not be released."
Toni Nguyen, assistant general counsel for Belo Corp., parent company of the Morning News, was quoted by the Oklahoma Daily in an e-mail as saying, "We need access to relevant documents in OU's possession to uncover the truth about the events leading up to the removal of Rhett Bomar and J.D. Quinn from the OU football team. . . . The documents that OU has publicly produced have been so substantially redacted that they're useless to us."

jimmyd: Screw the NCAA investigation, Texas will find any dirt in the OU program.

Awesome. I love OU. Let's redact everything. It's private and confidential.

Good luck, fucksticks.
No hatred for the Horns, dude, I have no affiliation to the conference or any of its rivals, so I'm kinda neutral. I pretty much just like to try to keep the record as straight as possible, and you Horns fans seem to be one of the main groups that gets delusions of grandeur about your team and blur the line a little.

Like I said, the kid is pretty good. Keep in mind the talent that is surrounding him for a second, though. You're gonna laugh and disagree, but bro, trust me when I say that I don't think it would be all that much trouble for Kerry Meier to score 19 TDs with Young, Charles, Sweed, Cosby, Finley, and that huge fucking OL against UNT, Rice, Iowa State, Baylor, and TT, all of whom have HORRIBLE pass defenses. So you're gonna have to excuse me if I don't get a boner looking at his stats when this is who he's playing.

Performances against the 3 legit defenses? 50.5% completion, 160 ypg, 5 TDs and 1 INT. Decent, but good enough to start a thread about how awesome he is???

I had pretty much the same argument with Jester before last season about Leak. You have to look at how the guy performs against good teams, and not how he does against Rice and Baylor. We've seen how Leak has turned out, finally picking it up in his senior year but still not even trustworthy enough to get the ball on 3rd and 4th and short because he doesn't perform under pressure/against good teams. You of all people should know this watching VY the last few years, who made his fucking career showing up in the big games. All I'm saying is lets see how lul Coltie plays in the bowl this year on a big stage against a good team before we start getting excited about him. K?

If he shows up and plays like a big boy, I'll be the first one to come in here and eat crow.
lol I'd love to see you and jester get in an argument that could go for days.

But on to ours for now...

First off your numbers are way off in talking about his games vs his top 3 opponents Nebraska, OU, and Ohio St.

He completed 62% of his passes not 50% (big difference) for 161 ypg, 5 TDs & 1 INT.

What is wrong with that for a freshman? You say he needs to prove it in a big game? Outside of the MNC it doesn’t get any bigger for Texas then OU. The game vs Nebraska was in Lincoln in the snow and his first ever true road game, and the game vs tOSU was his first ever game vs a BCS school which happens to be #1 in the country. Are we suppose to not count those as big games? I didn’t know every other team in the country was scheduling Texas, Miami, tOSU, and Florida every week. Every school in the country has cupcakes. BTW: Texas will finish with the 6th hardest SOS according to the BCS on the current pace so we might want to save this argument to the season is done.

For the season he’s completing 67% of his passes for 190 ypg (or 1700 total) with 24 TDs and 4 picks, and 174 rushing yards and another TD. He’s is 7th in passing effeciency in the entire country. Once again he is a freshman.

How did those other 5 star frosh QBs do as freshmen? Stafford, Mustain, Tebow, Wright, Bomar, Weatherford, Russell, Freeman, Tuitama, Olson, and VY? Didn’t majority of these guys have the same kind of talent as Texas? Out of all the skill guys you mentioned for Texas only Sweed and Charles are NFL material right now. Shipley, Cosby and Finley are all sophmores or freshmen. None of those 3 have more then 15 catches.

So what your telling me we shouldn’t count those numbers for him?

Okay so can we throw out all the numbers for Troy Smith vs Indiana, Minnesota, Northwestern, Cincinnati, Illinois, Purdue, and Mich St. as well?

Can we also throw out the numbers for Brady Quinn vs Army, Navy, Stanford, Mich St., UNC, Purdue as well? How did Quinn look vs Michigan?

I’m not comparing him to the two but every QB has teams they can inflate their numbers on. To not give this kid props as a freshman is ridculous when he’s about to shatter some NCAA freshman passing records on a run first team.

And yes us Texas fans love to pump our players and teams but we were right last year while everyone else was DEAD wrong hell not even close.

VY to WR? Cmon.

Weren’t you on that bandwagon if I recall before last year?
Also look at his numbers on a weekly basis and see how much better he is getting as the season where's on. Texas is playing close games because of its pass defefnse not on how Colt is playing.
horn's argument sucks.....tOSU doesn't play Purdue this year...lmfao..

just j/k..

Good stuff Horn...I've been impressed w/ McCoy myself..
For the Haters and the Colt McCoy 2006 Drinking Game

For the last 5 weeks, I've told my fellow Horn fans that we should start a drinking game that everyone drinks whenever the announcer says "[young comment] Colt McCoy". Problem is everyone would be blotto by end of the 1Q.

Did you know that Colt McCoy has multiple first names? Over the year, I've learned that he goes by "Young Colt McCoy", "Freshman Colt McCoy", "Redshirt Freshman Colt McCoy", "Inexperienced Colt McCoy", and I'm sure a few others that I've forgot.

Colt has been hurt by these comments. Pay attention to this article from BurntOrangeNation.com:

Colt McCoy hurt...
By Lincoln Section: Diaries
Posted on Mon Oct 30, 2006 at 03:19:02 AM EST

...by "Freshman" references.

In each of the categories below, compare Quarterback A's passing stats with those of Quarterback B's and try to determine if you know which one is Colt McCoy.

Pass Completions
QB A: 147
QB B: 145

Pass Attempts
QB A: 217
QB B: 214

Pass Yards
QB A: 1705
QB B: 1898

Completion %
QB A: 67.7%
QB B: 67.8%

Longest Completion
QB A: 62
QB B: 58

Passing Touchdowns
QB A: 24
QB B: 22

Interceptions Thrown
QB A: 4
QB B: 2

Most TDs thrown in single game
QB A: 6
QB B: 4

Times Sacked
QB A: 10
QB B: 8

In the above stats Colt McCoy is "Quarterback A" and, by the way, "Quarterback B" is the hands down Heisman favorite Troy Smith. Was it fair to just compare their passing stats? Of course not. The senior Buckeye has that extra dimension that separates himself from other top quarterbacks, including the freshman Lonhghorn. So, for full disclosure, below are rushing stats.

Rush Attempts
QB A: 55
QB B: 42

Rush Yards
QB A: 174
QB B: 169

Most rush yards in single game
QB A: 68
QB B: 54

Longest Rush
QB A: 33
QB B: 34

Rush Touchdowns
QB A: 1
QB B: 1

Once again, McCoy was "Quarterback A" and Smith was "Quarterback B."

I hope this helps explain why Smith will win the Heisman and McCoy will be fortunate to gain any conference honors that aren't preceded by the term "Freshman."

Either that or Colt McCoy needs to insist on being refered to as Heisman Candidate Colt McCoy rather than Redshirt Freshman Colt McCoy.


Also, now that AD is gone for the year, is there any question that Colt McCoy should be named the Big XII Player of the Year?
Good stuff rj. Troy Smith will win the Heisman by the biggest margin in the history of the trophy given out. There is really noone close.

So that begs the question of which five should be invited to NY?
Texas coach Mack Brown can heap praise on upcoming opponents with the best of them. Brown poured on the sweet talk during Monday's teleconference when he discussed upcoming foe Oklahoma State and Cowboys' redshirt sophomore quarterback Bobby Reid.
Asked how Reid compares to former Longhorns' All-American Vince Young, who led Texas to the national championship last year and was selected third in the NFL draft, Brown said: "Bobby's ahead of where Vince was at the same time because Bobby's fourth in the country in passing efficiency. (During) Vince's early second year, people were not sure where he would be.
"There is no doubt that Bobby, in my estimation, will end up playing in the NFL and will be a great one."
He's got all the stuff that you start with: He's tall, he's fast, he's strong, he's got the strong arm and he's just gained so much confidence," Brown said of 6-foot-3, 230-pound Reid. "Mike (Gundy) and his staff have done such a super job with him."
It's a shame that Colt McCoy and others will never be able to live up to the hype or prove themselves in the coming years. Everyone will soon be unable to remember any other name but THE name, Tim Tebow. I hear the qb position will be retired in honor of the greatest player ever. Also, you can rearrange the letters in his name to spell Jesus Christ. Well, you can't but Tim can.
First off, you're right about the completion percentage, hit a wrong button on the calculator. Still, numbers way off??? Not really.

Even with that, dude, did he really show up in the OU game?? He had 108 yards passing! He also played like dogshit in the 1h, he didn't wake up till that TD pass to Sweed at the beginning of the 3Q, after which Okie fell asleep and he had no real pressure on him to make plays. Charles, Young, and the D carried the Horns through that game.

You're not proving any point to me. He played OK in that Nebraska game. O. K. A bomb to Sweed (who was just murdering the poor guy trying to guard him) and a couple nice balls to Finley. What else besides that? He wasn't great on third down, and he really didn't do shit in the 2h when they needed a play. Nebraska had to gift wrap the fucking game with a fumble at the end to give UT a win. Is this why I'm supposed to think this kid deserves a thread about him?

And about Smith and Brady, sure, throw out those games. How Smith does against Cincinnati and Bowling Green means zero to me. How he did against Texas (awesome), Iowa (awesome), Michigan St (awesome), and when they play Michigan (we'll see) are what matters to me. So far, in the big games, the guy looks pretty fucking good, and yes that is all that really matters because OSU could beat any of those other teams on their schedule with the backup playing no problem.

Quinn you won't get an argument from me about, as I've never been a big supporter of his. Still, though, almost every week he's playing a team worth a damn, and I'm looking at only 1 poor performance and 3 fucking great ones (PSU, MSU 2h, and Purdue). I'm not saying the guy is nearly as good as everyone thinks he is, but give him a little credit with the hype leading into this season. His team has one loss (to who I think is the best team in the country) on a pretty tough schedule.

And about VY, I'm still on that bandwagon. I don't care what anybody says, I don't like the guy as a QB in the NFL. He was great in college because he was a better athlete than pretty much everyone he went up against (much like Vick and Charlie Ward before him). Have you watched him this year? Looks a little lost on the throwing downs, doesn't he? At 4.55, probably half of the guys staring at him on the other side of the field are just as fast if not faster, so the bailout scramble isn't always going to be there like college. At WR, I think he has a chance to stick and be a real good player in the NFL with his shiftiness and length. At QB, he's either going to get hurt scrambling at some point (the boys in the big league hit hard, not like Baylor and TT) or he's gonna get benched, as throwing for 125 ypg is just not going to cut it when teams get used to the way he plays. Big difference between college and the pros at this position, lets see where he is after a couple years.

And in closing, I have no issue with you rooting for your team and telling everyone about the talent, which I agree is considerable. I do think it is a little messed up, though, that you call out the guy who started the Louisville thread talking up his team (much like you, in response to people dumping on them) and say you're going to fade them because he came out and posted what he thought of the players. Is it OK to start threads about how good your squad is and not expect people to challenge you on it? Which one?
And, as always, good luck to you this weekend. Despite the usually contentious nature of our discussions, you are one of my favorite guys on any of these boards to talk college foots and bball with.

Colt is now #2 in the nation in passing eff. after today. Also time to give this kid his invite to NY.

Troy Smith - QB Ohio State, Sr.

158 for 237, 66.7% completion %, 2006 yards, 22 TDs, 3 INTs
53 rushes for 206 yards and 1 TD

Brady Quinn - QB Notre Dame, Sr.

216 for 338, 64% completion %, 2579 yards, 25 TDs, 4 INTs
59 "rushes" for negative 37 yards and 2 TDs

Colt McCoy - QB Texas, Fr.

170 for 246, 69% completion %, 2051 yards, 27 TDs, 4 INTs
62 rushes for 180 yards and 1 TD

All 3 have played comparable schedules. Only difference is 2 are SRs 1 is a frosh.

Colt is da man.
Snead is probably gone. UH probably the destination for him. Sherrod Harris is redshirting right now and would probably move to #2 next year. Harris was a highly rated QB out of Texas last year and turned some heads this spring.

Texas has two more 5 star QBs coming in. John Chiles is rated as the #1 athlete in the country but wants to try QB at Texas. He has the wheels though to play WR and that's were I think he ends up.

John Brantley the Elite 11 MVP and arguably the #2 QB in the nation behind Claussen said he wants to RS. So he would take over QB as a JR if he doesn't pass Colt or take over from injury. You Michigan fans can thank Brantley on why you guys got Mallett.

Texas is set at QB for awhile which I would've never said before the season started.
Sounds like they are set for a LONG time. Thanks Horn.

I know you follow HS football a lot...have you seen Mallett play? Seems like a big kid and pretty agile.
Agile no not all but a huge kid with one of the biggest cannons we have seen down here at the HS level in years. He will be a great one. Very glad that once Texas grabbed Brantley that he left the state and didn't go to OU or Aggie.
Sounds like they are set for a LONG time. Thanks Horn.

I know you follow HS football a lot...have you seen Mallett play? Seems like a big kid and pretty agile.
Mallett is anti-agile.
If things keep up like this, Texas should be in the National Title game. I said should but they probably won't be.